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Will of William Earl of Devonshire 1685

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This is a transcription of the register version of the will of William Cavendish Earl of Devonshire.[1] The will was written on 17 July 1683, with codicils added on 5 July 1684, 21 October 1684 and 21 November 1684, and proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 10 April 1685.

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.

The following persons are mentioned:

  • my dearest child my sonne Charles: Charles Cavendish, second son of William and his wife, Elizabeth, who died on 3 March 1671
  • my most dear mother the Right Honorable Christian late Countesse Dowager of Devonshire: Christian (Bruce) Cavendish
  • my deare wife Elizabeth Countesse of Devonshire: Elizabeth (Cecil) Cavendish
  • Anne Charlotte Lady Frescheville: (second?) wife of Lord John (below)
  • John Lord Frescheville deceased: John Frescheville Ist Baron Frescheville of Stavely died 1682. William purchased a manor in Stavely Derbyshire from John Frescheville for £6000 plus interest by means of by a mortgage loan
  • Mr Phillip Warwick deceased: father-in-law of Elizabeth (Frescheville) Warwick for whom the proceeds of the mortgage formed part of her marriage agreement
  • my daughter the Lady Cavendish: actually William's daughter-in-law, Mary (Butler) Cavendish youngest daughter of the Duke of Ormond, wife of his eldest son and later the 1st Duchess of Devonshire
  • my Daughter the Countesse of Exeter: Anne (Cavendish) Cecil whose second husband was John Cecil the 4th Earl of Exeter
  • my sonne William Lord Cavendish: William Cavendish KG eldest son and later the 1st Duke of Devonshire
  • my old friend Wm Waller of Baconsfield: possibly William Waller MP (abt.1639-1699), who, like William, was a Fellow of the Royal Society
  • my grandchild John Cecill Lord Burghley: John Cecil (1674-1721) eldest son of William's daughter Anne the Countess of Exeter and her second husband John
  • my grandchild William Cecill: William Cecil (bef.1682-1715) second son of William's daughter Anne the Countess of Exeter and her second husband John
  • the Earle of Exeter: John Cecil the 4th Earl of Exeter, William's son-in-law
  • my grandchild Elizabeth Cavendish: Elizabeth (Cecil) Boyle (1687-1708) daughter of Anne the Countess of Exeter and her second husband John
  • James Duke of Ormond: James Butler KG (1610-1688) the father of William's daughter-in-law, Mary Lady Cavendish
  • grandchildren William Cavendish Henry Cavendish and James Cavendish: William Cavendish (abt.1672-1729), Henry Cavendish MP (1673-1700) and James Cavendish MP (abt.1675-1751)
  • my Noble Cusin Robert Earle of Aylesbury: possibly Robert Bruce (1626-1685) Christian's nephew and William's cousin
  • Servants in generall
  • John Hanson of London Gentleman since deceased:
  • Christopher Halleley of Clifton in the County of Bedford Gentleman
  • John Coates of Clements Inn in the parish of St Clement Danes in the County of Middx Gentleman
  • Robert Chappell of the parish of St Gyles in the Field in the said County of Middx Gentleman
  • the Right Honorable Thomas Earle of Essex since deceased: ?
  • the right Honorable Thomas Lord Bruce sonne and heire apparent of the same Earle
  • Richard Newman of Fifhead Mady in the County of Dorsett Esqr: Colonel Richard Newman (abt.1620-1695) Lord of Fifehead Magdalen, Dorset. Was imprisoned for supporting the King in the Civil War
  • Roger [?]son of Newport house in the parish of St Martin in the Fields in the said county of Middx Gentleman
  • my Couzin Diana Cecill
  • my vestry[?] servant Mr Roger Jacson
  • my old faithfull servant Evan Garrett
  • my servant Mr Robert Rose
  • my old Servant James [?]heldon
  • my Servant Robert Lowden
  • my servants John Hibbard and Mary his wife
  • my Servant Samuel North
  • my Servant Ralph Blackwell
  • my Servant John Barker Usher of my Hall
  • my old Groome Marmaduke Crofts
  • the poore of Rowhampton
  • Elizabeth Bates

