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- National Archives, Kew, England
- Will of William Blomer, Yeoman of Burthorpe Gloucestershire
- Prob 26 January 1553/4
- PROB 11/36/327 Transcribed by Helen M Ford
- In the name of god amen. The seventh day of December in the yere of our Lorde God a thousand fyve hundred fiftie and three. And in the firste yere of the reigne of our soveraigne Ladye Marye by the grace of god of England Frannce and Ireland Queene Defender of the faithe and of the church of England and also of Ireland in earthe the supreme hedd.
- I William Blomer of Burthrope in the Countie of Gloucs yeoman sicke in body but of good and p’ftt remembrance laud and praise be given to god Doo make and ordeyne this my p’nt testament conteyning heirin my last will in manner and fourme following that is to say
- First I commende my soule into handes of almightie god my only maker savior and Redemer And my body I comytt to the earthe whereof it was found
- Item I will that all suche debts and dueties as I of righte or in conscience do owe unto anne p’son or p’sonnes be well and truly paid by myne executors hereafter to be named and so ordeyned for to be paide
- Item I give to the mother church of Gloucs viijd
- Item it is my very will mynde and intent that my said executors shall distribute disburse and give of my propre goodesto the relief of the pore people inhabiting w’in theis townshippes hereafter followinge ymmediately afore and uppon my decease, their parcells and sommes of mony as followithe; w’ot any fraude desceate of further delay that is to [ ]
- Imprimis I give to the pore people within the city of Gloucester aforsaide three poundes in money to be distributed to theme whennede requiereth by the discretions of my said executors
- Item I give to the pore people of the twone of Cirestoe(Cirencestor??) three poundes in money likewise to be distributed
- Item I give to the pore people of the towne of Cowly fourtie shillings
- Item I give to the pore people of the towne of Northlatche fourtie shillings
- Item I give to the pore people of the towne of Burford fourtie shillings
- Item I give to the pore people of the twone of Burthropp fourtie shillings
- Item I give to the pore people of the towne of [Lech?]Andrew twentie shillings
- Item I give to the pore people of the towne of Southropp twentie shillings
- Item I give to the pore peopleof the towne of Lechlade twentie shillings
- Item I give to the pore people of the village of Hollowell twentie shillings
- Item Item I give to the pore people of the towne of Aldesworth twentie shillings
- Item I give to the pore people of the towne of Hatherop twetie shillings to be distributed in manner and fourme aforesaid.
- Item I give to Anne Blomer the daughter of John Blomer my brother twentie poundes in mony to be delivered unto her or her assignes to her use and behoofe by my executors within six weeks next after my decease without any further delay
- Item I give and bequeth to Willi’m Spencer my kynnsman afire my decease fourtie sheape to be delivered unto hym by my said execitors of their wools as they shall come out of the penne or fold at sheare tyme.
