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This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of Thomas Street gentleman of St Andrew, Worcester, Worcestershire, England. Thomas drew up his will on 16 November 1648, and it was proved by his widow at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 27 April 1649. [1]
Transcription conventions used in this text:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
The text was originally in one block of text. Paragraph breaks at change of bequest ("Item"), and bold text for names have been added for ease of reading.
Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
The image quality was acceptable, and the handwriting legible.
Persons mentioned:
- Thomas Streete of the Citty of Worcester Testator
- my loveinge wife Elizabeth Streete wife of the Testator, executrix of will
- my sonne Thomas Streete apprenticed to a merchant
- my daughter Elizabeth Streete under the age of 21 years
- my lovinge Cozen Mr Thomas Streete overseer of the will
- my good freinde Mr William Bromall overseer of the will
- my Cozen Bridgett Britten received Twenty shillings
- my Cozen Bridgett Streete received Twenty shillings
- my Cozen John Dolley received Three powndes
- my Godson and Cozen George Streete received Tenn shillings
- George Brooke witness to the will
- John Collins witness to the will
- Henry Trovill witness to the will and scrivenor
[folio 415 recto]
In the name of God Amen The sixteenth day
of November in the ffower and Twentieth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles
by the Grace of God kinge of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the
Fayth &c Anno D[omi]ni 1648 I Thomas Streete of the Citty of Worcester in the County
of the same Citty gent beinge weake in bodie but of sound and perfect memory thanks
be given to Allmightie God therefore, yet consideringe that all Flesh is mortall
and the tyme of death most uncertaine doe make and declare this my last will and
Testament in manner and forme followinge First and principally I commende
my Soule into the hands of Allmightie God my Creator and Redeemer Trustinge
assuredlie through the merrits death and Passion of Jesus Christ my Saviour
to inheritte Eternall life, And my bodie to the Earth whereof it was framed to be
buried in the Church or Chansell of Sainte Andrewes in the Citty of Worcester
in such decent sorte as my Executrix hereafter named shall thinke fitt And as
touchinge my worldly goods wherewith yt hath pleased God to Endowe me I
bequeath them in manner and forme followinge
Imprimis I give and bequeath
unto my loveinge [2] my loveinge wife Elizabeth Streete the house or Tenement
wherein I nowe dwell in the Cooken streete in the saide Citty of Worcester w[i]th
all the wainescott, Table boards, bedsteedes and Standards with the appurte=
nances thereunto belonginge, As allsoe all other howses or Tenements which
I am now possest of in the saide Citty of Worcester duringe her naturall life
And further I doe give and bequeath unto my lovinge wife Elizabeth Streete
All my Free Land att the Ried in the parish of Matherffeild [3] , and Lease Lande
else where in the County of Worcester, duringe her naturall life with all the
appurtenances thereunto belonginge, or appurtayninge, And after the decease
of my wife Elizabeth Streete I give and bequeath all the aforesaide howses
Lands Tenements and premisses scituate lyinge and beinge in the Citty of Worcester
and County of the saide Citty, As allsoe all my Free Land att the Ri--- in the
parish of Matherfeild, and my Lease Land else where in the County of Worcester
to my sonne Thomas Streete, and to his heires and assignes forever Together
with all the wainescott, Table boards bedsteeds and Standerds which nowe
remaines in the howse wherein I nowe dwell
Item I doe allsoe give and bequeath unto
my sonne Thomas Streete the full sume of Fowre hundred powndes of currant
English monie to be paide unto him in manner and forme followinge (That is
to say the summe of Threescore powndes when the saide Thomas Streete shall
[folio 415 verso]
shall have served his Master the full Terme of Three Yeares to adventure in his said
Masters service in some Merchandizinge affaires for his future good and
preferment, And allsoe three hundred and Fowrety powndes residue of the
saide guifte to be paide unto him when he hath served his saide master the
full tyme and terme of Eight yeares specified in his said Indentures
