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Will of Walter Moone of Bridport, Dorset 1572

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Date: 1572 [unknown]
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Surname/tag: Moone
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Will of Walter Moone of Bridport, Dorset 1572

Reference: PROB 11/54/523
Date: 02 December 1572
The National Archives, Kew, transcribed from image on Ancestry.co.uk by Helen Ford

In the name of god amen Ye xxiijth daie of Maie a’o 1571. I Walter Moone off Bridporte in the countie of Dorset benig sicke off bodie, yett of good and parfitt memorie thanks be given unto god do make my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge viz
First I bequeath my soule unto allmighty god and my bodie to be buried in the chuch of Bridport as near unto my father as maie be
Item I give unto the poore people off y’e almshouse of Briporte ij s
Item I give to the poore people of the house off Maudlin xyd
item I give to the parson of Briporte for my tithes negligentlie forgotten ijd
Item I give to Johane my daughter- my daughter(sic) my house in Poole with all thapp’ten’ces therein belonginge she to enioye the same at the daie of her marriage
Item I give to unto Martha my daughter twentie pounds in money to be paied to her hat the daie of hir marriage
Item I give to Alice my daughter' twentie pounds off money to be paied unto her at the daie of her marriage provided allwaies that if anye of my saied daughters happen to decease before the daie of their marriage then my will is that hir or their porc’on shalbe equally devided amondst them that soe live, and to ye longest liver of them
Item I give the yssues and proffits of all such leases as I have for termes of yeres to Edithe my wife as long as she shall kepe her selfe widowe inconsidera’on to brinige up my children and to paie the monyes unto my daied daughters. But if she happen to a marie Then my is will is that she to have but the moyetie of haulfe deale of the yssues and proffitts of my saied leases, The other halfe deale and moytie of my saided leases to be devyded amongst all my sonnes equallie, allwaies provided my wife to paie the money unto my saied daughters if she live so longe otherwise to be paied one of the yssies and proffitts of all my saied leases

Item: I give to Morgan my sonne my leases off my tithinge terme off Uploders, Up_orm? and Mattravers, he to enioy after the decease of his mother, And if Morgan happen to decease w’thout anye yssue of his bodie lawfully begotten before the lease be fullie expired, then my will is that John my sone shall enioy the same if he live so long, yf not then to remaine to the rest off my sonnes.

Item I give to Anthonie, George, Richard and John my sonnes my leases of the tything corne in Bradpole and my barne in Briporte to be equallie devided amongst them after the decease of their saied mother and to the longest liver of them
Item for such lands as I have have my will is thaat my heire shall enioye the same accordinlie
Item I give to Richard my sone my house in Briporte that I nowe dwell in after the decease of his mother, And if Richard happen to decease before the lease be fullie ended, then my will is that John my sone shall enioye the same. Yf Richard and John happen to decease before the yeres be fullie expired wth’out anye issue of their bodies, Then my will is that the rest off my sonnes to enioye the same, provided allwaies that if all my sonnes happen to decease w’thot yssue of their bodies lawfullie begotten before my leases be fullie ended then my will is that my saied daughters will have the same so manie yeres as use to come of the saied leases to be equallie devyded amongst them and to ye longest liver of them.
Item my will is that theis my lease shall remaine in the custodye and lepinge off John Bebury to the use of my children provided alwaies that if anye of my saied sonnes and daughters do not governe them selves orderlie in applieng their learninge as in the well usinge of them selves as long as they be [ser---te] also in choosinge of their wieves and husbands by the advice of my overseers yf they or anye of them do brake the same, then my will is that he or they shall enioye no parte of my leases & goods and doe give it unto the use of my sones and daughters that be ruled by saied overseers. The reisure of all my goodes moveable and unmoveable my debts and legacies paied I give to Edith my wife thom I make and ordeine my executrix . The overseers of this my will I make 'Robert Moonne, Richard Dabidge the elder, Gilbert Holman, Richard Dabidge the younger and John Belmy. This being witnessed Robert Moone, Thomas [Coker?] John [?]ampson, John Hayward and Robert Roy with others

Probate granted 2 December 1572 Further note in 1581, in latin concerning death of Morgan Moone

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