Witnessed by:

  • Ben : Daintrie
  • Roger Jarson
  • [Robert Rose] in the margin
  • Aaron Kinton
  • Rob. Chappell

Codicil 5 July 1684

  • Roger Jarson
  • Robt Rose
  • Evan Garrett

Codicil 21 October 1684

  • R Newman
  • Anne Hereman
  • Roger Jarson
  • Robt Rose

Codicill 21 November 1684

  • Christianus Harell
  • Ben. Daintrie
  • Matthew Jackson


In the name of God Amen
Whereas I William Earle of Devonshire by the Deaths of my dearest
child my sonne Charles and since of my most dear mother the Right Honorable
Christian late Countesse Dowager of Devonshire and since severall of my
grandchildren had and have occasion to alter my Wills lately made and to make a
new one Now therefore I the said Earle doe hereby absolutely revoke and make void
all former and other wills and Testaments and Codicills of or to any Wills at any
time or times heretofore made by me And I the said William Earle of Devonshire
doe the seventeenth day of July in the first and the thirtieth yeare of the reigne of our
Sovereigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God of England Scotland France
and Ireland King Defender of the Faith Annoque Din one thousand six
hundred eighty three make this my last will and testament in manner following

First I committ my soule to Almighty God and my body to the earth to be decently
buried in such place and in such manner as shall seeme fitt to my Executors herein
after named only desiring that the same shall be interred in Allhallows Church in
Derby assuredly hoping for a Joyful Resurrection and eternall life by the mercy of
God and meritts of our Saviour Jesus Christ

And as touching my temporall estate
I order and dispose as herein followeth that is to say Whereas all Deeds made by
mee to, or to, or for the use of, or in trust for, my deare wife Elizabeth Countesse of
Devonshire are now at or by her desire reduced to, or for the [?] unto her dureing
her life after my decease the yearly summe of Two Thousand and five hundred
pounds in such sort and manner as is therein in that behalfe mentioned in full of all
other demands by her out of my reall and personall estate except what I should give
her by my last will and Testament or to such effect unto which severall Deeds for
more certeinty I reforce my selfe and confirme unto my said Deare wife for her life
the said yearly sum of Two Thousand and five hundred pounds according to
the pur port and [?] meaning thereof and under and subject to the agreement
termes and conditions therein contained in that behalf

Also I give unto my said
deare wife the use of Two Thousand and six hundred [?] of such plates I
shall bee proprietor or owner of at the time of my decease as shee shall choose
but if I shall happen not to have soe much plate at the time of my decease [?]
give unto her the use of all the plate I shall then have

Also I give unto my said
wife all her clothes and apparrell and all Jewells plate cabitietts[?] pictures and
other things which she hath bought for the furniture of her chamber and Clossett
and all my Coaches Coach =horses Coach harnesse and furniture thereunto

Also I give and bequeath unto my said wife forever the necklace
of pearlls and her Bracelett of Diamonds as also a Rose of Diamonds with
and Emerald in the midst and also I give unto her for and during her

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naturall life only the use and occupation Jewells which for that
purpose shall be specified and mentioned in any Schedule or Codicill relating
to this my Will Except the use of such as are or shall bee hereby given to her,
for of those she will have the absolute property

Also I give and bequeath
unto my said wife the Countesse of Devonshire and her heirs forever my house
at Rowhampton in the County of Surrey with the appurtenances and all
my Lands and heriditaments in the Townefields or precincts of Rowhampton
aforesaid or elsewhere in the said County of Surrey shee paying within one yeare
[?] after my decease unto my other Executors hereafter named the summe of five
thousand pounds of lawfull money of England towards the payment of my
Debts and Legacies

