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Will of Thomas Wyman of Braughing, Yeoman, 1677

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This is a transcription of the filed original will of Thomas Wyman a yeoman of "Braughin" (Braughing), Herfordshire, England. Thomas drew up his will on 7 July 1676 when he was "weake in body". He was buried at Braughing on 31 March 1677, and the will was proved at the Archdeaconry Court of Middlesex on 30 May 1677. [1]

Transcription conventions used in this text:

  • Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
  • The text was originally in one block of text. Paragraph breaks at change of bequest ("Item"), and bold text for names have been added for ease of reading.
  • Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
  • Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
  • Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
  • The image quality was good. The handwriting was legible except for the probate statement (in Latin) in a different hand which was scrawled.

Persons mentioned:

  • Thomas Wyman a yeoman of Braughing, Herfordshire. Testator
  • my loving wife An Anne Godfrey, mother of all Thomas' children. Executrix and received 1/6 share of the farm of "Cockeholmesteed" (Cockhamstead)
  • Children, all under the age of 21 years
    • Thomas inherited the farm Hottosts and other property in Braughing
    • Francis inherited all the property in Wesmill (Westmill, a village 3.5 miles north west of Braughing.
    • John received 1/6 share of the farm of Cockeholmesteed
    • George received 1/6 share of the farm of Cockeholmesteed
    • Henry received 1/6 share of the farm of Cockeholmesteed
    • William received 1/6 share of the farm of Cockeholmesteed
  • Thomas Peett Testator owed him threescore pounds (£60). Executor of and witness to will
  • my brother John Godfrey Brother of Testator's wife Ann Godfrey. Executor of will
  • Elizabeth Gayler Witness to will

In the name of God Amen I Thomas Wyman of the p[ari]sh of Braughin in the County of Hartford yeoman weake in body but of perfect minde
and memorie (thanks be to god for the same) doe make this my last Will and Teastament in man[n]er Followinge that is to say First and principally
I com[m]end my soule into the hands of Allmighty God to be guided by his grace heere and received into his glory heareafter : And my body to the Earth be to
decently buryed at the discresion of my Executrix or Executors hereafter named.

Item for my worldly Goods I will and bequeath them as Followeth Imprimis
I give and bequeath unto my lovinge Wife An and Five of my Children that is to say John Francis George Henry William all the sticke and goods of
the Farme Caled Cockeholmesteed in Braughin afforesaid withing Dores and without whatsoever to be Equaly devided betweene my said Wife and Each of my said
Five Children that is to say the use of the said stocke to bringe up my children to my lovinge wife An Imedeately after my decease and to Each of my
said Five Children when they live and attaine to theire Full Ages of one and twenty Yeares apeece by in case any of the said Children Dye before they
accomplish theire severall ages of one and Twenty Yeares then my will is that theire said part or legacie shall be Equally divided betweene the rest of the said
Five Children

Item I give and bequeath unto my Son Thomas Wyman and to his heires for Ever all my Customary or Coppy hold howses or Tenements and lands standing and beinge
neere a Comon greene caled Northen greene and two Acres of Freehold land lyinge in a Comon Feild caled Earles Feild all within the p[ari]sh of Braughin
afforesaid and all the Stocke and goods of the Farme caled Hottosts within dores and without whatsoever upon this Condision to pay unto Thomas Peett the sum
of threescore pounds as appeares by my bond and also to pay to his mother Duringe her naturall life the sum of fowr pounds a yeare to be paid quarterly
by by equall parts and after to pay unto fower of my Children that is to say John George Henry William the sum of Twenty pounds within three yeares
after theire Mothers decease to be Equaly divided between all or as many of the said Children as shall then be alive /

Item I give and bequeath unto my son
Francis Wyman all my Freehold howses or Tenements and lands with all theire appurtenances whatsoever scituate standinge lyinge and beinge in the
p[ari]sh of Wesmill in the County afforesaid uppon this Condition to pay unto fower of my Children the sum of thirty pounds of lawfull money that is
to say John Goerge Henry William within three yeares after their Mothers decease to be Equaly divided betweene all or as many of the said Children
as shall then be alive and if Default of payment be med of the said sum of Thirty pounds at the time appoynted afforesaid or within two moneths
next after then my Will is that my said Fower Children or any of them shall Enter Equaly uppon all all my Foresaid Freehold howses or Tenements and lands
beinge in the p[ari]sh of Wesmill aforesaid with all theire appurtenances whatsoever to hold to them and theire heires For Ever other wise my minde and Will
is that Francis Wyman my said son shall hold and Injoy all all the saide Freehold howses or Tenements and lands whatsoever lyinge in the p[ari]sh of Wesmill afforesaid
to him and his heires for Ever : paying to his Mother also Duringe her naturall life the sum of Fifty shillings a yeare quarterly

Item I doe make my lovinge wife An and my brother John Godfrey and my lovinge Freind Thomas Peett the sole Executrix and Executors
of this my last will and Testament and in case my said Wife An shall intende to goe aboute to Marry before all my said Children shall attaine
to theire severall Ages of one and Twenty Yeares and receive theire severall legacies as afforsaid, my will is that my said Executors shall take
of my wife such bond or security as they shall thinke suficient for the bringing up of my said Children and the payment of theire said partes
or legacies and in case my said Wife refuse to give such security then my Will is that shee shall be utterly debarred of havinge any thinge to doe
with any parte of my said sticke or goods of the Farme of Cockeholmesteed within foores or without but all the same to be Imployed and
Improved by my Executors to be Equall use and behoofe of all my said Children at theire severall ages and times of payment as afforesaid In
Wittnes whereof I have sette my hande and seale this seaventh day of July in the Yeare of our Lord God 1676

Item my Will and minde is that my said stocke of Cockeholmesteed shall be Justly prizes at my decease and every one
of my said Children allotted equaly his part that he may knowe what to demand when it is due
Thomas Wyman {seal}

Sealed and Delivered in
the p[re]sents of us
The marke of Elizabeth Gayler
Thomas Peett

Probate [in Latin, handwriting difficult to read] At --- the 30 May 1677 proved before Master ------ judgement to Anne the relict and executrix and John Godfrey and Thomas Peet


  1. Will of Thomas Wyman of Braughing, Hertfordshire, 1677 Essex County Record Office, Chelmsford, Essex, England. Reference: D/AMW 8/24 Images viewed at Essex Archives online subscription required 1 August 2023

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