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Location: [unknown]
This is a transcription of the Nuncupative Will and Inventory of Thomas Streete of Madresfield (here spelled Maddresfield), Worcestershire. His widow Joane, his executrix, exhibited the Inventory of his estate at the Consistory Court of Worcester.
Transcription conventions used in this text:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
The text was originally in one block of text. Paragraph breaks at change of bequest ("Item"), and bold text for names have been added for ease of reading.
Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
The image quality was acceptable, and the handwriting legible.
Persons named:
- Thomas Street late of the parish of Maddresfield Testator
- Joane Street of Maddresfield widow of Testator
- John Heming or Heming, Clothier of St Martins, Worcester. Stood bond for the administration of the estate.
- my Eldest Daughter Bridgett inherited a featherbed worth £5
- my children unnamed
- Dorothy Mason witness to nuncupative will
- Elizabeth Edwards witness to nuncupative will
- Rowland Tailer Alderman of the Citty of Worcester clothier
- Thomas Babage of the City of Worcester, Brewer
- William Mason of Hanley Castle in the County of Worcester
Pre-printed Latin pre-amble, names abstracted
Joannam (Joane) Street of Maddresfield in the County of Worcester widow and
Joheui (John) Hemming of St Martin in the City and County of Worcester, clothier
The second day of May in the year of the Reign of King Charles the 29th AD 1677.
In English (mostly pre-printed form, only relevant parts abstracted)
The condition of this Obligation is such that if the above bounden
Joane Streete the relict & principall
legatary named in the last will & Testament Nuncupative of Thomas
Street late of the parish of Maddresfield in the County and Diocese
of Worcester, deceased...
... to cause to be made a perfect inventory... of the goods of the said deceased
to be exhibited into the Registry of the Consistory Court of Worcester at or before
the fower & Twentieth day of June...
... and to make a true and just account of her Administration before the
nine & twentieth day of September
Signed by Jone Streete and John Heming
in the presence of William Taylor and Geo: Greavener
Memorandum that upon
or about the Twentieth Day of March in the
year of o[u]r Lord God one Thousand Six hundred
Seaventy Six (according to the English accompt)
Thomas Street while he lived of Maddresfield
in the County and Diocese of Worcester
Gentleman being then of sound mind
memory and perfect understanding did
utter and declare these words following or
words importing the Same Sence (Vizt)
He said I give to my Eldest Daughter
Bridgett the feather bed w[hi]ch she now
lyeth upon with all things that belonge to
it And all the rest of my estate I give to my
wife to breed up my Children All w[hi]ch
words or the like in effect he Spake with
a Seriouse intent and resolution the Same
should stand and be his last will and
In the presence and hearing of us
The marke of Dorothy Mason
The Marke of Elizabeth Edwards
[In Latin]
21 April 1677 Dorothy Mason Sworn
28 April Elizabeth Edward and Joane Streete, widow of the said deceased sworn
An inventory of the Goods Cattles and Chattells of Thomas Street late of
the p[ar]ish of Maddersfield in the County of Worcester gen[t] deceased taken & prised
by Rowland Tailer Alderman of the Citty of Worcester clothier Thomas Babage of
the said Citty of Worcester Clothier Brewer and William Mason of Hanley Castle County of Worcester
yeoman the Nyneteenth day of Aprill Anno D[omi]ni 1677 Vidt
Imprimis in the dyneing Roome over the Hall one lardge paire of
Andirons one paire of smale andirons one Fire shovell and Tongues
- 1 Li 6 s 8d
It[e]m one Cover for a Bed with old curtaines & valians one side cubbart
Cloath one of Carpett one looking Glass one dozen of old stooles 4 ould
chaires one table board one side Cubbard likewise in the dyneing Roome
over the Hall
- 2 Li 10 s 0 d
I[te]m in the Chamber over the Parlor & in the next Roome two High Bed
steeds two Truckle Bedsteeds two Chests one old Coffer one old Trunck one
Twiggen Chaire one old Table Board
- 1 Li 7 s 0 d
I[te]m in the aforesaid Chamber two Coverin cloathes and blanketts curtaines
and valiance with eighteene Cushions nyne pillowbeers
- 2 Li 10 s 0 d
I[te]m of lynen Nyne dozen & a half of Napkins of all sortes eight Towells
Three Cubbard cloathes Flaxen & Hempen Table Cloathes Seaven yards of old
Diaper eleaven paire of old sheets
- 6 Li 16 s 8d
I[te]m pewter in the kitchin of all sortes
- 6 Li 9 s 4 d
I[te]m brass of all sortes
- 4 Li 10 s 10 d
I[te]m iron of all sortes in the Kitchin
- 0 Li 15 s 0 d
I[te]m one old Jacke
- 0 Li 6 s 8d
I[te]m Feather bedd bolsters & pillowes of all sortes with Fowre old under bedd
being some flockes in them
- 5 Li 0 s 0 d
I[te]m in the Parlor one High Bed steed one Truckle bedsteed one little table
bord one Side cubbard & seaven old Chaires one couch of the same 4 little low stooles
2 old cushions
- 2 Li 7 s 0 d
I[te]m in the Hall one old Table board & frame one side table & frame one short
forme - foure old chaires
- 1 Li 0 s 0 d
I[te]m in the Kitchin one little short table board & frame three low chaires
one old Cubbard 2 old little wheeles
- 0 Li 10 s 0 d
I[te]m cattell of all sortes
- 20 Li 0 s 0 d
I[te]m the Tack of Teame
- 3 Li 10 s 0 d
I[te]m wheat
- 6 Li 00 s 0 d
I[te]m some Hey an old Perry mill and a little dung
- 2 Li 00 s 0 d
I[te]m bacon
- 1 Li 00 s 0 d
I[te]m one birding Gun one pestell & morter one old warming pan one steele
- 0 Li 08 s 6 d
I[te]m in the sellar old barrells & Tubbs & lumber
- 1 Li 10 s 0 d
I[te]m some utensells & some other smale thinges
- 0 Li 10 s 0 d
I[te]m his waring Apparrell & money in the House
- 5 Li 00 s 0 d
- 75 Li 7 s 8 d
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