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Will of William Blomer of Hatherop. Gloucestershire, 1613

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National Archives,Kew, England
Will of William Blomer of Hatherop, Gloucestershire
PROB 11 121/384
Probate granted 27 April 1613
transcribed by Helen M Ford
In the name of God Amen The nineteenth daye of October in the yeare of our Saviour and Redeemer Christ Jesus one Thousand six hundred and eleaven And in the yeares of the reigne of our most gracious soveraigne Lord James by the grace of God of England France and Ireland Kinge defender of the faith the nynth and of Scotland the five and fortieth I William Blomer of Hatheropp in the Countie of Glous Esquire beinge sicke in bodie but of p’fect memorie (thanks be unto Allmightie God for the same) callinge to mynde that nothinge in this world is to man more certaine and sure than death And yet the hower and tyme thereof most incertayne To th’ende therefore that my wordly goode chattels and lands being first settled heavenly cogitacons maye be of me the better imbraced doe therefore make and ordayne this my testament and last will in manner and forme followinge that is to saye..
First and above all other thinges I doe humbly comend my soule to Almightie God my Creator and to Jesus Christ my Redeemer and to the Holy Ghost my sanctifier (three persons an yet but one God) verely and stedfastlye beleaving that the same Jesus Christ died for the redemption of me and all faithfull people being truly penitent and that by his onelie mercie meritte death passion and bloosheding I have and shalll have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my synnes And my body I bequeathe to the earthe (from whence it came and whither agayne it must returne) To be buried in the seate wherein I sitt in the p’’ishe Church of Hatheropp above mentioned above the [Christes?]in the side next the South window in such decent manner as to my executrix and overseers of this my Testament and last will shall seeme fitt for my estate and degree
And concerning the devising settinge and disposinge of all my mannors landes tenements hereditaments goodes cattles and chattles whatsoever I am seized or possessed of I doe will devise give and bequeath the same and everie of them in manner and forme followinge that is to saye
I doe give and bequeath to my seconde sonne Willm Blomer gent All my mannors landes tenements and hereditaments w’thall and singular their appurtenances whatsoever sett lying and being w’thin the [ ] Teythings or hamblets of Estlach Marten, Estlach Turville, Buthrupp, Southrupp or Coates or either of them lyinge wthin the Countie of Gloucester w’ch I have and hold by vertue deedesof sale and other conveiances in the lawe made by one John Morris gent deceased unto me the said Wllm Blomer and to my said second sonne |William Blomer, To have and to hold and enioy the same to him my said second sonne William Blomer and to the heires males of his bodie lawfully begotten or hereafter to be begotten and for want of such heire males to the heires males of my sonne George Blomer gent lawfullie begotten or herafter to be begotten, And for want of suh heires males, to the heires males of my sonne John Blomer gent lawfullie begotten or hereafter to be begotten, And for want of such heiers males to the heires males of my sonne Sir Henry Blomer knight lawfull begotten or hereafter to be begotten And for want of such heires males to the right heires of me the said William Blomer for ever
Item I give and bequeathe to mysaid second sonne William Blomer All my land meadow and pasture neare Kricklade in the Countie of Wilts known by the name as Priors Ham which was sometyme the lande of my Unkell William Blomer gent deceased and by him given by will unto his man Thomas Skynner deceased and after his decease bought by me of one of his sonnes named Robert Skynner To have and to hold unto the said William Blomer and to my said second sonne William Blomer and to the heires males of the bodue of my seconde sonne lawfullie begotten or hereafter to be begotten and for want of such heires males to the heires males of my said sonne George Blomer lawfully begotten or hereafter to be begotten And for want of such heires males to the heires males of my said sonne John Blomer lawfullie begotten or hereafter to be begotten And for want of such heires males to the heires males of my sonne S’r Henry Blomer Knight lawfully begotten or hereafter to be begotten And for want of such heires males to the right heires of me the said William Blomer for ever
Item I give and bequeath to my second sonne William Blomer soe many [R?]other beasts and sheepe as I shall have going depastturing and feedynge upon my parte of my manor place at Estlach w’ch the cuntrie people doe comonlye call the old farme at Estlach at the tyme of my death w’thin one half yeare last before my death together with all such hay as shalbe then placed there for the wintering of the saide cattell provided allso and my will is that if I die at such a tyme as there is not hay placed there for the winteringe of the saide sheepe the winter next after my decease, then my will is that my said sonne William Blomer shall have so much hay out of my meades at Lachlach as shall winter the said sheepe.
Item I give and bequeath to my sonne John Blomer gent All my landes tenements and hereditam’ts with all and singuler their appurtenances whatsoever sett lying and beinge in Maysy Hampton and Marston Maysy in the counties of Glouc and Wilts together also w’th all my lands being meadow groundes and pasture situate lying and being within the pshe and Mano’r of Lechlade in the Countie of Glouc called and knowen by the name of Redhay And one other peece of land called Steple Aker lying w’th in the same meade being p’cell of that lande and meadowe w’ch I bought of one Nicholas Raynton Citizen and Haberdasher of London To have holde and einoy the same and everie p’te and p’cell thereof to him my said sonne John Blomer and to the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten or hereafter to be begotten And for want of such heires males to the heires males of my said sonne William Blomer lawfullu begottern or herafter to be begotten And for want of such heires make to the heires males of my said sonne George Blomer lawfullie begotten or herafter to bee begotten And for wanr of heires males, to the heires males of my sonne Sir Henry Blomer Knight