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Will of William Dixwell of Churchover 1581

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Churchover, Warwickshire, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Dixwell Dyxwell
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This page has been accessed 61 times.


Introductory Notes

The will of William Dixwell of Coton, in the parish of Churchover, Warwickshire, England was written on 15 June 1579 and proved in the Consistory Court of Lichfield and Coventry on 4 September 1581.[1][2]

The will is described in the index as an original, however, it appears to be a clerk's copy, probably made at the granting of probate. This is based on there being no signatures or other marks and the fact that the probate recorded in the act book appears to be in the same hand as the will.

It is written in English over nine pages. The hand is difficult to interpret; letters are non-standard and frequently become so small as to be almost illegible. Unusually large gaps are sometimes left between letters within a word, giving the appearance of multiple words where there is only one. Spelling is often inconsistent. The paper/parchment is in good condition. Each page (except the last) is numbered in the bottom left-hand corner. The will starts on page 1 and ends on (unnumbered) page 9. There is no probate statement on the will itself; this has been taken from the Act Book.

Transcription Conventions

The conventions used in this transcription are:

  • spelling, punctuation, line breaks and capitalisation are recorded as in the document, with the following exceptions to aid readability:
    • capital I is silently modernised to I or J as appropriate (eg "Joan", rather than "Ioan")
    • ff at the start of a word is silently modernised to F (eg "First", rather than "ffirst")
    • additional paragraph breaks may be included to increase readability of large amounts of text
  • superscript letters are silently lowered, except where these relate to money (eg li s d), dates (eg th) or titles (eg Mrs)
  • abbreviations/breviographs are expanded with the additional letter(s) in square brackets, except symbols for money (li s d) and the ampersand (&)
  • the letter thorn is recorded as "th" in square brackets (eg "[th]e", rather than "ye")
  • short series of missing/illegible letters are recorded with a period for each letter thought to be missing/illegible in square brackets; longer gaps are described with an editorial note
  • editorial notes are italicised and in square brackets
  • names and relationships are highlighted in bold
  • footnotes are used to clarify archaic terms, difficult text and discrepancies
  • u/v and i/j are recorded as they appear; even where modern usage would dictate one over the other (eg "haue", rather than "have" if the third letter is clearly a "u"; "vnto", rather than "unto" if the first letter is clearly a "v")
  • where a series of letters consisting of minims contains an "i", the tittle is placed over the logical place where the "i" would occur, irrespective of where it appears, since it was often a scribal convenience to place it only over the terminal minim (eg "saving" rather than "savnig")
  • the virgule, signifying a pause (comma, semi-colon, colon or full-stop), is recorded using a forward slash /, but only when such intent is obvious (the virgule is often indistinguishable from various check marks and otiose flourishes that are of no significance)

Persons Mentioned

The will mentions the persons below. Modern/alternative spellings for names have been included where appropriate, to help ensure this page is listed in relevant web searches.

  • Will[ia]m Dixwell of Cotten: William Dixwell of Coton [parish of Churchover], testator
  • Margery Dixwell my Daughter: Margery Dixwell, daughter
  • John Ellington: John Ellington, owed money to testator
  • Tho[mas] Dixwell my sonne: Thomas Dixwell, son
  • John Dixwell the sonne of Tho[mas] Dixwell: John Dixwell, son of Thomas Dixwell and grandson of testator
  • humfrey Dixwell my eldest sonne: Humphrey Dixwell, eldest son
  • Elizabeth Dixwell nowe my wif: Elizabeth Dixwell, wife
  • Charles Dixwell my soonne: Charles Dixwell, son and witness
  • Benedict Dixwell [my sonne]: Benedict Dixwell, son
  • Erasmus Dixwell [my sonne]: Erasmus Dixwell, son
  • Faustyne Dixwell [my sonne]: Faustin Dixwell, son
  • Franc[i]s Dixwell [my sonne]: Francis Dixwell, son
  • Will[ia]m Dixwell my godsonne the soone of Charles Dixwell: William Dixwell, son of Charles Dixwell and grandson of testator
  • my s[e]ru[a]nt Richard: Richard [no surname given], servant
  • Basill Fildinge of Newham in the Countie of Warr[wick] esquire: Basil Feilding of Newnham, Warwickshire, esquire, supervisor [second cousin of testator]
  • John Grey of envill in the countie of Staff[ord] esquier: John Grey of Enville, Staffordshire, esquire, supervisor [first cousin once removed of testator]
  • Edward Boughton of Cawston in the Countie of Warr[wick] esquier: Edward Boughton of Cawston, Warwickshire, esquire, supervisor
  • my sonne Richard Burneby: Richard Burnaby, son-in-law, supervisor and witness
  • my sonne Will[ia]m Digbie: William Digby, son-in-law, supervisor
  • Edward Brinnson: Edward Brinson, witness and scribe


