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Will of Walter Hickes yeoman of Chelworth 1622

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Chelworth, Cricklade, Wiltshire, Englandmap
This page has been accessed 47 times.

The Will of Walter Hickes yeoman of Chelworth, written on 19th January 1621/2 and proved at Cricklade on 9 May 1622 (inventory taken on 12 April 1622).[1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. ff is rendered as F. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading. Difficult to read copy, with damaged right hand edge and top left corner.

People mentioned in the will:

  • Walter Hykes or Hickes (testator)
  • Marke Hickes (youngest son)
  • Anne Hickes (eldest daughter)
  • Marey and Johan (two youngest daughters)
  • Thomas Trinder (brother in law)
  • Elizabeth Hickes (wife, executrix)
  • Margaret Trinder of Chelworth, widow (creditor)
  • Andrew Lenn, Marke Cottle, William Messenger the elder (overseers)
  • All named children under 21

In the Name of God Amen the xixth Day of January 1621 I Walter Hyk[es]
of Chellworth in the p[ar]ishe of Cricklad St Sampsons in the Countie of Wiltes yeoman beinge weake
[in bodie] Butt of good and p[er]fecte memory Thanks be Given unto Allmightie god Doe make this my
[laste] will and Testament in manner Followinge

firste I bequeath my soule to Allmightie god my Creator and to Jesus Christe my Savior and redeemer and my
Bodye to the Earthe And For such worldly goods as god hathe Given me I will that they be dissposed as Followeth

It[e]m I Give unto marke hickes my youngest sonne Fyftene powndes to be paide unto him when he shall A[ttaine]
the Age of Twentie and one yeares

It[e]m I Give and Bequeath unto Anne hickes my eldest Daughter Fiftene pownd[es] to be paide unto her
when shee shall Accomplishe the Full Age of Twentie and one yeares. It[e]m I Give unto Marey and Johan
my two youngest Daughters unto each of them Ten powndes to be paide att theire Full Age of
Twentie and one yeares Provyded that my saide Daughters doe marry w[i]th the Consent and good lykinge of my
ov[er[seers, Allso my will is that yf any of my saide Childrne Doe Dye before they doe Accomplishe the Full
Tyme of theire Age as aforesaid or the Tyme of theire marriage That then such theire porcions so by me [...]
and Bequeathed to remayne to the Survyvor or Survyvors of eyther of them to be equally Devyded [...]
them Allso my will intent and meaninge is that the yearly Com[m]oditie of my Chattle lease w[hi]ch I bought [of]
my Brotherinlawe Thomas Trinder For w[hi]ch I paid him one hundered pownd[es] shall remayne unto [...]
wyefe so longe as shee shall Continew wydowe and unmarried, But yf shee shall happen to marry or [dye ...]
my saide Chilldrne be paide theire legacies then my will is that the said Chattle lease be solde to [the best?]
Advantage by my ov[er]seers or the Survyvor of them And the porcions so by me bequeathed to be paide unto
my saide Chilldrne w[i]thin one yeare after the sale and the overplus to be equally Devyded Betwene
them. Allso my will Full intent and meaninge is That yf Thomas Trinder my saide Brother[inlawe]
his heires or Assignes doe paye or Cause to be paide unto my saide wyefe her Executors Administrato[ors] or Assignes
the Full some of one hundered pownd[es] of lawfull Englishe money att one entire payment in Full satyss[faction]
and redemtion of the saide lease before my saide Chilldrne doe Accomplishe their Full Age of Twent[ie]
and one yeares as aforesaid That then uppon such payment ev[er]y Childe Foorthwith to receave theire
porcion so by me bequeathed And the residue to remayne to the use of my wyefe duringe her ^[...] lyfe
and after her decease to remayne to my saide Chilldrne and to the Survyvore of them to be equally
Devyded betwene them The residue of my goodes and Cattell[es] movable and unmovable
I Give and Bequeth unto Elizabeth Hickes my wyefe whome I make my Executrix of this
my laste will and Testament /.
[his mark]

Debtes Due
from Thomas Trinder my Brotherinlaw ix£ vjs
from William Messenger thelder of Chelworth v£

Debtes owinge unto Margaret
Trinder of Chelworth wydow xxs

my ov[er]seers
Andrew Lenn
Marke Cottle
William Messenger thelder

Proved at Cricklade on 8 May 1622


  1. Probate: "Wiltshire, England, Wills and Probate, 1530-1858"
    Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire, England; Wiltshire Wills and Probates; Reference Number: P3/H/172; Reference Number: P3/H/172
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 61333 #117026 (accessed 5 December 2023)
    Walter Hickes probate in 1622. Residence Chelworth Cricklade St Sampson Wiltshire, England.

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