- I give unto the saide William Spencer two Oxen of four yeares of age
- Item I give to William Gogyn my servennte twentie sheape to be delivered to hym out of theire wollen as before is said
- Item I give to Thomas White my servannte fyve sheape to be delivered
- Item I give to Willm Bayar my servannte fyve sheape likewise to be delivered
- Item I give to Mathew Mason fyve sheape likewise to be delivered
- Item I my servant give to John Daims my servantt fyve sheape likewise to be delivered
- Item I give to William [Budine?]tenne sheape likewise to be delivered
- Item I givee to every other of my men servanntes that be in my service at the day of making this my last testament one sheape apece And to every of my maiden servanttes at the day of making herof two sheape apeece to be delivered as before said
- Item I give and bequeth unto Henry Barnard of Great Rysington of the somme of mony that he dothe owe untome fourtene pounds
- Item I give to Henry Porrett of Burforde after my decease twentie sheape to be delivered as before Also my best furrred gowne, my best siken doublett and my best woursted cote to be delivered unto hym by my executors within six weekes next after my decease Also I give more unto the said Henry Peirott three lawfull quarters of goode seade barley to be delivered to hym or to his assignes to his use and behoofe for ever by Alice nowe my wife or my saide executors or assignes at and in the second weke of lent next coming aftire the date and day of the making herof whether I live or dye w’thout any further delay
- Item I give and bequeth unto Margaret [Selyrissen??] three poundes in mony to be delivereto her or to her assignes by my saide executors w’thin six weekes next after my decease as before is saide
- Also I doo freely forgive by this my p’nt testament and last will after my deceasee all such debts and dueties to me is owning by anny person or p’sonnes at the day of making hereof being of the somme of twentie shillinges and under
- Item I give and bequeth to the above named Alice nowe my wiffe after my decease one annuytie or yearly rent of fower poundes of lawfull money of England for and during her naturall liffe to be had taken and yerely p’re’ed ro her and her assignes out of myne owen free lande in Walle within the Lordeshipp of Aldeseworth in the countie of Gloucest’ aforesaide at the two usuall termes of the yere, that is to witt at the feastes of th’annunciation of our Lady and Saint Michaell th’archangell by equal porc’ons.And for lacke of due payment of the said yerely Rent at the termes aforesaid it shalbe lawfull to the saide Alice my wiffe her assignes to enter in and uppon any of the groundes there and then and there to distreyne and the distresse of distresses there sotaken to leade drive and cary away and the same towardes her or her assignes to reteyne and kepe untill the saide yerely Rent with th’avantages thereof if anny there be into the saide Alive or her assignes be fully satisfied paide and contented
- And also I will that the saide Alice my wiffe shalhave and take yerely to her and her assignes out of an uppon the groundes in Walle aforesaid two trees to be had and taken at th’ellection and choise of her and her assignes without lete of disturbance of the tenant or tenants there or anny other p’son or p’sones whatsoever they be for and during her liffe tyme
- Item I will and freely give and bequeth by this my p/sent testament and last will unto William Coley of Buscott in the Countie of Berk’ my brother in lawe after my decease All those my messuages Landes tenementes meades leas-es pastures Rents [------ and ----] with all and singuler their appurtenances sett lying and benig in Walle in the Lordeshippe of Alsworthe aforesaid to have and to holde all the saide messuages landes tenements and all other the premisses aforsaid with all and singuler their appurtennances unto the saide Richard (sic) Colley his heires and assignes for ever more to the only use and behoofe of the saide William Colley his heires and assignes fore ever more ( note checked, Williiam, Richard, William) To be holden of the chief Lorde or Lordes of the fee by the fine thereof right and of due customeprovided alwayes that the saide Willm Coley,his heires and assignes shall pay out of the same Landes and tenementes in manner and fourme as before menc’oned anny thing aforesaid to the contrary notwithstanding
- Item I give to the foresaid Alice my wiffe ymmediatly after and uppon my decease for and during her said liffe all that my estate title interese and terme of yeres the which I shalhave then to come of and in the p’sonage of Aldsworth aforesaid w’th all proffitts comodities and advantages to the same belonging or apperteyning in as large and ample manner and fourme as I nowe holde the same by vertue of an Indenture of lease thereof to me made and sealed by the Deane and Chapiter of Christe College in Oxford And after the decease of the saide Alice my wiffe I will that Robert Skynner the sonne of Thomas Skynner late of Aldsworth aforesaid shalhave and enioy to hym and his assignes the saide p’sonage with all the proffitts and comodities thereof, for and during the yeres that then shalbe to come of and in the same by vertue of the saide Indenture of Lease And further it is my very will mynde and intent that