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Will of William Berresford of Clerkenwell, Middlesex, 1799

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This is a transcript of the will of William Berresford, bookbinder, of Clerkenwell, Middlesex. His will was made on 24 January 1799 and was proved on 6 March 1800.


The last Will and Testament of me Willm Berresford
late of Holliday Yard Bookbinder but now of Berkeley Street, Clerkenwell, being in Possession
of my Recollection and desirous of settling my Worldly Affairs – do hereby Will and bequeath my
Property as follows – That is to say - After all my lawfull Debts and Funeral expences are paid
I give to my Wife Elizabeth Berresford all my real and Personal Property in the Funds, in the
Stationers Company all Dividends, and profits, all my plate Watches, china, Glass Prints, Books, Linen
and Household Furniture for her Natural Life and for her whole sole and separate use and benefit – All my
Wearing Apparel between my sons William and Thomas Berresford – And from and after the Death of my
said Wife Elizabeth Berresford and after Payment of all her lawfull Debts and Funeral Expences – (leaving
all my plate Watches China Glass Prints Books and Household Furniture at the disposal of my said
Wife Elizabeth Berresford in case of her being the longest liver) I give and bequeath One fourth part of such
Remaining Stock in the Funds, in the Stationers Company all Dividends and Profits to each of my
Children, Namely – to Elizabeth Soley wife of George Soley and her heirs one fourth part – to Rebecca
Shuter wife of George Shuter and he heirs one fourth part, to William Berresford and his heirs one fourth part
to Thomas Berresford and his heirs one fourth part - And whereas by Agreements dated the 16th. day of Augt.
1796. enter’d into with my Son William Berresford he stands chargeable with an Annuity of Twenty Pounds
a Year, payable Quarterly during the natural Life of myself and my said Wife Elizabeth Berresford
Now in Case of the non Performance of these Agreements and due Payments meing made to me and my said
Wife Elizabeth Berresford during her Life, then I revoke his William Berresford’s fouerth part of such remain[in]g
Stock - and give it in equal proportions to the aforesaid Elizabeth Soley and her heirs Rebecca Shuter
and her heirs and Thomas Berresford and his heirs. And whereas there is a Penalty due upon the now
Performance of these Agreements that I likewise give and bequeath in equal proportions
(With all Monies and Interests of Monies due from ym said son William at the time of my decease
Between the aforesaid Elizabeth Soley, Rebecca Shuter, and Thomas Berresford – And I hereby

[page 2]
Nominate and appoint my said Wife Elizabeth Berresford, George Soley of Norton Folgate
and George Shuter of Aldgate Executors to this my last Will – In Witness whereof I the said
William Berresford that Testator to this my last Will contain’d on one sheet of Paper have set my
hand and seal this 24th day of January in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred
and Ninety Nine ./. revoking all former Wills by me made

Wm Berresford

Signed sealed Published and declared by the Testator
William Berresford as for his last Will and Testament
in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence
and in the presence of each other have subscribed as Witnesses

Ann Buckingham Barkeley Street.
James Blake of St Johns Street

This Will was proved the 6 March
in the Year of our Lord 1800 before the
[…] Charles […] Dr. of Laws Sur
&c by the Oaths of George Soley an
d George Shuter two of the Executors to
whom Admon was granted being
sworn duly to Administer Power
resevered to Elizabeth Berresford widow the
relict and other Executor when she shall
apply for the same

Testator was late of the Parish of Saint Peter
in the County of Middlsex but late of the
Parish of Saint John Clerkenwell in the County
of Middlesex and died 26th. Febry last.


  • "London, England, Wills and Probate, 1507-1858", London Metropolitan Archives and Guildhall Library Manuscripts Section, Clerkenwell, London; Reference: DL/C/436; Will Number: 2, Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 1704 #347755, William Berresford, probate, 6 Mar 1800.

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