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Will of Thomas Tamworth (1490-1533)

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Date: 26 Jul 1530 [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Tamworth
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This is a transcript of the Last Will and Testament of Thomas Tamworth (abt.1490-1533), Gentleman.[1][2]

Spelling, punctuation, line breaks, and big bold text are as per the register copy. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.

Individuals in the people list are linked to their profile if it exists, or are coloured red if not.


People List

People in the will, in the order that they are mentioned:

  • Thomas Tamworth, testator
  • Parson Tamworth, brother, executor, assumed to be Christopher
  • Brown, brother, Thomas Browne, also cited as "brother" in the Will of Parson Tamworth
  • John Mynne, testator's clerk
  • Nicolas Talbot
  • Joan Talbot, wife of Nicolas Talbot
  • John Dunne, sir, knight
  • Master Roote
  • Robertson, testator's v???le
  • Nicolas, testator's cousin, who is married
  • Yarforde, lady
  • Elizabeth Tamworth, testator's wife, executrix
  • John, son
  • Philipp de Caruges, father, father-in-law
  • mother, not named
  • John Fewterer, Confessor of Sion, executor
  • Willam Tykell
  • Philip Tykell
  • Richard Tamworth
  • John Tamworth, of Leake

Property List

Properties in the will, in the order that they are mentioned:

  • House at Putney
  • Lands in Essex, Kent, Middlesex, and London
  • Lands in Holborn
  • Lands in Leake

Testament Transcript

[Page 1]

In the name of god amen I Thomas Tamworth gentilman on[e] of
our soveraigne Lorde the kinges Auditours being of hole mynde and p[er]fcte remembrannce lauded
be almighty god the xxvjth day of July the yere of our Lord god a thousande fyve hundred and
thirtye and the xxijth yere of our said soveraiyne lorde the king[e]s reigne henry the viijth make ordeyn
institute and corroborate this my present testament comprehending in it my last ^ will in maner and
fourme folowing that is to say ffirst and above all thing[e]s I w[ith] all my hert mynde strength and
desire bequeth and geve my soule w[ith] humble reverence unto almighty god my maker redemer and
saviour by the b??ying mediation of the glorious and meke virgyn our Lady saint mary mother of
god and the prayer helpe and merit[e]s of the holy company of hevyn and the courte celestiall my
body to be buried at the discretion of myn executors Item I bequeth to the high auter of the church
of Saint Botolph for tithes forgotten vj? viij? And to the beylding of the said church fourty
???? sterlinge so that church wardeyns for the time being will kepe a yerely obite for me of x s
by the space of twenty yeres after my decease Item I bequeth to the mayntenn[a]nce of the fraternitie
to the holy Trinitie Saints Fabian and Sebastian within the said church fyve m[a]rc[e]s Item I bequeth
to the high awters of the churches of Saint Giles w[ith]out Crepulgate Saint Alphege w[ith]in Creplegate
Saint Oluffs in Silver strete Saint Pancras in the felde Saint Kateryn Colmans Saint Sepulcers
w[ith]out Newgate and Saint mary Stainyngs for tithes forgotten to eache of them iij s iiij d And to
mayntenann[an]ce of every of the said churches iij s iiij d Item I bequeth to my brother p[ar]son Tamworth
a standing cuppe w[ith] a kover of silver gilt a gilt goblet and a white goblet of silver and a dozyn
spo??s and a Salt with a kover silver and gilt standing of the sete Item I bequeth to my
brother Brown a goblet w[ith] a cover gilt a white goblet of silver and a goblet like a maude
lyn box Item I bequeth to every kynnesman and kynneswoman that I and my wife hath to the

