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Will of William Bateman of North Stoke, Somerset, proved 1587

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Location: North Stoke, Somerset, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Bateman Batman
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This is a transcript of the will and probate of William Bateman of North Stoke, Somerset. His will was dated 25 March 1586 and was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 18 May 1587.


In the name of god amen the five and twentieth daie of Marche anno Domini 1586 I Willym Bateman of the parishe of Northstoke wthin the dioces of Bathe and Welles whole of minde and good and perfect remembrance lawde and praise be unto almightie godd, yett by reason of mine olde age weake and feeble in my bodie and fearing the uncertaine howre of death do make my testament and last will in maner and forme following.

First doe give and bequeath my soule to godd my maker and redeemer and my bodie to bee buried in Christian buriall.

Item I doe give towards the Catherdall churche of Sainte Andrewe in Welles iiijd.

tem I doe give towardes the parishe church of Northstoke iijs iiijd.

Item I doe give to the poore mens boxe of the same p[ar]ishe of Northstoke iijs iiijd.

Item I doe give and bequeath to Willm Bateman my sonne tenne pounds of money to bee paide by mine executrix.

Item I do give and bequeath to Elizabeth Deane my daughter the bedd that I lie uppon the bolster ij blanketts and a Coverlett

I do by these p[rese]ntes forgive and dischardge Stanton Bateman my sonne of and from all detts and reckonings that was between mee and my wief and the same Stanton otherwise the detts and reckonings due unto my saide wief by specialties viz a yearlie pencon of fortie shillings and a bill or bande obligatorie for the payment of nine poundes eightene shillings due the first daie of September next all other detts due to mee and Joane my wief (except before speciafied) I doe clearelie forgive the saide Stanton

The reste of all and singuler my goods and cattells moveable and unmoveable not above bequeathed I doe whollie give and bequeath to Joane Bateman my wief whome I doe make my sole executrix levie my detts, and to paie my detts legacies and other bequeathes

witness being desired Rodericke […] cler Thomas Lanswdon John Smith wth others.

Debts due unto the said Testator

Inprimis uppon John Senior Esquier xliijs iiijd

Item upon Arthur Vizer of Hawskbury vxiijli

Further I doe by these p[rese]ntes revoke and disanull all former willes testaments schedules and bequeathes otherwise then such that are and bee conteined in this my last will, and I doe stablishe these to bee my l[egi]timate testament and none other

Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum apud London coram venerabili viro mro willmo Drurie legum doctore Curie Prerogative Cant Comissario &c decimo octavo die mensis Maij anno Domini millimo quingentesimo octogesimo septimo Jura[men]to Thome Barker notarij publici procuratoris Joanne relre et executricis &c Cui Comissa fuit Ado &c De bene &c Jurat,


  • National Archives. Reference: PROB 11/70/298. Description: Will of William Bateman of North Stoke, Somerset. Date: 18 May 1587.
  • "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858". Ancestry.com. Will of Willmi Bateman of Northstoke, probate on [1]8 May 1587. Citing The National Archives; Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 70. Ancestry Record 5111 #918032

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