Location: Broughton, Oxfordshire, England

Will of William Golde, Yeoman of Broughton, Oxfordshire
- Below is a true line-by-line transcription, including spelling, capitalization, and punctuation, of the Will of William Golde (abt.1547-1597) as found at The National Archives.[1]
Persons named are Bolded.
'ff' at the beginning of a word it has been rendered as 'F'
Any additional notations, including unidentified text by the transcribers are shown in [square brackets] or [ ? ].
ChristolJames-15049 16:02, 5 September 2023 (UTC)
[first page second entry]
- "T William Golde [Stated in the right margin]
- In the name of God Amen the
- year and dait above written. I William Golde of Broughton in ~
- the countie of Oxon yeoman being unsafe of bodie but in mind ~
- whole and of good and perfect remembrance I give praise to almighty
- God doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner
- and forme followinge First I commend my soule to god my creator and
- to Jesus Christ my onlie Saviour and Redeemer and my bodie to be ~
- buried in the parish church yard of Broughton above written and I ~
- give to the repaire of the saide church twelve pence And unto the poore
[next page]
- of this parish six shillings eight pence to be delivered shortlie after my
- demise. Item I will that all such debts as I owe of right or consistente to
- anie person or persons be well and trulie contented and paide by my Exetu-
- trix hereafter named or els ordaine so far to be paide without anie ~
- contradiction and after my debts paied and any funerall expenses ~ ~
- discharged. I give and bequeath unto Edward Golde my sonne twentie pounds
- of current Englishe monie. Item I give and bequeath to Constance Gold
- and Edeth Gold my daughters twentie pounds a peece which portions of ~
- theise my forsaide three children I will to be delivered by my Executrix ~
- hereafter specified immediatetlie after my decease and to my Overseers ~
- hereafter named beinge reasonablie and lawfullie requeasted and they
- to have the usinge of the same for the greater benefitt and preferment
- of the said three children. Item I give unto Richard Golde and John ~
- Golde my sonnes twentie pounds a peece To Annis and Elizabeth Golde
- my daughters twentie pounds a peece And I will that the Legacies of
- theise two sonnes and two daughters to remaine in my Executrix house
- untill such time as they or anie of them shall come out of theire ap-
- prentishippe or beinge not a prentice shall accomplishe the age of one
- and twentie yeares and my daughters to have theire portions at the ~
- same age or at the daie of marriage beinge contract with the consent
- of theire mother or Overseers which shall first happen whith time
- of attendinge theire legacies I will to be kept and observed in the ~~
- deliverie of the portions of my three former children to witt Edward
- Constance and Edeth Golde Also my will is that if anie of my children
- shall die before they come to the age of one and twentie yeares except
- such daughter or daughters which shall happen to be married within
- one and twentie yeares of theire age their Legacies not delivered them the
- Executrix Es to have theire portion or portions of the deceased. Finallie the ~
- the residue of my goods chattells and debtes both moutable and remmoveable
- I give Annis my wife in consideration of the paiement of my debtes and in
- regard of the care by her to be had in bringing up my children whome I
- make my ^ sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament Provided ~
- alwaies and uppon theise conditions that if my wife my Executrix ~
- immediatelie affore my decease beinge [uistlie?] requested doe refuse to deliver
- up and passe over the lease of a house and a grounde which I now hold of
- Sr Richard Fines of Broughton and with all other my goodes and shall not make
- such securitie and saftie for the performance of theise Legacies bequeathed ~
- to Richard John Annis and Elizabeth as shalbe thought requisite by my ~
- Overseers with such securitie and saftie as they shall require for [the] bettr
- performance of those legacies for the fouer children before named before
- she shalbe contracted to anie other person, then I doe refuse her to be mye ~
- Executrix and do give her in consideration thereof [ ? ] six poundes
- thirtene shillinges eight pence and in her steede I do make mine Executores
- Richard John Annis and Elizabeth of this my last will and Testament And
- I doe requeast my cosin John Dalbie of Milcombe and my neighbor Edward
- Andros of Broughton to be [Turto?]Ex
at^ to my children and Overseers of ~ - my last will and Testament In witnes hereof the daie and yeare above
- written I have to mark. / witnes Srs John Dalbie John Grinton Thomas
- Sheldon Debts oweinge by me William Gold Imprimis to John [Wesbory?]
- twentie fourer pounds. Item to [Lewis? Lewrie?] Fitters nine pounds. Item Willia
- Tayler for my sheperd boarde six pounds. Item Richard Whattlie [Witodom?]
- Edems William Bentlie aboute fouer pounds Debts oweinge to Willia
[next page]
- Golde. Item John [Milsasse] for Potase fouer poundes. /
- Probatum fuit Testamentu suprascriptu ..."
- [Probate see Testament abovewritten]
The probate was in Latin and not transcribed verbatim. Elements may be incorrect or missing.
In summary the probate was conducted at London in the presence of Magistrate William Lewyn and Cusford [Suie?]on the first of June 1597. Anthony Calton notary public acted on behalf of the widow (relict) Executrix.
"Potase" is likely what we now call potash (fertiliser)
- ↑ Will of William Golde, Yeoman of Broughton, Oxfordshire, (https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D933145) The National Archives' reference PROB 11/90/4, Date: 01 June 1597, (accessed 1 September 2023).Will Image Available
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