[Page 2]

nombre of thirty p[er]sones a rynge of golde to the value of xx s Item I bequeth to John Mynne my
Clerk xxti m[a]rc[e]s whiche he owith me Item to Nicolas Talbot and to Joane his wife tenne pounds
Item to evry of my Clerk[e]s that be with me at my deth fyve m[a]rc[e]s to my other man s[er]v[a]nt[e]s xl s and
to every woman serv[a]nt x s. Item I bequeath to my sister Tamworth daughter childe tenne pound[e]s to
be delivered her at her marriage or enter into religion if she be so dispoased Item I bequeth to sir
John Dunne knyght my cheyne of golde worth fifty m[a]rc[e]s Item I will then be dispoased at my deceas
in almes to pour houses within the p[ar]ishe when I shall channce to deceas and other places at the
discrecion of myn executours twenty m[a]rc[e]s Item I bequeth to maister Roote xx s Item I bequeth to
my v???le Robertson xxti m[a]rc[e]s To my cosyn Nicolas and his wife either of them xl s Item I bequeth
to my lady yarforde v m[a]rc[e]s The residue of my goodes catull[e]s debt[e]s plate and Juell[e]s I give and
bequeth to Elizabeth my wife and my sonne John egally to be deuided betwixt them and his p[ar]te
to remayn in my wif[e]s handes to he come to lawfull age And if she channce to mary then to putt
in suretie of the childes parte Item I bequeth my father Philipp de Caruges v m[a]rc[e]s and to my moder
his wife the dett she owith me Th[e ]executo[u]rs of this my present testament I make and ordeyn
Elizabeth Tamworth my wife John Fewterer Confessor of Syon and my brother p[ar]son Tamworth
And the sup[er]???????? of the same I make for John Dunne knyght my v??le Robertson and either
of them to have for his labour v m[a]rc[e]s In witnesse whereof I the said Thomas Tamworth have
written this w[ith] myn own hande and sette my name the Day and yere abovesaid

Will Transcript

This is the last wille and mynde of me Thomas Tamworth for and concernyng
my landes and tenement[e]s rent[e]s and seruic[e]s which I have w[ith]in this Realme of Englande
that is to sey First I wille that Elizabeth my wife have my house at Putney and all my land[e]s
and tenement[e]s there terme of her lyfe and after her decesse to remayne to my sonne John according
to the enst???? Also I wille that all my feoffees of all my other landes and tenement[e]s rent[e]s^ reve[r]sions
and seruic[e]s stande and be infeoffed to the p[er]formannce of this my last wille that is to say
I will that Elizabeth my wife have all my landes in Essex Kent and Middelsex and London for
terme of her lyfe except my landes in holborn which I wille remayne in the handes of myn
executours to fynde a preest to singe for my soule the space of twenty yeres after my deceas
and to pray for my fader soule my mother soule will[a]m Tykell soule Philip Tykell soule Elizabeth
Tamworth and Richard Tamworth soules and all xpen soules And the rest of the said rent[e]s to be
yerely bestowed in reparacions of the said tenement[e]s to my sonne come to yeres of lawfull age And when
he is of age of xxj yeres he to have the residue over the preest[e]s fynding and at th[e ]end of twenty
yeres to have the hole rent[e]s to him and his heirs forever And yf he dye his mother lyvinge
Then I wille she have the same terme of her lyfe and after her deceas to be solde and dispoased for
my soule by myn executours or th[e ]executour of theym that over lyve Item I will that all my land[e]s
in Leke remayne in th[e h]andes of myn executours by the space of xxj yeres to p[er]forme my last will
and testament and after that to remayn to my sonne John And if he dye or he come to the
possession therof I wille that Lande remayn to the right heires of John Tamworth of Leeke And
all the residue of my landes after the deth of my wife to remayn to my sonne John And if he
dye w[ith]out issue of his body then I will all the said landes remayn to my brother parson for
terme of his lyfe and after his deceas to be solde as abovesaid


  1. National Archive
    Reference: PROB 11/24/187
    Description: Will of Thomas Tamworth, Gentleman
    Date: 14 March 1532
    Held by: The National Archives, Kew (accessed 30 Jul 2023)
  2. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 24
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 5111 #951209 (accessed 30 July 2023)
    Will of Thome Tamworth, granted probate on 8 Mar 1532. Died about 1532.

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