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Will of Thomas Trenchard of Dorset ,06 July 1674

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Will of Thomas Trenchard of Dorset 06 July 1674 PROB 11/345/32
In the name of God Amen
I Thomas Trenchard of Wolveton in the County of Dorsett Esquire being of sound and perfect memory and good health of body yet foreseeing the casualty of Death doe make and ordeine this my last will and testament in manner following
Imprimis. I comitt my soule in the hands of almighty God my heavenly father trusting to be saved by the precious meritts of esus Christ my onely saviour and Redeemer. And my body I comitt to the earth from whence it came to be devoutly buried at Charminster amongst my ancestors, without any vaine Pompe or [ ] bury charges
And as for my worldly estate I doe thus dispose the same viz. I give unto the poor of Charminster aforesaid, five pounds , to the poore of Stratton, five poundes and to the poore of Littchett Maltravers five pounds ,to be distributed by my executors according to their discretion
Item I give unto the towne of Poole one hundred pounds towards the setting up of a grammar school there which money I appoint to be alwayes in a stock and the interest thereof to be yearly paid to the schoolmaster there at two –“- severall termes in the yeare by even and equll portons.
Item I give unto Mr Samuel Hardy the now minister of this said towne of Poole one hundred pounds.
Item I give unto Edward Nye my steward twenty pounds. And unto Toby Rouse twenty pounds. Also unto every one of my servants that shall be dwelling with me at the tyme of my decease I give fourty shillings a peece All and every which said sume and sumes of moneymy will is shall be paid within six months after my decease.
All the rest of my money aswell in my purse as due unto me upon bond or upon my Aunt Burleys mortgage [old] [ alsoe all my househould stuff, goods and chattells whatsoever after my debts, my said legacies and funnerall expences are paid and satisfied, I give devise and bequeath the same unto my honou’rd [unth (could this be uncle)] Sir Andrew? Henly of Bramshill in the county of Southampton Barronett and unto my dear brothers George Trenchard , Trenchard and Henry Trenchard whom I nominate ant appoint to be the executors of this my last will and testament upon this specyall trust and confidence . Nevertheless that they my said executors shall manage the same estate for the use and benefitt of that child which is now in the womb of my wife (if such child be a daughter) And the same pay unto her att her age of one and twenty yeares or day of marriage which shall first happen. And in case this provisions for such child (if a daughter) shall not amount to the sum of one thousand and eight hundred pounds, then I give hereby unto my said executors full power and authority to raise soe much moneys as shalbe wanting out of my personall estate to make up to the full sume of one thousand and eight hundred pounds out of my farms of Langston and Mannour there with said farms and Mannour I doe hereby charge with the payment thereof
And I doe also nominate, constitute and appoint my said executors and the surviver and survivers of them to be the guardians of such child which is now in the womb of my wife whether it be sonne or daughter.
And I doe give unto each of my said executors as a token of my love five pounds to buy each of them a ring. And I the said Thomas Trenchard for the better confirming of this my last will and testament have hereunto sett my hand and seal this 28th day of Aprill in the two and twentieth yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne Lord King Charles Tho: Trenchard Published and declared in the presence of us [ ] Trenchard, John Browning, Mary Parker, the mark of Ester Nelson, Anna Dewey
Whereas my wife is now with child I doe hereby constitute and appoint my honor’d [uncle] Sir Andrew Baronett of Bramshill in the County of Southampton and George Trenchard, John Trenchard and Henry Trenchard my dear brothers guardians to the said child whether it be sonne or daughter in as [_arge and ain_h] a manner as I am enabled to doe by law or statute. And I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this 16th November in the three and twentieth yeare of the Reigne of our soveraigne Lord King Charles the second.Tho Trenchard

Sealed and signed in the presence of us Hen.Trenchard.John Brown Mary Purkin

See also Reference: PROB 18/6/91 Description: Probate lawsuit Henly and others v Trenchard, concerning the deceased Thomas Trenchard, esq of Wolveton, Dorset. Allegation and interrogatory Date: 1674 Held by: The National Archives

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