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Will of Thomas Umfrevile silk thrower of London and Ewell 1742

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The Will of Thomas Umfrevile silk thrower of London and Ewell, was written on 24 April 1738 and proved in London on 15 January 1741/2.[1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading. Difficult to read in places.

People mentioned in the Will:

  • Thomas Umfrevile (testator)
  • Mr Lepars (lessee)
  • Anne Umfrevile (wife)
  • Anne Umfrevile (daughter)
  • Robert Doyley Umfrevile (son)
  • Thomas Umfrevile (grandson)
  • Mr James Stent of London Merchant (friend, trustee)
  • Henry Umfrevile (son)
  • Witnesses: Edwd Sleyman, Fran: Prevost, Patrick Steuart

In the Name of God Amen.
I Thomas Umfrevile late Citizen and Silk Thrower of
London but now of Ewell in the County of Surry being
in health of Body and of Sound and Perfect Memory and
Understanding Do make and declare this my last Will and
Testament in manner and form following (that is to say) In the
First place I Give Bequeath and Devise All that my Freehold
Estate consisting of a peice or parcell of Ground with Severall
Messuages or Tenements thereon Erected Scituate and being
in Pearl Street in Spittle Feilds in the County of Middlesex
now in the Occupation of Mr [blank] Lepars or his Assigns
on a Building Lease for Ninety Nine Years at Nineteen
pounds ayeare expiring in the Year of our Lord One
Thousand Seven hundred and Fifty Six and all the increase
Rents and Profits thereof unto my beloved Wife Anne
Umfreville for and during the Term of her Naturall Life And
from and after her Decease I Give Bequeath and Devise the
Said Estate in manner and Proportion following that is to say The One

[Page 2 Folio 285]
Moiety thereof to my beloved Daughter Anne Umfrevile and
her Heirs And the Other Moiety thereof to my beloved Son
Robert Doyley Umfrevile and his Heirs But if my Said Son
Robert Doyley Umfrevile shall dye before he shall Attain the Age
of one and Twenty Years and without issue of his Body
lawfully begotten Then I Give and devise his said Moiety to my
Said Daughter Anne Umfrevile and her Heirs forever Item I Give
bequeath and Devise All that ^my Freehold Estate in Wheelors Street
in Spittle Fields aforesaid unto my Said Wife Anne Umfrevile
for and during the Term of her Naturall life And from and
after her Decease I Give and Devise the Same to my Said Son
Robert Doyle Umfreville and his Heirs forever But if he shall
Dye before he shall Attain the Age of One and Twenty years
and without issue of his Body lawfully begotten Then I Give
and Devise the Same unto my Said Daughter Ann Umfrevile
and my Grandson Thomas Umfrevile and their Heirs as
Tenants in Common and not as Joint Tenants But if my
Grandson Thomas Umfrevile shall dye in his Minority and
without issue of his Body lawfully begotten The whole shall
go to my said Daughter Anne Umfrevile and her Heirs forever
Item I Give and Devise all those my two Messuages or Tenements
with the Appurtenances comonly called the Ivy Houses Scituate at
Hoxton in the Parish of Saint Leonard Shoreditch in the County
of Middlesex unto my Said Wife Anne Umfrevile for and during
the Term of her Natural life and from and after her death
I Give and Devise the Same unto my Said Daughter Anne
Umfrevile and her Heirs forever Item I Give and Bequeath
All that my Leasehold Estate which I hold of the Goldsmiths
Company unto my Said Wife Anne Umfrevile during the Term
of her natural Life and from and after her decease I Give and
Bequeath the Same unto my Said daughter Anne Umfrevile her
Executors Administrators and Assigns Item I Give and Devise
all that my Freehold Estate at Ewell in the County of Surry
Unto my Said Wife Anne Umfrevile for and during the Term
of her Naturall Life and from and after her decease I
Give and Devise the Same unto my Said Son Robert Doyley
Umfrevile and his Heirs forever But in Case he shall dye
before he Attains the Age of One and Twenty Years and
without leaving issue of his Body lawfully begotten living at
the time of his Decease Then I Give and Devise the Same
unto my said Daughter Ann Umfrevile and her Heirs and
Assigns forever Item I Give and bequeath unto my Said
Wife Anne Umfrevile all my Household Furniture Pictures
Linnen and Plate Item all [erased] Rest and Residue of my
Personall Estate which I Shall Dye any ways possessed off
interested in or intitled unto after the Payment of my
Just Debts and Funerall Expences I Give and bequeath unto
my Good Friend Mr James Stent of London Merchant In Trust
only and to and for the uses intents and Purposes following that
is to Say that he the Said James Stent or his Executors
Administrators ^or Assigns Do and Shall as Soon as conveniently can be after
the same shall be received by him or them in his or their Name

[Page 3]
or Names Lay out and invest it in Some good Government Security to
be Approved of by my Said Wife and from time to time pay
or cause to be paid the interest and Increase thereof as it shall
grow due unto my Said Wife Anne Umfrevile or her Assigns for
and During her Naturall Life and that the Said James Stent or
his Executors Administrators or Assigns Do and Shall immediately
after her Decease Divide and Pay the Principall it Self Which is
to be So Placed out as aforesaid and all Such Interest as Shall then
be due thereon unto and between Such of my three Children Henry
Umfrevile Ann Umfrevile and Robert Doyley Umfrevill as shall
be living at my Said Wifes decease Share and Share alike And
if there shall be but one of them then living Then the whole shall
be paid to that one But my Will is that my Said Trustee Mr
James Stent and his Executors Administrators and Assigns shall
and may in the First Place Reimburse and Pay him and Themselves
All Such Costs and Charges as he or they shall reasonably
Expend or be put unto for and by reason of the Execution of this
Trust hereby reposed And that He nor they shall be Answerably
for any Loss or Damage that shall Arise or happen to the Said
Money So to be Placed out as aforesaid without his or their
Wilfull Default or Neglect And I Do hereby Nominate Constitute
and Appoint my Said Wife Anne Umfrevile my full and Sole
Executrix of this my Will And I Do hereby revoke Annull and
make Void all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore
made And I Do hereby Declare this to be my last Will and
Testament In Witness whereof I the Said Thomas Umfrevile
the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained
and Written in four Sheets of paper including this last Sheet
Set my hand and to this last Sheet both my hand and Seal
and have Sett my Seal to the Ribbon which fastens the Said
Sheets together at the Top this 24 day of Aprill One Thousand
Seven hundred and thirty Eight Tho: Umfrevile - Signed Sealed
published and Declared by the Said ^Testator Thomas Umfrevile for and
as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have
at his Request Subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereunto
in the Presence of the Said Testator and of each other the day
and year last above Written - Edwd Sleyman, Fran:
Prevost, Patrick Steuart ...

This Will was Proved at London on the Fifteenth day
of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred
Forty One before the Worshipfull Robert Chapman Doctor of Laws
Surrogate of the Right Worshipfull John Bettesworth Doctor of Laws
Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
lawfully constituted by the Oath of Ann Umfrevile Widow the Relict
of the deceased and Sole Executrix named in the said Will To whom
Administration was granted of all and Singular the Goods Chattels
and Credits of the said deceased being first sworn duly to Administer
the same Ex


  1. PROB 11/715/207 Description: Will of Thomas Umfrevile, Silk Thrower of Ewell , Surrey Date: 15 January 1741 Held by: The National Archives, Kew

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