I doe give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Streete the full sume
of Fower hundred powndes of lawfull English money to be payde unto her in
manner and forme followinge (That is to say ) The summe of Two hundred
powndes when shee the saide Elizabeth shall accomplish the full age of Twenty
yeares, And the summe of One hundred powndes when she shall accomplish the
full age of Twenty and one yeares, and the summe of One hundred powndes more
residue of the saide guifte when shee shall accomplish the full age of Twentye
and two yeares, but yf my said daughter Elizabeth Streete shall happen to
marrye without her mothers consent and approbation, before shee hath
received her full portion of Five hundred powndes, [4] Then my Will is That the
Two hundred powndes lastley to be paid unto her, yf she have not first received
yt shall remaine and be paide to my sonne Thomas Streete, And yf yt shall
happen that the saide Elizabeth shall dye Afore shee hath received anie p[ar]te
of the portion, Then my will is that the saide Five Hundred powndes formerly
bequeathed unto her shall be paide unto my sonne Thomas Streete within
sixe moneths next after her decease, And whereas the parishe of Sainte
Andrewes in the Citty of Worcester oweth me Thirty powndes and more wh[i]ch
I disbursed longe since att theire request for and towards the reparac[i]ons of
the Church of St Andrewes (my will is) That yf the said parishioners shall
bringe in the summe of Thirty powndes to my Executrix within the Terme of
three moneths next after my decease Then I give and bequeath the said
Thirty powndes and Tenn powndes more to the use of the poore of the saide
parishe of St Andrewes to be sett forth to two sufficient Bakers by equall porc[i]ons
with two Sureties for the security of each some from yeare to yeare for ever
payinge for the Loane thereof Twelve penny white Loaves to be given to Twelve
howsekeepers of the saide parish after Eveninge prayer is ended every Sabbath
day by the Overseers of the saide Poore, And the Overplus of the Loane of which
money after eight in the hundred my will is to paye for the renewinge of the saide
Bonds from tyme to tyme, And what els shall be over and above payinge for the
Bread shall be given to the Poore, And yf the parishioners shall refuse to bringe in
the saide summe of Thirty powndes, formerly due unto me within the saide Tearme
of Tree moneths next after my decease, Then my will is that the saide poore people
to have noe benefitt fo the saide Guifte,
Item my debts beinge paide and my
Legacies and funerall expenses dischardged I give and bequeath unto my Lovinge
wife Elizabeth Streete All the remainder of my p[er]sonall estate whatsoever whome I
make sole Executrix of this my Last will and Testament, And I make overseers thereof
my lovinge Cozen Mr Thomas Streete and my good freinde Mr William Bromall
whom I trust will see this my last will truly performed, and for theire paines therein
to be taken I give unto my Cozen Mr Thomas Streete Forty shillings and to Mr
William Bromall Twenty shillings to buye them Rings to weare for my sake
And I give to my Cozen Bridgett Britten Twenty shillings, And to my Cozen
Bridgett Streete Twenty shillings, And to my Cozen John Dolley Three powndes
And to my Godson and Cozen George Streete Tenn shillings, and soe I commend
my Soule and Spiritt into the hands of Allmighty God hopeinge for a ioyfull
Resurrection yeoven soe Amen, This is my will, and the last will I meane to make
in this world, Wittnes my hande; Thomas Streete, Sealed read and published in
the presence of us George Brooke John Collins, Henry Trovill Sc[iveno]r : /
[folio 146 recto]
Probate [in Latin] this Testament written above was proved at London before the Venerable Master Nathaniel Brent knight, Doctor of Laws at a commission consistuted by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on the twenty seventh day of April AD 1649. Judgement given to Elizabeth Street the widow of the said deceased and Executrix named in the said will, having been sworn to well and faithfully administer the good and credits of the said deceased
- ↑ Will of Thomas Streete 1649: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 207
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #904412 (accessed 25 July 2022) - ↑ repeated in the transcription
- ↑ Madresfield
- ↑ definitely five hundred even though she was previously only promised four hundred
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