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Will of Thomas Umfrevile of Ewell, Surrey, 1727

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Ewell, Surrey, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Umfrevile
This page has been accessed 86 times.

This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of Thomas Umfrevile of Ewell, Surrey. Thomas drew up his will on 16 September 1723, and it was proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 30 March 1727, the executor being his wife Ann Umfrevile. She did not administer the estate, and on 31 November 1748, Michael Marlow, grandson to Thomas and Ann was granted administration of both of their estates. [1]

  • Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
  • The text was originally in one block of text. Paragraph breaks at change of bequest ("Item"), and bold text for names have been added for ease of reading.
  • Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
  • Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
  • Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
  • The image quality was good, and the handwriting legible.

Persons mentioned:

  • Tho Umfrevile of Ewell in the County of Surrey, Gentleman Testator
  • my loveing Wife Not named in the will, named in the grant of Probate as Ann Umfrevile. Executrix and residuary legatee
  • Mr Ralph Hardwicke of London Merchant In Spittle Fields in the County of Middlesex deceased. Testator purchased property from his executors
    • Mr Richard Handcox
    • William Hardwicke Esqr
  • my Sonn Thomas Umfrevile reversion of property in Spittlefields, the property in Micham, Surrey, and freehold estate in Ewell
  • my daughter Ann Marlow reversion of property bequeathed to Thomas if no heirs
  • my daughter Jeane Dissill reversion of property bequeathed to Ann Marlow if no heirs
  • Mr. Tho Badger in Hoxdon Thomas Badger of Hoxton, Testator leases property from him in Hoxton
  • my Cousin Edward Umfrevile receives the property leased by Testator in Limehouse, Stepney.
  • Tho How Esqr Testator leases property from him in Leadenhall Street
    • in the occupation of William Whitehead
  • my Grand Sonn Henry Umfrevile Sonn of my Sonn Tho Umfrevile receives the property in Spittlefields in the occupation of
    • David Cognen
    • Cornall Luquse a margin note suggests this is not the correct spelling
  • William Mabancke and Susan his wife Testator bought house in Ewell from them. Bequeathed to grandson Henry Umfrevile.
  • Joseph Umfrevile Son of my said [son] Thomas Umfrevile reversion of property bequeathed to Henry if no heirs
  • my Grand daughters Ann and Mary daughters of my said [son] Tho Umfrevile reversion of property bequeathed to Joseph
    • Ann Umfrevile
    • Mary Umfrevile
  • my Grand daughters Sarah Ann and Mary Marlow reversion of property bequeathed to Ann and Mary Umfrevile
    • Sarah Marlow
    • Ann Marlow
    • Mary Marlow
  • my Grandson Michall Marlow Michael Marlow, property in Corbite Court, reversion to his sisters. Eventual executor of unadministered estate in 1748
  • my Sonn Henry may be deceased. A deceased son owed a bond to Testator of £400
    • my Grand daughter Elizabeth Umfrevile daughter of my Sonn Henry under the age of 21 and unmarried. Receives income from lease of property from
    • Tho How Esqr
  • Occupants of the houses in the lease
    • Henry Quantocke
    • Mr Ayres
    • Widow Sanders
    • Widow Hicks
  • my Cousin Edward five guineas
  • my Cousin Mary Boonth possibly also Boouth, one Guinea to buy a Ring
  • John Umfrevile of Ewell one Guinea
    • his son John two Guineas
    • his son George two Guineas
  • my Sonnn in Law Michall Marlow overseer of will
  • Witnesses:
    • Charles Umfrevile
    • Charles Umfrevile
    • Edw. Umfrevile
    • Samll Kinesley

[folio 255 recto]
In the Name of God Amen
This Sixteenth day of September In the Ninth Yeare of our Sovereigne
Lord King George and in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand
seven hundred twenty three I Tho: Umfrevile of Ewell in the County
of Surrey Gentleman being in perfect good health and of ^a sound mind
and memory praised be God for the same yet being in advanced in years
and considering the uncertainty of Life make this my last Will and

[folio 255 verso]
Testament in manner and Forme following First and Principally
I comment my soul to the Mercy of God Almighty my body to the
Earth to be decently buryed at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter
mentioned (and as to my worldly substance wherewith God Almighty
hath been pleased to bless me I dispose of as followeth Whereas I have
lately purchased of Mr Richard Handcox and William Hardwicke
Esqr severall Ground Rents Messuages and Hereditaments late the
Estate of Mr Ralph Hardwicke of London Merchant In Spittle Fields in
the County of Middlesex I give all the said Messuages Ground Rents
(not already disposed of) unto my loveing Wife for and dureing her
natural life and from and after her decease all that my Estate lying
and being in Micham in the County of Surry both Freehold and
Copyhold and also all that my Freehold Estate at Ewell I give and
devise unto my Sonn Thomas Umfrevile and the heires of his Body
Issueing and for want of such Issue to my daughter Ann Marlow
and the heires of her body Issueing and for want of such Issue to my
daughter Jeane Dissill and the heires of her body issueing

Item I give
to my daughter Ann Marlow after my decease and my Wife All that
my Lease that I hold of Mr. Tho Badger in Hoxdon [2] in the Parish of
Leonard Shoreditch in the County of Middlessex to her and the heires
of her body Issueing for her Seperate disposall to her Children

