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Will of William Bawdwyn 1560

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Surnames/tags: Bawdwyn Baldwin
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Will of William Bawdwyn 1560
ANF will register Liber 20 (Postyll) fo. 36 - Baldwin (Bawdwyn), William, of Hingham 1560

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Words or letters that are illegible are marked with asterisks. Li, s and d represent pounds, shillings and pence respectively. Bold text are for ease of reading in the absence of full stops.

Persons mentioned in Will:

  • William Bawdwyn, testator
  • his wife, deceased, not named
  • Alice Bawdwyn, his daughter and executor
  • Petre Bawdwyn, his daughter and executor
  • John Bawdwyn, his brother and supervisor of his Will
  • Thomas Dyver, witness
  • William More, witness
  • Roger Wade, witness
  • John Cadye, witness

In the name of god Amen the twentye
daye of September in the seconde yere of the raygne
of our soveraygne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace
of god quene of England France and Irelande
defender of the fayth I Will[ia]m Bawdwyn
of Hengham in the county of Norff[olk] beinge in good
and hole mynde praysed be god make this my testament
& laste will in maner and forme followinge refusinge
and anullynge all other testamentes or wills by me
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made in tymes paste Firste I bequethe my sowle
unto almightye god trustynge to have the benefyte
of his glorious p[re]sens amonge the sayntes in heaven
and my bodye to be buried in the church yarde
of Hengham aforesayd at the chancells and
nere the grave of my wyff It[e]m I will that
those poore people that shalbe p[re]sente at my buriall
shall have the same daye meate breade & drinke
inowghe for one mele at my howse It[e]m I will
& do gyve unto the poore Inhabitantes of Hengh[a]m
aforesayde xxvjs viijd to be payde yerelye xis viijd
by myne executors nexte after my decease untyll
the same xxvis viijd be payde Item I gyve and bequeth
unto Will[ia]m Bawdwyn my godsone my balde coulte
and my beste cowe byrlinge Item I gyve and bequeth
(illegible inserted text)
unto John Bawdwyn my godsone iijs iiijd Item I gyve
and bequeth unto Alice Bawdwyn my daughter
her executors and assignees iij of my beste hec[k]feres [1]
and the one halfe of my howshould stuffe as brasse
pewter lattyn beddinge lynyn wullyn tabylls stoles
cheyers formes quernes saltes bowles payles
chernes chese saltes and dyshes to be delyvered unto
her by the verie and good advice of my sup[er]visor
Immediately after my decease It[e]m all the resydue
of my goodes and cattells and debts not before neyther
hereafter gyven not bequethed I gyve and bequeth
unto Petre Bawdwyn my sone discharginge suche
debts and charges as I owe and bearinge all suche
charges as shall ryse by th' e[xec]ution of this my
testamente and laste will and allso payeinge unto
that or these p[er]sones with [w]home the sayde Alice my
daughter shall dwell those two yeres next after
my decease twentye shillinges everye of the second
too yeres It[e]m I gyve and bequeth unto the sayde Petre
my sone his executors and assignees all my landes tene[men]tes
medowes pasture and hereditaments of what nature
or kynde soever they be lyenge and beinge in Hyngh[a]m
and Woodrysynge undre this condicion followinge
that is to saye that the same Petre or his heyres executors
assignees or administrators shall paye or cause to be
payde unto the sayde Alice my daughter or to her
executors or assignees twenty poundes of lawfull
money of England in maner and forme followinge
that is to saye when the same alice shall accomplishe
her age of twentye yeres thre poundes and so from
thence forth yerelye thre poundes untyll the sayde
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twentye poundes be fullye contentyd and payde
and yf defaulte shall chance to be made in the same
paymente or in anye of them by the space of
a quarter of a yere nexte after anye tyme or
tymes at or in which it ought to be payde beinge
fyrste resonably required or demandyd I will
and my mynde is that then the sayde Alice Bawdwyn
my daughter her heyres and assignees shall
have all my sayde landes tenementes medowes
pastures and hereditamentes with there appurten[a]nces
to have and howlde all the same landes tenementes
medowes pastures and hereditamentes with ther appurtenances
to the same Alice her heyres and assignees for ever
anye thynge afore declared to the contrarye then not
with standinge moreover I do ordene and make
the sayde Petre Bawdwyn my sone and Alice Bawdwyn
my daughter th'executores of this my testamente
and laste will also I will and desyre John Bawdwin
my brother to be sup[er]visor of this my testament and
laste will and to se or cause discrete order to be
betwene my sayde sone and daughter accorindinge
to my mynde before spesyfyed gyvenge and bequething
unto the same John for that intente fortye shillinges
and all his reasonable costes and charges that he shalle
at by the occasion hereof In witnes whereof to
this my p[re]sent testament and last will I have
sett my selle the daye and yere abovesayde
There beinge witnessis Thomas Dyver Willi[a]m
More Roger Wade and John Cadye.

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