And also I give unto my said wife the use of all the
pictures furniture and goods which shall be at or in my said house at
Rowhampton aforesaid at the time of my decease

And I do hereby give and
appoint that my Executors herein after named shall pay the yearly sum
of three Hundred pounds unto Anne Charlotte Lady Frescheville
Executrix of the last will and Testament of John Lord Frescheville deceased
her late husband according to my Covenants in that behalfe conteined in
one Indenture bearing the date the three and twentieth day of December[?]
[?] in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand six hundred eighty and one and
made between mee and the said William Earle of Devonshire of the one part
and the said John Lord Frescheville of the other part and also shall pay the
summe of Six Thousand pounds in the same Indenture mentioned unto
the Executors of Mr Phillip Warrwick deceased or to such to whom the same
shall bee payable and when the same shall bee payable

And if it shall please
God that I shall hereafter have any other child or children either borne in my life
time or after my decease then my willis and I give and bequeathe unto every
such other child which shall bee a sone the summe of Twenty Thousand pounds
of lawfull money of England and to every such other child which shall bee a
daughter the summe of Tenne Thousand pounds of [?] mony the said sume
of Twenty Thousand pounds to be paid to every such sonne when hee
shall attain and if hee shall attain the age of eighteen yeares and not
before or otherwise and the said summe of Tenne Thousand pounds to bee
paid to every such daughter when shee shall attain and if shee shall attain
the age of eighteen or bee married with the consent of my Executors and
Overseeres herein after named and the Survivors and Survivor of them if [?]
which shall first happen and not before or otherwise

And such yearly maintenance
shall be for such children responsible till their respective portons become due as
my said Executors or Overseeres or the Survivors or survivor of them shall think fitt
not exceeding the yearly summe of foure hundred pounds a peece

Also I give
againe the Bodkinhead[?] with a large Diamond in the midst unto my daughter
the Lady Cavendish which was formerly given her by my mother

Also I give the Pendant [?] to my Daughter the Countesse of Exeter after the decease
of my wife who is only to have the use of it for her life

Also I will that my Ex[ecuto]r
shall disburse or dispose of such summe and summes of money as shall bee
requisite for the repairing and keeping in repair during the life of my sonne
William Lord Cavendish my houses of Chattesworth and Hardwick in
the said county of Derbyshire such summe and summes of money to bee imployed
for that purpose not to exceed foure hundred pounds p annum one year with

I give unto my said sonne William for the use of his wife the large
Jewell of Diamonds with[?] pendant Diamonds and my best Ruby Ring after
the decease of my wife. But my will and minde is that my wife shall have the use
of them given to my said sonne William as aforesaid during her life


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I give unto my old friend Wm Waller of Baconsfield in the county of Buck[ingham]shire
summe of one hundred pounds of like mony

Also I give to my said daughter the
Lady Anne Countesse of Exeter the summe of One Hundred pounds of like mony
to buy her a ring withall I having formerly by Deed settled upon or for her, her
joynture land shee had in the County of Essex w<supt>th</sup> I hereby confirm according to such