if the saide Robert Skynner doe decease before the yeres of and in the saide p’sonage be fully determyned or ended Then I will that the saide p’spnage with all and singuler the proffites thereof as aforsaide shall [ ] remayne to Thomas Skynner father of the saide Robert and to his assignes for and duringe all such termes and yeres as then shalbe to come of and in the same annything aforesaid to the contrary notwithstanding And furthermore I freely give and bequeth by this my p’sent testament and last will unto the forsaide Robert Skynner and to the heires of his body lawfully begotten after the decease of the saide Alice my wiffe all that my saide freeland lying and being nighe unto Cricklade called [Pryorsham?] with all proffits comodities and advantages and all and singuler th’appurtenances to the same belonging or in annywise apperteyning To have and to holde the saide Lande called Priyour sham with all singuler th’appurtenneces unto the saide Robert Skynner unto the heire of his body lawfully begotten fore ever to th’only use and behoof of the saide Robert and of the heired of his body lawfully begotten fore evermore To be holdeen of the chief Lorde or Lordes of the fee by the [ ] thereof righte and of due custome And if it shall fortune the saide Robert to decease without issue of his body lawfully begotten as before is saide then I doo freely give and bequeth by this my p’sent testament and last will all that the saide Lande called priors ham with all and singuler th’appertennances to the same belonging as aforesaid unto the said Thomas Skynner father of the saide Thomas and Agnes his wiffe and to theire heires and assignes for ever To the only use and behoofe of the saide Thomas and Agnes and of theire heires and assignes for evermore To be holden of the chief Lorde or Ladye of the [ ] thereof righte and of due accustomed as aforesaide
- Item I give and bequeth to the above named William Coley of Buscott afosaide after my decease all that myne estate title interest and therme of yeres that then shalbe to come of and in all that my farme and towne of Cowley by Culberley in the Countiee of Glous aforesaid in as large and ample manner and fourme as I nowe holde the same at the day of making hereof by an indenture of Lease to me thereof made and sealed as by the same Lease more plainly it shall and may apeare upon the whiche farme and towne I will that he shall enter into and uppon immediately after and upon my decease as afore is saide And also that the Lease thereof aforsaid be then to hym delivered without anny further delay Also it is my will, mynde and intent that all and every of my tenates there shalhave and enioy all suche their estates titles and intereste that they and either of theym have of and in theire tenementes at the day of making this my p’snt testament for and during all and every of their lives anny thing or things beforesaid to the contraary notwithstanding
- Item I give more to the saide William Coley after my decease all that my interest title and estate and terme of yeires the whiche I then shalhave to come of and in all that my parte of the farme of Burthorppe aforesaid with all and singular the proffitts comodities and advantages whatsoever they be to the same farme belonging or in anny wise app’teyning in so large and ample manner and fourme as I nowe holde the same at the day of making hereof uppon the w’ch that parte of the saide farme, I will that he shall enter into and upponymmediately afore and uppon my decease withoug anny further delay
- Item I give and bequeth more unto the aforsaide Robert Skynner, John Skynner and Johan Skynner the children of Thomas Skynner aforesaid threescore poundes of mony the wch the aforesaid Henry Barnarde of Rysington aforesaide dothe owe unto me over and above the fourtene poundes to hym before given equally to be devided amongst theyme
- The rest of all other my gooddes Cattalls and debtes before not given or bequethed my debtes paide my funnerall expences p’formed and this my legacies in this my p’snt testament fulfilled I whole give and bequeth to the forsaide Alice my wiffe whome O doe make and ordeyne my sole executrix of this my saide testament And of the execution of the same I make and ordyne the right worshipfull Sir John Brodges Knighte, Richarde Hill Clerke p’son of Byrthrop and the forsaide Henry Barbarde my supvisoures and Oversears of this my last will and testament And I give and bequeth to the saide Sir John Bridges for his paines taken in this behalf twentie poundes of lawfull mony of England And to the saide Richarde Hill clerke three poundes six shillings eighte pence of like money And to the said Henry Barnard three poundes six shilliges eighte pence of like mony And every of them I will shalbe paide by my saide executrix withinn six weekes next after my decease withough anny further delay as is aforesaide And I utterly revoke and and anull every other former testamentes wills legacies bequethed executors and overssers by me in anny wise before this tyme made named willed and bequethed Theis bearing witness the above named Richard Hill clerke John Barrett [ ] John Kyrby of Lechlade John Coleigh of High [worthe?] William Coley and Henry Perrott of Burforde with others
(probate to Alice, Relict)
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