[page 1]

In dei no[m]i[n]e Amen the xvth daie of June in the xxjth yere of the rangne of
oure sou[er]angne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god of england frannce
and Ireland Queene defendor of the faithe &c I Will[ia]m Dixwell of Cotten
in the Countie of War[wick] esquier beinge of p[er]fecte Memorie and in good health
Thank[es] bee unto Allmightie god doe ordayne and Make this my Laste
Will and testam[en]t in Mann[er] and forme folloeinge that is to Saie First I
Bequeth my Soule to Allmightie god my Maker and redem[er] by whose Death &
Passy[i]on I trust to be Saved and my bodie to be buried in the Chancell
of the par[is]h Church of Churchover in the aforesaid Countie of Warr[ick] Allso
I Will that all my dett[es] and duties w[hic]h I owe or of right in conscyence
ought to be paied to any person or persons be weel and trulie w[i]thall
Expedic[i]on after my Deathe satisfied as intented and paied
by myne executors here undernamed w[i]thout delay or contradicc[i]on And after
the Same my dett[es] p[ai]d my funerall expenses performed and my legacys
p[ai]d, I Will and bequeth unto the Same Church of Churchover xs
It[e]m I will give and bequeth vnto Margery Dixwell my Daughter
One hundreth pounds of Lefull english money [and] a

[page 2]

fetherbedd w[i]thall furniture and appurtenans thereto belonginge and a
paire of virginalls w[or]th fiue hundreth pounds I will shalbee
deliu[er]ed vnto her w[i]thin one yere next after my Decease &
before if ether she marry or if the flock of shepe of
Newton close or the money that shalbe Dewe insteed
or Lewe thereof shall or may be paied or receyved by
myne executors of John Ellington or his executors or Admi[ni]strators
and she to haue her reasonable Allowance of myne executors
in the meane tyme towards her findinge Item I will &
Bequeth unto Tho[mas] Dixwell my sonne xxth m[ar]k[es] of Lefull english
Money It[e]m I give and bequeth vnto John Dixwell
the sonne of Tho[mas] Dixwell xxth m[ar]kes nobles of
Lefull english money It[e]m I will and bequeth vnto

[page 3]

humfrey Dixwell my eldest sonne the best chamber with the best
fetherbedd therein withuse the furniture vnto it belonginge excepte
One of the tooe Chaires theie It[e]m I bequeath vnto the saide
humfrey all the implem[en]ts standing in the p[ar]lor, not otherwyse
bequethed vi of the best platters and vi plaiters of
the Lesser sorte, vi pewter Dishes of the
small sorte, one of the best brasse pottes one of the
best brasse pannes the great spytt one paiere of
Coburd[es] the lead in the brewouse w[i]thall the brew my
vessells to be yelded and deliu[er]ed vnto him p[re]sentlie after the Decease
of Elizabeth Dixwell nowe my wif and not before. It[e]m I give &
Bequeth vnto Charles Dixwell my soonne one Colte, one fetherbedd
w[i]th the furniture therunto belonginge It[e]m I give and bequeth vnto

[page 4]

my sonnes Benedict Erasmus Faustyne and Franc[i]s Dixwell after my
Legacies paied all my goodes and Cattells w[i]thin the Dores and w[i]thout the
Dores whatsoeu[er] Except my wifes flock of sheepe that
is to be vnderstode w[i]thout my Dwelling house except allsoe
halft the Corne, and graine to be equallie devided Amongest them
and the survivor or survivors of them allsoe the same
my iiijor soones last recited and to the survivor or survivors
of them I give apointe and bequeth one Close named Shiwell
close w[i]th the yerelie rentes proffitt[es] and issus of the
same for & During the termes of xxj Yeres from & after
the Deathe of the longer lyver of me and Elizabeth my
wif and the proffittes thereof to be equallie Devided
Amongest them and the s[u]rvivors of them Allsoe I

[page 5]