Also I give and bequeath unto my grandchild John Cecill Lord Burghley
first] sone of my said
Daughter the Countesse of Exeter the summe of One Thousand pounds and to
thousand pounds and to my grandchild William Cecill second sonne of my said
Daughter the Countesse of Exeter the summe of Five Thousand pounds and to
Charles Cecill and all other children wth my said daughter shall have by the Earle
of Exeter her husband the summe of Foure thousand pounds of like money to bee
divided between or amongst them by such shares and proportions as the said
Earle of Exeter and the said Countesse of Exeter their Father and mother or the
Survivor of them shall by any writing under their or his or her hand or hands
appoint and in default of such appointment to bee equally divided betwixt or
amongst them which said severall summes herein before given or bequeathed unto
my said grandchildren shall as soon and as convenientlie may bee after my death
bee paid to the said Earle of Exeter and Countesse of Exeter or the survivor
of them to bee imployed laid out or disposed by them or the survivor of them
to the best advantage of their said children to whom it is given as aforesaid
and if any of them my said Grandchildren hereinbefore named or such other
children of my said Daughter the said Countesse of Exeter shall happen
to die before his or her age of one and twenty yeares or marriage Then the
summe of money or legacy hereby given to such of them as shall soe die shall
goe to the Survivor or Survivors of them and not to the Executors or adm[inistrato]rs
of him or her soe dieing And if all of them my said grandchildren and such
other children [?] my said Daughter the Countesse of Exeter shall have shall
happen to die before any of them attaine to his or her age of one and twenty yeares
or bee married Then the said summes of moneyes or legacies hereby given
to my said grandchildren and such other Children of my said daughter the
Countesse of Exeter shall not go to the Executors or Administrators of the
Survivor of them but unto my said Daughter the Countesse of Exeter

Also I give and bequeath to my grandchild Elizabeth Cavendish daught[er].
of my said sonne the said Lord Cavendish the summe of Tenne Thousand
pounds for her portion the same to be paid on the day of her marriage
provided she marries with the Consent of her Parents my wife her
grandmother and James Duke of Ormond or the survivors or Survivor
of them if living and if they or any of them bee living then if shee marry
without such Consent Then in that case I only give her the summe of
Five Thousand pounds and in case shee shall not marry before her age
of Fifteene yeares then and in that case I give her for her maintenance
till her age of Fifteen yeares the yearly summe of Two hundred
pounds and from and after her age of Fifteen yeares untill her marriage
the yearly summe of Three hundred pounds the same to bee paid half
yearly by equall portions

And I doe not by this my will make provision
for the maintenance of my said grandchildren William Cavendish Henry
Cavendish and James Cavendish dureing the life of their Father the said
William Lord Cavendish because I have already done it by my settlement
and yet notwithstanding this my forecast and provident care for my said
grandchildren William Devonshire Henry Cavendish James Cavendish
and Elizabeth Cavendish I expect my said sonne William Lord Cavendish
shall and I commend it to, and charge him to, make such Additions to and for them

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as his kindnesse or their dutie and quality shall deserve

And in case I shall not
in my life time cause a monument to be made for my said sonne Charles
in Allhallowes Church aforesaid Then I doe hereby will and desire my said
Executors to cause one there to bee made for him not exceeding the value of one
hundred and fifty pounds of like money

Also I give and bequeath to my Noble
friend the said Duke of Ormond One hundred pounds to buy a ring

Also I give and bequeath to my Noble friend and kinsman the Duke of
[?] the summe of One hundred pounds to buy a ring

Also I give unto to my Noble Cusin Robert Earle of Aylesbury the summe of One thousand
pounds and also the knott of pearles which my mother gave to my sonne

Also I give and bequeath unto my said daughter the Lady
Cavendish the summe of two hundred pounds and out of my perticuler kindness
to my grandchild Henry Cavendish I give and bequeath unto him the summe
of Five Thousand pounds to bee paid to him when hee shall attain and if hee
shall attain his age of one and twentie yeares for him to lay out in land or for
building a house at Leicester Abbey in the County of Leicester

Also I doe
will and appoint tnat my Executors hereinafter named shall pat the summe
of five Thousand pounds of like mony and such other summe or summes
unto or for the person or persons and to and for such uses ends intents or
purposes and at such times and in such manner as I by writing or writings
under my hand and [?] testified by two or more Credible witnesses shall
from time to time in that behalfdirect nominate or appoint

