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Will of William Blagdon of Southpetherwin 1651

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: South Petherwin, Cornwall, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Blagdon
This page has been accessed 55 times.

Transcript of the Last Will and Testament of William Blagdon. Paragraphs and emphasis added to aid legibility. Original spelling and capitalisation preserved.

Transcribed by Ros Haywood from a copy held by the National Archives (UK); used under the terms of the Open Government Licence [You are free to transcribe, translate, index and quote from published or unpublished Crown copyright material among the records as extensively as you wish and you may publish the results in any format and any medium: in accordance with the terms of the Open Government Licence.]

In the name of God Amen

The xxviijth day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fiftie and one of William Blagdon of the parish of Southpetherwin in the Countie of Cornwall yeoman being in health and of perfect memory praised be God doe make and ordayne this to be my last will and Testament in manner and forme following And I doe revoake and make voide all former wills whatsoever

I comende give and bequeath my soule to Allmighty God my Creator and my bodie to the Earth from whence it was formed of and made

As concerning my personall Estate I bequeath in manner and forme as followeth

Item I doe give devise and bequeath unto Richard Blagdon my oldest sonne imediately after the death of mee and Grace my wife the hall house and the parlour and one half of the Chamber over the sayd hall and Parlour that is to saye the Western and higher ends of the sayd Chamber which is over the sayd Parlour and the Buttery togeather with the chamber over the sayd Butterie And the stalle by the Barne and the little house thereunto adioning And also the part of my Tenement in and by this my will hereafter expressed heerein the lower Tre… within the parish and County aforesayde, wherein and upon the same that I dwell now at the making and writeing heereof that is to saye the part lyeth on the south side of the lane that leadeth from the dwelling house aforesayde west alonge to the Towne and also the meadowe the lower side of the Towne …

And the Orchard at the lower end of the sayd dwelling house And the herbe garden at the higher ende of the sayd Parlor And also I give and bequeath to the sayd Richard my … [board] and Cubbard that now standeth in the sayde Parlor togeather with… formed and benched

Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Margarett Blagdon the summe of twenty pounds lawfull money of England and to be paid by Richard Blagdon my sonne his Executors Administrators or Assignes unto shee the sayd Margaret her Executors or Assignes within two yeares after the death of mee and Grace my wife being lawfully demanded at the aforementioned dwelling house And provided allwaies that my will and meaning is that for non payment of the sayd Twenty pounds to the sayd Margaret within two months next after the aforesayd two yeares that then and from thenceforth hit shall and may bee lawfull to and for shee the sayd Margarett and her Assignes to enter into one Close of lands being part of the sayd Tenement and part of Richard moytie called and known by the name of the South Parke being by estimation seaven Acres of thereabouts be it more or less And shee her Executors Administrators and Assignes the same to have hold occupie possess and enjoye during such and soe many yeares as shalle then … and … and in the … by virtue of any conveyance as I the sayde William have and more hold and enjoy the same by

Item I doe also give devyse and bequeath unto John Blagdon my second sonne imediately after the death of mee and Grace, my wife the kitchen thereof and the dayrie house and one halfe of the Chamber over the sayd Hall and Parlor that is to say the Easter and Lower side of the sayde Chamber which is over the sayd Hall and the Chamber over the entrie and all other part of the sayd Tenement there on the North side of this of the aforesayd same and alsoe the Greene Moore Meadow the west side of the Downes and one garden behind the bakehouse and one little garden the North side the well and one other garden on the South side the herbe garden and the stall by the weane house

Item I give and bequeath unto my youngest sonne Matthias Blagdon the summe of fforty pounds lawfull money of England at two severall payments Twentie pounds within two yeares after the death of mee the abovesayd William and Grace my wife, Twenty pounds, more three yeares after the death of mee and Grace my wife, and for non payment of the sayd fforty pounds in manner and forme aforesayd know all men that my will and meaning is that then and from thenceforth hitt shall and may be lawfull to and for her [him] the sayde Matthias and his Executors Administrators and Assignes to enter into all these few cloases or places of lands namely the two bakes parkes and the two middle parkes Commonly known by those severall names and the North side of the two bakes parkes and he the sayd Mathias and his Executors Administrators and Assignes the same to have hold occupie possess and enjoye during such and so many yeares as shall then to come and … such of and in the premisses by virtue of any such conveyance as I the sayde William have and more hold and enjoy the same by

Item my will is also that the … the bakehouse the barne the mowe hay the … the entrie the stable bake court shall be in common betweene my sonne Richard and my sonne John except they both be contented to devide any part thereof from my will is and soe it shall be that the sayd Richard and John shall pay or cause to be paid all Rents rates Taxes deedes and demands proportionably and equally during the sayde terme, and soe everyone of them two and their Executors and Assignes shall mayntayne the houses in Common at equall costs and charge and all the other … of them his own

And further my will is that Richard my eldest sonne give entertaynement to his brother Matthias shall live unmarried and not otherwise

Item I give and bequeath unto Johan my daughter now the wife of William Pike the summe of fortie shillings of lawfull money of England

Item all the rest of my goods and chattells ungiven and not yet bequeathed I doe hereby this my last will and Testament give and bequeath to Grace my wife whom I do make and ordayne to be my whole and sole Executrix to see my funerall expenses debts and such legacies paid and performed soe far forth as shee is chargeable with all and noe more

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale … the day and yeare first abovewritten John Clarke William Pike witnesses to the will

This Will was proved at London before Sir Nathaniell Brent Knight Doctor of Lawe and Master or Keeper of the Prerogative Court the seaventeenth day of July in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fiftie two by the Oath of Grace Blagdon the Relict of the deceased and Executrix therein named To whom Administration of all and singular the goods and chattells and debts of the sayd deceased which any manner of way concern the same will was graunted and committed she being first legally sworne by virtue of a Commission in that behalf Issued forthwith and heretofore to Administer the same

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