Give vnto ev[er]y of the same, my saied iiijor soonns last recyted one
fetherbed w[i]thall furniture and appurten[a]nces therto belonging Allsoe I give
to every of my saied sonnes last recyted one brasse pott one brasse
panne vj pewter platters a peace, one paire of cobbardes tooe
spytt[es] to be Deliu[er]ed vnto them after the decease of Elizabeth Dixwell
my wif It[e]m the reste of my plate hereof be unbequethed and the
half of the Corn and grayne, before excepted, w[i]th my wifes flock of sheepe
It[e]m I give and bequeth unto Elizabeth Dixwell my wif to bestowe
and give at her will and pleasure. It[e]m I gyve & bequeth to eu[er]y one
of the ch[i]ldren of Humfrey Dixwell my sonne, vjs viijd
It[e]m I give and bequeth vnto Will[ia]m Dixwell my godsonne the
soonne of Charles Dixwell vjs viijd It[e]m I will that
Humfrey Dixwell my soonne shall haue the best silver

[page 6]

salte of silver and p[ar]cell gilt and the silv[er] spoones the s[ai]d humfrey to have
the s[ai]d things after the decease of Elizabeth my wyf
& she to haue the use of them as long she lyveth All
the Lynens vnder my wifes Custody and bedding w[i]thin her
chamber and where my daughter lyeth and all the pott[es]
and pannes unbequethed and all the silv[er], plate my
Dettes and legacies aforesaied in my will named, p[er]formed I will th[at]
Elizabeth Dixwell my wif shall haue the rest to her own
use. It[e]m I will give and bequeath vnto my soones benedict
Erasmus Faustyne and f[ra]nnces Dixwell Newton Close
in Cotten for one yere next after the Decease of me the
s[ai]d Will[ia]m and Elizabeth Dixwell my wif and they to
haue the proffytts thereof indifferentlie devided

[page 7]

Betwene them for that yere. And if anie of them Dye before the
decease of me the s[ai]d Will[ia]m and Elizabeth Dixwell my
wif then the s[u]rvivor of them to haue the hole During
this one yere aforesaied. It[e]m I giue and bequeth vnto my s[e]ru[a]nt
Richard one heifer of tooe yeres older It[e]m I give vnto Henry
Cooke my man xxs. All other my goodes unbequethed whereof
no mencyon before is made I give and bequeth unto Benedict
Dixwell Erasmus Dixwell Faustine Dixwell & Franc[es] Dixwell
my soones whom I constitute and make my full & Lefull executors
and to whome I put my hole confidence & trust in p[ro]ving
and fullie p[er]forminge this my last will & testam[en]t and to
see my Dett[es] & Legacies faithfullie paied and for the

[page 8]

Dischardging of my Conscyonce therein and to thend & intent this my Mynde
in all thinges nowe be p[er]formed accomplished and fullfilled I doe Nominat
will and appointe Basill Fildinge of Newham in the Countie of
Warr[wick] esquire John Grey of envill in the countie of Staff[ord] esquier
& Edward Boughton of Cawston in the Countie of Warr[wick] esquier
my sonne Richard Burneby and my sonne Will[ia]m Digbie sup[er]visors &
overseers of this my last will and testament that all thinges therein
appointed maie be accordinglie vnto my mynde in that bequest p[er]formed
and deliu[er]ed without annie grudginge striffe Debate or Contenc[i]on
whatsoeu[er] In wyttnes whereof I the said Will[ia]m Dixwell haue
to this my p[re]sent last will and testament sett my hand
and seale, Dated the day & yere first above written
p[er] me Will[ia]m Dixwell

Signed sealed deliu[er]ed and affirmed by the sayed
Above named Willm Dixwell the day & yere

[page 9]

first above written and the same will was first redd vnto hym in
his presence about tenne of the clock in thaforenoonne of
the same day in the presence of the s[ai]d wytnesses hereafter
folloeing Richard Burnebie

Charles Dixwell
Edward Brinnson the writer hereof


[folio 114 verso; translated from Latin']

At Lichfield 4 September 1581

The will of William Dixwell, esquire, of the parish of Churchover, deceased, by Benedict, Erasmus, Faustin, and Francis Dixwell, sons and executors, sworn before the man William Ireland, clergyman of St. Michael's Coventry, and they are bound to present the inventory before the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel.


  1. Will: "Staffordshire, Dioceses Of Lichfield And Coventry Wills And Probate 1521-1860"
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 1 January 2024)
    William Dixwell probate in 1581.
  2. Probate Act: "Act Book Dioc. Lichfield & Coventry 1572 - 1583," vol. 7 fol. 114 verso; "Staffordshire, Dioceses Of Lichfield And Coventry Wills And Probate 1521-1860," database with images,
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 1 January 2024)
    Willim Dixwell probate in 1581. Residence Churchover, Warwickshire, England, Churchover, Warwickshire, England.

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