Also I give
and bequeath to the poore people for the time being at or in the severall
places parishes or Townes of Chattesworth edensort Harddwick [?]th
Astwith Houfhton Langwith Horstofft Steamesby and [?]kidyt in
the daid County of Derby the summe of four hundred pounds of like mony
to bee imployed by my said Execurors in making provision for worke and
for that purpose if they think fitt to settle a stork{?] or cause a workhouse to bee
cretted and to relieve such of the said poore as are old or impotent and
cannot worke and to put forth Apprentices of the younger sort of such
poore of both sexes as they shall think fitt and generally to order and imploy
the mony hereby given unto the said poore as they mu Executors shall
think best

I give one thousand pounds unto my servants to bee
distributed amongst them in such manner and proportions as my said
Executors shall think fitt unlesse I in my life time shall by writing by me
subscribed in the presence of two or more witnesses appoint in what manner
and proportions the same shall be distributed amongst them

And my will
is that my Jewells Pictures furnitire and household goods other than plate
shall not be sold or disposed of for the payment of my debts or any summe or summes
of money by mee bequeathed or given away or to bee bequeathed or given away
but shall yet according as I have appointed or shall appoint the same by this
my will

And my will is that my jewells not herein before given away shall
continue and remaine to the heires of my family after the decease of the said
sonne William Lord Cavendish and in order there unto my will is that
my Executorskeepe or dispose of them during his life as they shall think
convenient and after his decease deliver them to the heire of my family or
after my decease deliver then to the said William Lord Cavendish for him
and my daughter the Lady Cavendish to make use of, for as and provided
that hee give Securitie to the likeing of my Executors that the same shall
after his decease bee delivered to the heires of my family

And I give my pictures furniture and household goods that at the time of my decease shall
bee at or in my house at Latimers in the County of Buckinghamshire unto my

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said grandchild Henry Cavendish when and if hee attain his age of One and
twenty yeares or bee married which shall first happen also the same to go along wth
my said house, and my will is that my other pictures furniture and household goods
shall remain and continue to the heires of my family only my said wife to have the
use of those at my said house at Rowhampton as afire said

And what mu personall
estate besides my Jewells pictures furniture and household goods which are not
intended yet for the payment of my debts or summes of money by mee bequeathed
or given away shall fall short or want for the payment of my debts legacies and
summes of money by mee bequeathed or Given aaway or to bee bequeathed or given
away shall bee supplied or madeup by the provision in suchcase and for
the purpose (Amongst diverse other things) made or conformed or expressed
or by [?]

I udentue[?] Quadripartite bearing date the Fifth day of September
which was in the yeare of out Lord One thousand six hundredseventy and
eight made or mentioned to bee made betweene mee the said Earle of Devonshire
of the first part John Hanson of London Gentleman since deceased and
Christopher Halleley of Clifton in the County of Bedford Gentleman of the
second part John Coates of Clements Inn in the parish of St Clement Danes
in the County of Middx Gentleman and Robert Chappell of the parish of St
Gyles in the Field in the said County of Middx Gentleman of the third part
the Right Honorable Thomas Earle of Essex since deceased the said
John Earle of Exeter Robert Earle of Aylesbury the right Honorable
Thomas Lord Bruce sonne and heire apparent of the same Earle Richard
Newman of Fisshead Mady in the County of Dorsett Esqr and Roger [?]son
of Newport house in the parish of St Martin in the fields in the said county
of Middx Gentleman of the fourth part or otherwise

And if there shall bee
any remainder or overplusse of my personall estate not herein before disposed
of after my funerall expenses debts legacies and bequests paid and satisfied I give
the same unto my said sonne William Lord Cavendish

And I make and
ordein my said wife the Countesse of Devonshire the said John Earle of
Exeter and Robert Earle of Aylesbury Executors of this my last will and
Testament and I make the Overseers thereof the said Duke of Ormond
and my said sonne William Lord Cavendish authorising and desireing
them and either of them and the Survivor of them to bee aiding and assisting
in or to the execucon of this y Will and to prevent or determine as farr as
may bee all controversies which may arise or happen concerning the same
In witnesse whereof I the said William Earle of Devonshire have hereunto
sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written. W Devonshire
Signed Sealed and published by the within named William Earle of Devonshire
to bee his last Will and testament in the presencce of Ben : Daintrie Roger
Barson [Robert Rose] Aaron Kinton Rob. Chappell.

