4 Jan 1743
22 May 1750
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Harris
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Harris
This page has been accessed 41 times.
Will of William Harris of North Tidworth, Wiltshire, Yeoman 1750
William Harris's estate passed probate in 1750. His last residence was North Tidworth, Wiltshire, England.[1]
Transcription from a digital image of the will made 6 Feb 2024. Spelling and layout has been maintained. Bold text has been introduced and capital letters raplaced to ease reading.
- Signed: 4 Jan 1743
- Proved 22 May 1750
People mentioned:
- Testator William Harris of North Tidworth, yeoman
- wife Elizabeth
- son John’s widow
- son John’s three sons: Thomas Pollern Harris, John Harris, and William Harris
- my grandson William Harris (son of William Harris of Hackleston in the county of Wilts (wool stapler)
- witnesses John Roby and Sarah Roby
The Will of William Harris of North Tidworth in the County of Wilts Diocese of Sarum
- In the name of God, amen, I William Harris of North Tidworth, in the county of
- Wilts Yeoman being in health of body and of a disposing mind and memory
- do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner following
- that is to say first and principally I commend my soul to God who gave it and
- my body I committ to the Earth to be decently buryed at the discretion of my
- Executors hereinafter named and as to my worldly estate goods and chattells
- I give and dispose thereof as follows I give and bequeath to my son Johns
- widow the sum of one shilling also, I give and bequeath to my son Johns
- Three sons, Thomas Pollern Harris John Harris and William Harris the
- sum of one shilling each also I give to my grandson William Harris (son
- of William Harris of Hackleston in the county of Wilts (wool stapler) my
- best bed bedstead and everything thereunto belonging after the decease
- of my wife also I give and bequeath to my son William Harris all the
- rest, residue and remainder of my ready money security for money
- household goods plate jewellery rings personal estate goods and
- chattles whatsoever from and immediately after the decease of my
- wife Elizabeth (or her future marriage with any other person
- whatsoever) also my will is that my wife Elizabeth shall have and
- receive thereunto the rents houds and profitts of all my ready money security for
- moneys and the use of all my household goods and chattels during
- her natural life (or her marriage with any other person
- whatsoever) she making no waste, nor destruction of the said
- money, good or chattels no more than what is really necessary.
- for her subsistence during the said time also I do nominate
[page 2]
- my said son William Harris as sole executor of this my will and I do hereby
- revoke all former wills by me made in witness whereof I have hereunto
- set my hand and seal the fourth day of January in the year of our
- Lord, one thousand seven hundred and forty three. William Harris
- signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator in the presence
- of us who subscribed our names as witnesses hereto in his presence
- John Roby, the mark of Sarah Roby.
- This will was proved at Sarum. May 22 1750 before me the Revd John Lumby … admon of the effects of the testator was granted to Wm Harris his son & sole ex[ecu]tor within named being first sworn in to the truth of the sd will to …
- ↑
"Wiltshire, England, Wills and Probate, 1530-1858"
Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire, England; Wiltshire Wills and Probates; Reference Number: P1/10Reg/324; Reference Number: P1/10Reg/324
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 61333 #118944 (accessed 6 February 2024)
William Harris probate in 1750. Residence North Tidworth, Wiltshire, England. Occupation: Yeoman.
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