lawfully begotten or hereafter to bebegotten And for wante of such heires males to the right heires of me the said William Blomer for ever. Provided allwayes and my will is that if my said sonne and heire S’r Henry Blomer Knight be desirous to kepe all my land lying in Maysy Hampton and Marston Masy in the counties of Glouc and Wiltes and the said land being meadow grounds and pastyre called Redhay and Steple Aker lying in Lachlade in the Countie of Gloucs in estate wholy to him and his heires males w’th the rest of my land whih the mannors of Lechlade afforesaid That then yf my said sonne and heire S’r Henry Blomer Knight will give unto my said sonne John Blomer one Thousand poundes of good and lawfull money of England and the same w’thou all fraude and delaye payeunto my said sonne John Blomer in manner and forme followinge, that is to saye five hundred poundes of good and lawfull money of England w’thin one whole yeare next after my decease or departure out of this liffe and the other five hundred poundes of good and lawfull money of England w’th in two whole yeares next after my decease or departure out of this life That then this my lande lying in Maysy Hampton and Marston Maysy in the Counties of Glouc and Wilts together also w’th this my land being meadowe and pasture lying in Lechlade in the Countie of Glouc to remayne as freelye to my said sonne and heire S’r Henry Blomer Knight and his heire males as if this my gifte had not beene made.
Item it is my will that Martha Blomer my wiffe shall quietly and peaceablye hace holde and inioye her joynture heretofore made over unto her. And my will is that shee shall einoye all the thirdes of my landes lyinge and being in Hathrupp, onely excepting my manor in Estlach and all my landes lyinge there and in Coates and Southrupp and likewise my landes lying in Priors Ham by right [late?sale?] all which landes (before excepted I have ioyned my sonne William Blomer as purchased with me to him and his heires males lawfully begotten for ever As in the conveyances thereof more at large it soeth and maye appeare.
Item I give unto William Fisher the sonne and heire of my sonne in lawe Henry Fisher gent twentie poundes of good and lawfull money of England to be payed if he live to the age of one and twentie yeares
Item I give unto John Fisher the second son of my sonne in lawe Henry Fisher gent tenne poundes of good and lawfull money of England to be payed if he come to the age of one and twentie yeares
Item I give unto Mary Fisher the daughter of my sonne in lawe Henry Fisher gent tenne poundes of good and lawfull money of \England to be payed if she live to come to the age of eighteene yeares
Item I give into Thomas Fisher the thirde sonne of my sonne in lawe Henry Fisher gent tenne poundes of good and lawful money of England to be payed if he live to come to the age of one and twentie yeares
Item I give unto David Fisher the fowerth sonne of my sonne in lawe Henty Fisher gent tenne poundes of good and lawfull money of England to be payed if he live to come to the age of one and twentie yeares
Item I give unto Martha Fisher the daughter of my sonne in lawe Henry Fisher gent tenne poundes of good and lawfull money of \England to be payed if she live to come to the age of eighteene yeares
Item I give to the reparacons of the Church of Hatherupp vis viijd
Item I give to the poore of Hatherupp xxxiijs iijd
Item I give to the poore of Calne [Alywins?] xxs:
Item I give to the poor of Estlach xxs
Item I give to the poore of Maysy Hampton xs iiijd My will is that all this money given to the poore ineverie the p’rishes aforesaid shall be distributed by my overseers where most neede shall requite
Item I give unto Martha Turner the daughter of my brother in lawe Leonard Turner deceased and of my sister Margrett late the wife of one William Hitch of Tewksbury gent the some of tenne poundes of good and lawfull money of England to be payed unto her when she come to the age of one and twenty yeares
Item I give to Wynifrith Yate the daughter of Thomas Yate late of Buckland in the Countie of Berks gent the some of five poundes of good and lawful money of England to be payed unto her when she come to the age of one and Twentie yeares
Item I give to my servant William Spirer xxs and to Elinor Spirer his wife xs and to John Spirer their sonne xs
Item I give to everie the rest of my covenant servantes at the tyme of my decease five shillinges a peece that is to say for everie of them
Item I give to Elizabeth Turner the daughter of my brother in lawe Leonard Turner deceased and of my sister Margret late the wiffe of one William Hitch of Tewkesbury gent the some of Tenne poundes of good and lawfull money of England
The rest of all my goodes cattles and chattles both moveable and removeable not before given nor bequeathed my debts payed my legacies fullfilled and my funerall expences discharged I doe freely give and bequeath to Martha Blomer my wiffe whome I doe make mu full and whole Executrix of this my perfect Testament and last will And I do utterlie revoke all fomer wills by me made and doe establish this to be my last will and Testament
And I doe make and ordayne my loving brother Richard Blomer gent and my lovinge sonne in lawe Henry Fisher gent to bee overseers of this my Testament and last will And I give to every of them fortie shillings
In witness whereof I the said William Blomer esquire have here unto sett my hand & seale by me Will’m Blomer
Witnesses here unto Edward White [---] by me, Richard Freeman, Willlm Hasell his marke.Provided allwayes and my fill will and determynation is that if Martha my wiffe doe not and shall refuse to take upon the execution of this my last will and testament and to prove the same w’thin three monethes next after my decease and dep’ture out of this life, that then my will is that my Sonne John Blomer shall be my Executor of this my last will and testament and shall prove the same will by me Willm Blomer witnesses here unto Edward White By me Richard Freeman Willm Hassel his mark

Notes See also Blomer,William of Hatherop Probate May 4 1624 by son John; son Sir Henry Kt decd (Admon with will (29 Capell) Ap 27 1613 to son Sir Henry Blomer Kt relict Martha renouncing Abstracts of Probates and Sentences in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury published 1911 archive books (see also Richard Blomer pr Jan 30 1621/2 Henry Blomer June 10 1624

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