Codicil 1: 5 July 1684 Know all persons whom it may anywayes
concerne That I William Eale of Devonshire Doe by this presents wi[?] and
bequeath unto my dear Daughter the Countesse of Exeter for her owne
separate use and to bee at her owne disposall All my beasts Cattle Sheepe
Horses[?] Swine Corne Hayand Husbandry Implements that shall
at the time of my death happen to bee at or upon any my farmes or tenements
in Bromfield and in the Hundred of Rochford in the County of Essex or elsewhere in the said County of Essex And all my Husbandry stock and
Husbandry Utensills or whatsoever else except Arrd[?] of Pent[?] in the

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tennants hands in the said county of Essex shall or ought at the time of my death appertaine
or belong to mee hereby willing and appointing that my Executors shall not therewith
intermeddle but immediately after my decease deliver over the possession of the same to
my said deare daughter to whom shee shall appoint And this I appoint to bee
taken and to be as a Codicill to or part of my Last Will and Testament Witnesse
my hand and seale this Fifth day of July in the yeare of out Lord One thousand
six hundred eighty four W. Devonshire Sealed and delivered in the presence of
Roger Jarson Robt Rose Evan Garrett.

Codicil 2: 21 October 1684
Wereas I William Earle of Devonshire in and by my last will
bearing date the seventeenth day of July in the five and thirtieth yeare of the
reigne of our present Sovereign Lord dKing Charles the second Annoq Domin
one thousand six hundred eighty three Have (amongst diverse other gifts and
Legacies given and bequeathed to my grandchild John Cecill Lord Burghley
oldest sonne of my daughter the Countesse of Exeter One Thousand pounds and to my
grandchild William Cecill second sone of my said Daughter Five thousand pounds
and to Charles Cecill and all other Children which my Daughter Executor sahall have
by the Earle of Exeter her husband the summe of foure thousand pounds to bee
divided between or amongst them by such shares as the said Earle and Countesse
of Exeter their Father and Mother or the Survivor of them shallby writing under
their his or her hand appoint and in default of such appointment to bee equally
divided anongst them which said severall summes soe given or bequeathed unto my
said grandchildren are directed by my said Will shall assoone as convenientlie
may bee after my death bee paid to the said Earle and Countesse of Exeter
or the Survivor of them to be imployed layd out or disposed by them or the Survivor
of them to the best advantage of their said children to whom it is given aforesd
with diverse other directions relating to the said severall legacies as in and by my
my said Will (amongst diverse other matters and things) may more largely appeare
No know all persons That I the said Earle of Devonshiredoe hereby appoint
and declare and my will is that the said severall legacies or summes of one thousand
pounds, five thousand pounds, and four Thousand pounds shall (According to my d
will) assoone as conveniently may bee after my death be paid unto the said Earle
and Countesse of Exeter for the use of their said children as aforesaid. But that
the said Earle or Countesse of Exeter or either of them shall not bee accountable
or answerable to any of their said children or to any other person or persons for
any Interest or other profitt that shall or may bee made of or by the said
summes of money but only for the principall summes, the same principall summes
to be severally and respectively paid to their said children when they shall
respectively attaine their severall and respective ages of One and twenty yeares
or bee married which shall first happen unless the said Earle and Countesse
of Exeter or the Survivor of them shall before that time thinke best to lay out
or dispose the said mony given to their children respectively or any part of it
in the puchasing of land for them or any of them respectively which my will is the
said Earle of Exeter and Countesse of Exeter or the survivor of them may doe
and such children respectively shall accept of such Land in lieu of the said
money given then respectively aforesaid

And I the said Earle of
Devonshire Doe hereby Ratyfy and confirm my said Will in all other
perticulers And soe hereby will appoint and declare that these presents
to bee a part of Codicill to my said last will In witness whereof I the said
Earle of Devonshire have to these presents put my hand and seale this One and
Twentieth day of October in the Six and thirtieth yeare of the reigne of our

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Sovereign Lord Charles the second by the grace of God of England Scotland France
and Ireland King Annoqe Domin one thousand Six hundred eighty foure W
Devonshire Signed and Sealed by the witnesses William Earle of Devonshire and
published by him to bee part of his last Will and Testament in the presence of R Newman
Anne Hereman Roger Jarson Robt Rose.

