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Will of Thomas Pile of Baverstock, 1712

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Date: 1712 [unknown]
Location: Baverstock. Wiltshire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Pile
Profile manager: Helen Ford private message [send private message]
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Will of Thomas Pile of Baverstock, 1712
National Archives Prob 11/529/176 Probate 21 October 1712
In the name of God Amen.I Thomas Pile of Baverstock in the County of Wilts Esq being (thanks be to God) in good health and sound and perfect mind and memory doe make this my last Will and Testament for the disposall of all my reall and personall estate hereby revoking and annulling all former and other wills by me heretofore made and every Bequest, Gift and Legacy in them or either of them contained And in the first place I commit my Soul to Almighty God my creator trusting only in the meritts and mediation of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for Salvation and the free pardon of all my sins. And as for my Body I desire that it may be decentlly and privately buried but with a moderate expence and that being put into a [thisk?]strong oaken coffin covered with lead it may be deposited where my executors hereafter named design to be buried themselves.
And I do hereby give and bequeath unto my son in law Thomas Freke of Hannington in the said County of Wilts esqr All that my messuage and tenement and garden in Corfe in the County of Dorsett and all my lands, tenements and hereditaments in Corfe aforesaid with their and all and every of their –signs, members and appurtenances To have and to hold the same unto the said Thomas Freke his heirs and assigns to his and their own proper use and behooge for ever.
And I do hereby give and bequeath my capitall messuage, farm and lands called Wyke farm with all and every their appurtenances situate lying and being in the parish of Gillingham in the said County of Dorsett and all other my freehold and copyhold, lands, tenements and hereditaments in Gillingham aforesaid unto my said son in law Thomas Freke and my daughter Elizabeth Freke his wife and their heirs To have and to hold my said freehold lands unto the said Thomas Freke and the said Elizabeth his wife and the survivor of them and to the heires of the body of my said daughter Elizabeth to his and her and their own proper use and behoofe with full power and authority to them or either of them to fell, cutt down, sell and carry away all such timber and other trees and woods growing upon the premises as to him, her or them shall seem fitt. And from and after the respective deceases of the said Thomas Freke and the said Elizabeth without heirs of her Body and for want and default of such heirs I then give and bequeath my said freehold estate to my grand daughter Lucy Pitt for and during her natural life to her own proper use and behoofe And from and after the decease of the said Lucy Pitt to the use and behoofe of every son of the body of her the said Lucy Pitt severally and successively according to their seniority of age and priority of birth and the severall heirs of their several and respective bodies, the elder and the heirs of his body to be preferred and take before the younger and the heirs of his body. And for want of such heirs of my said granddaughter to the use and behoofe of every daughter of her my said granddaughter Lucy Pitt severally and successively according to their seniority of age and priority of birth and the severall heirs of their severall and respective bodies the elder and the heirs of her body to be preferred and take before the younger and the heirs of her body And for want of such heirs of my said granddaughters I then give and bequeath my said freehold estate to my grandson George Pitt for and during his naturall life to his own proper use and behoofe And from and after his decease to the use and behoofe of every son of the said George Pitt severally and successively according to their seniority of age and priority at birth and the severall heirs of their severall and respective bodies, the elder and the heirs of his body always to be preferred and take before the younger and the heirs of his body And for want of such heirs to the use and behoofe of every daughter of the said George Pitt severally and successively according to their seniorityof Age and priority of birth and the severall heirs of their severall and respective bodies, the elder of such daughter and the heirs of her body always to be preferred and take before the younger and the heirs of her body And for want of such issue I give and bequeath the same to the use and behoofe of such person and persons in such proportion and proportions and for such estate and estates and to such use and uses as my said daughter Elizabeth now wife of the said Thomas Freke shall by any deed or deeds , writing or writings or by her last will and testament in writing or any writing purporting to be her last will and testament made executed or published by her whether she be at the time and making and publishing the same under coverture or not and notwithstanding her coverture shall direct, limit, appoint of give the same or any part of the same. And for want of such direction, limitation, appointment or gift by my said daughter to the use and behoofe of my own right heire for ever And to have and to hold all my copyhold lands to the said Thomas Freke and my said daughter And for want of such heirs to such person or persons as shall hereafter by virtue of this my last will and testament become intitled unto and possessed of my said freehold estate for preservation of the same in unity of possession with my said freehold by such proper means and methods from time to time to be used as the custom of the Mannor of Gillingham aforesaid for that end and purpose shall require And I hereby give to the said Thomas Freke and my said daughter Elizabeth and to all such as by vertue of this my last will and testament shall succeed in the inheritance of my said farm and lands, both freehold and copyhold full power and authority to make exchanges for other lands of inheritance of equal value for the making of my said farm more compleat, convenient and intire within its self as to him her or them shall seem fitt.
And I give and bequeath to my sister Mary Corbett, widow the sum of five hundred pounds to be paid her within a year after my decease And I give and bequeath to my Niece Mary Corbett, daughter of my said sister my annuity, pension or yearly payment of forty two pounds a year charged on a certain duty of certain duties of excise and payable at the Exchequer and the Tally and Order Studland Island issues for the purchase and payment of the same. To have and to hold to my said niece her executors, administrators and assigns the said annuity pension or annuall payment and the Tally and order concerning the same from the time of my decease for and during all the then surviving and unexpired part of the estate time and term of years in the same annunity pension or yearly payment to me granted and in the said order mentioned to her and their own proper use and behoof. And I give and bequeath also to my niece Mary Corbett the sum of two hundred pounds to be paid within one year after my decease.
And I give and bequeath to my said granddaughter Lucy Pitt All such arrears of rent or rents asshall be due to me at the time of my decease from all or any of my tenants of my farm and Mannor of Baverstock aforesaid and also whatsoever goods of mine that shall then and there be found in or about my farmhouse or part of my said Mannor of Baverstock
I give and bequeath to the poor of the parish of Baverstock aforesaid the sum of ten pounds and to the poor of the parish of Gillingham above named the sum of twenty piunds and to the por of the parish of Iwern Courtney in the Couty of Dorset the sum of ten pounds And I give and bequeath among all and every of the servants living with and serving me at the time of my decease and that are belonging to [useuiall ??] or houshold servants of the family where I dye and had my last residence the sim of twenty pounds which four last sums of legacies shall be distributed according to the discretion of my executors,
All the rest residue and remainder of my personall estate, goods and chattles reall and personall of what kind or nature soever not herein before disposed of or given I give and bequeath to my said son in law Thomas Freke and my daughter Elizabeth his wife to their own proper use and behoofe And I doe constitute and appoint the said Thomas Freke and Elizabeth his wife executors of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this third day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eleven.
Thomas Pile, signed sealed and published by the testator Thomas Pile in the presence of James Young, Thomas Bushell and Robert Jones who have set their hands in attestation of the same in the presence of the said Thomas Pile the testator, James Young, Thomas Bushell, Robt: Jones

Probate granted 21 October, 1712 to Thomas Freke and his wife Elizabeth, the natural and legitimate daughter of the deceased.

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