Location: Feering, Essex, England
Surname/tag: Gilson
Will of William Gillson of Feering, Essex [1]
Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.
Persons mentioned
- William Gillson of Feering, husbandman testator
- Mary Bexley daughter of testator
- Thomas Gillson son of testator, joint executor
- John Gilson son of testator, joint executor
- Mr White vicar of Feering and overseer of will
- Clemence Cakebread daughter of testator[2]
- John Cakebread grandson of testator
- Michaell Cakebread grandson of testator
- Joseph Gillson son of testator
- John Porter wirness
- John Whyte witness probably the Mr White the Vicar of Feering
In the Name of God Amen, I William Gillson of Feering
husbandman of good and p[er]fect memory (Gods name be
praysed for it) Do mak this my Last Will & Testament
in manner followeth.
Item I bequeath my Soule to
God the father & Jesus Cst my Redeemer & Savio[ur]
And my body to cstian Buryall
Item I give and bequeath
unto Mary Bexley my daughter the house wherein she
now dwelleth w[it]h that yeard & the Appurtenances thereunto
belonging as now she houldeth [struck out] the same being p[ar]t of my customary house
& Tenement in Fering ........ houlden of the Manor of
Feringe ...... To have & to hould to her the s[ai]d Mary my
daughter during the terme of her Naturall life keeping
the same in good Rep[ar]aration & not to lett it to any
other Tenannt, but to dwell in it her selfe. And after her
decaese to my heires for ever
It[e]m the Remainder of
my s[ai]d Tenem[en]t in Fering &Street viz. the the customary
house & w[hi]ch I dwell in, w[it]h the Appurtanances I will, do
bequeath & give unto my two sonnes Thomas GiIlson &
John Gilson jointely betweene them both, to them &
their heires for ever. And I appoint & make them sole
& whole execut[or]s of this my last Will & Mr White
Vicar of this towne to be overseer of my Will and
the decidor of all co[n]trovursies that may arise about
the same betweene my children the w[hi]ch I pray him
for gods sake to doe & hereby doe will them to stand
by his Order
It[e]m I give to my daughter Clemence
Cakebread fower pounds lawfull money to be payd her by
mine Exors as she hath neede thereof. And to her two
childre[n] John Cakebread & Michaell Cakebread, sixe shillings
eigt pounds a peece to be payd when he or they come
to age and not otherwise.
It[e]m I give unto my sonne
Joseph Gillson three pounds lawfull money to be payd
unto him by my execut[or]s w[it]hin one year after my
decease. In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my
hand the 24th day of March 1622. Stylo ANglio
An[n]o Regis Jacobi ..............
William Gillsons m[ar]k
Subscribed & acknowledged
to be his last Will in
the p[re]sence of us.
John Porter and I
John Whyte
Probate appears to have been granted on 8 May 1623 according to the archive record
- ↑ https://www.essexarchivesonline.co.uk/result_details.aspx?ThisRecordsOffSet=1&id=459612
- ↑
"Essex Baptisms"
Archive: Essex Record Office; Reference: D/P 231/1/1
FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 27 September 2023)
Michael Cakebread baptism on 26 Aug 1621, son of Daniell Cakebread & Clemence, in Feering, Essex, England.
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