Codicil 3: 21 November 1684
Whereas I William Earle of Devonshire have only by my last will
given the summe of One Thousand pounds to and amongst my Servants in generall<br/> but have thereon and hitherto omitted some perticuler legacies and Annuities (over and
above the said One thousand pounds) that I intend to some of my servants and others
Now I the said Earle of Devonshire doe hereby give and devise the severall legacies
and Annuities following (viz)

To my Couzin Diana Cecill I give and devise the
summe of Fifty pounds of lawfull english money

Item to my friend Mr Richard
Newman I give and devise the summe of Forty pounds of like money

Item I give and
devise to my vestry[?] servant Mr Roger Jacson during his natural life a yearly Annuity
or summe of Threescore pounds (The yearly Annuity hee rec[?] enjoyed under
the gift of my late Mother the Countesse of Devonshire of like yearly value being lately expired

Item I give and devise to my old faithfull servant Evan Garrett
the summe of One hundred pounds in ready mony and a yearly Annuiyty or summe
of Ten pounds during his naturall life

Item I give and devise unto my servant Mr
Robert Rose the summe of fifty pounds in ready mony and a yearly Annuity or sume
of Ten pounds during his naturall life

Item I give and devise to my old Servant
James [?]heldon the summe or yearly Annuity of [ left blank ] during his
naturall life

Item I give and devise to my Servant Robert Lowden during his
naturall life a yearly Annuity or summe of Five pounds

Item I give and devise
to my anifuent[?] servants John Hibbard and Mary his wife a yearly Annuity or summe
of foure pounds during their lives and the life of the longer liver of them

Item I give
and devise to my Servant Samuel North during his natural life a yearly
Annuity or summe of Foure pounds

Item I give and devise to my Servant Ralph
Blackwell during his natural life a yearly Annuity or summe of Forty shillings

Item to my
Servant John Barker Usher of my Hall I give and devise during his naturall
life a yearly Annuity or summe of Four pounds

Item to my old Groome
Marmaduke Crofts I give and devise during his naturall life a yearly
Annuity or summe of Foure pounds

All the said Annuities to bee yearly paid
at Midsommer and Christmas by equall portions The first payment to begin and
to bee made on the First of the said dayes shall happen after my decease

Item I
give and devise to the poore of Rowhampton in the County of Surrrey the sume
of Fifteene pounds

And I doe hereby ratify confirm and give to Elizabeth
Bates a yearly Annuity of foure pounds for her life which I have hitherto paid
to her though shee have not any grant for the same

And I doe hereby will and
appoint that these aforesaid severall legacies shall bee charges upon myFee
Simple Lands in case the same bee not with andsufficiently secured out of my
personall estate or by my Executors or Administrators

And lastly I doe appoint
these presents to be as a Codicill to and part of my last Will In witness whereof
I have hereunto putt my hand and seale this One and Twentieth day of November
One Thousand six hundred eighty foure W Devonshire Signed Sealed and
delivered and published in the presence of Christianus Harell Ben. Daintrie
Matthew Jackson.


  1. Will of William Earl of Devonshire Reference: PROB 11/379/486 Description: Will of William Earl of Devonshire Date: 10 April 1685 Held by: The National Archives, Kew Legal status: Public Record(s) Closure status: Open Document, Open Description The National Archives online. Accessed 25 February 2022.

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