Item I give to my Cousin Edward Umfrevile his heries [3] & Assignes
all that my Estate at Lymehouse in the Parish of Stepneyheath als
Stebenheath and also all that my Lease that I hold of Tho How Esqr
in Leadenhall Street now or late in the Possession of William
Whitehead nevertheless In Trust that the said Edward Umfrevile
his heires Executors Administrators shall permit and suffer my daughter
Jeane Dissill to receive the Rents and profits of the said premisses to
him devised for her Seperate use (exclusive from her present or
any other husband and for and dureing her naturall life and after
her decease In Trust to the heires of her body issueing and for want
of such Issue to the said Edward Umfrevile for ever

Item I give after
my loveing wife decease unto my Grand Sonn Henry Umfrevile Sonn of
my Sonn Tho Umfrevile All those my Messuages or Tenements in
Spittle Fields aforesaid and late in the Possession of David Cognen &
Cornall Luquse [4] their Assignee or Assignes and the Revertion and
Inheritance of the said Leased premisses and the Ground Rents reserved
on the said Lease I give and devise unto my said GrandSonn Henry
Umfrevile and his heires issueing of his body being lawfully begotten
for ever as also my House at Ewell which I purchased of William
Mabancke and Susan his wife and for want of such Issue of his
body to Joseph Umfrevile Son of my said [5] Thomas Umfrevile and the
heires of his body lawfully begotten and Issueing and for want of
such Issue to 'my Grand daughters Ann and Mary daughters of my
said [6] Tho Umfrevile and the heires of their bodys issueing and for
want of such Issue to my Grand daughters Sarah Ann and Mary
Marlow and the heires of their bodys issueing they to take as Tenants
in Common

Item all that my Estate Messuages or Tenements after
my wifes decease that is in Corbite Court in Vine Court in Spittle
Fields now in the possession of [blank] [7] Sumner his Assignee or
Assignes undertenant or undertenants and the Ground Rents
reserved on the said Leases and the Inheritance of the same unto my

[folio 256]
Grandson Michall Marlow and the heires of his body issueing
and for want of such Issue to the right heires of the body of the
foresaid Sarah Ann and Mary Marlow

Item I devise to my Grand
daughter Elizabeth Umfrevile daughter of my Sonn Henry All that
Revertion of my Lease which I hold of mmediately upon
my decease toward my said Grand daughters Education and
Maintenance which said Houses now are in the Tenure of Occupac[i]on
of Henry Quantocke, Mr Ayres, Widow Sanders, Widow Hicks And
whereas my late Sonn was indebted unto my by one Bond of Four
hundred and Forty pounds my desire is and I give and bequeath unto
my Grand daughter Elizabeth Umfrevile if and when recovered and
received two hundred pounds part of the said Bond to be paid into
the hands of my Sonn Tho Umfrevile to be improved for her untill
she cometh to age or Marryeth but if it please God she dyeth before
she cometh to age to returne to my Executrix

Item I give and
bequeath to my Cousin Edward five guineas and to my Cousin Mary
Boonth [8] one Guinea to buy a Ring Item I give unto John Umfrevile
of Ewell one Guinea and to his son John and son George two Guineas

Item to the poor of Ewell two Guineas to be disposed in bread
to the Poore All the rest and residue of my Reall and Personall
Estate whatsoever and wheresoever after the payments of all Debts
of what nature soever Legacies and Funerall charges I give devise to
my loveing wife and bequeath the same to her and hereby make her
full and whole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament and
appoint my Son Tho Umfrevile and my Sonnn in Law Michall Marlow
to be Overseers of this my Will and Testament and desire them to
be Assistant to their Mother and I hereby revoke all former Wills
and other wills by me made

In Witness whereof I have to this my
last Will and Testament Sett my hand and Seale in [9] the day of the
Yeare for above written - Tho Unfrevile Senior /. - Signed Sealed
Published and declared by the first above Tho Umfrevile the Father
written by his own hand as his last Will and Testament in the
presence of us who in his and in the presence of each other have
sett our hands and Witnesses hereunto - Charles Umfrevile - Charles
Umfrevile - Edw. Umfrevile - Wittness Samll Kinesley -

[Probate in Latin] this will was proved at London on the thirtieth day of the month of March AD 1727 before the Venerable John Andrew Doctor of Law, surrogate to the Venerable John Bettesworth Doctor of Law at the Commission of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted. Judgement to Ann Umfrevile the widow of the said deceased and Executrix named in the said will, to administer all and singular the goods and credits of the said deceased truly and faithfully having first been sworn.

[Margin Note in English]
[Blank] of Nov 1748
On the 31st day Adm'n with the Will annex'd of all and Singular the Goods Chattells and Credits of Thomas Umfrevile late of Ewell in the County of Surry dec'ed left unadministered by Ann Umfrevile widow dec'ed (whilst living) the Relict sole Executrix and resid'ry Legatee named in the said Will was granted to Michael Marlow the Grandson and Admin of the Goods of the said Ann Umfrevile dec'ed have first Sworne duly to Administer


  1. Will of Thomas Umfrevile 1727: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 614
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 5111 #698662 (accessed 29 October 2023)
  2. Hoxton
  3. sic
  4. underlined and in the margin "Sic orile"
  5. underlined and in the margin "Sic orile"
  6. underlined and in the margin "Sic orile"
  7. in the margin "Sic orile"
  8. possibly also Boouth
  9. underlined and in the margin "Sic orile"

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