Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Hawes
Will of William Hawes 1607
ANF will register Elflett fo. 38 - Hawes, William, of Hingham 1607-1609
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Words or letters that are illegible are marked with asterisks. L, s and d represent pounds, shillings and pence respectively. Bold text are for ease of reading in the absence of full stops. 'Shalbe' is expanded to 'shall be' throughout,
Persons mention in the Will:
- William Hawes, husbandman and testator
- Ellen Hawes, his wife and executrix
- Marie Hawes, his daughter
- Ellen Hawes, his daughter
- Rose Hawes, his daughter
- Nazareth Hawes, his daughter
- Margaret Hawes, his daughter
- Constance Hawes, his daughter
- Elizabeth Hawes, his eldest daughter
- John Hawes, his son
- William Mallowes, his son in law , witness and supervisor of his Will
- John Deucrose, his manservant
- Katherine, his maidservant
- Robert Cocke, his brother in law
- John Fytlynge, from whom he purchased some arable land in Hingham
- Thomas Carman, witness
- Raphe Portman, witness
In the Name of God Amen The xxxth
daye of August Ano Dmi 1598 And in the xlth yeere of
the reyne of our most gratcious sovrenye lady queene Elizabeh
I William Hawes of Hengh[a]m in ye Counte of Norff[olk] husbandman
w[i]thin the dioc[e]s[e] of Norwich beinge wholl of mynd and of p[er]fecte
remembrance thanks be given unto god doe ordayne and make this
my p[re]sent testament and last will in manner and forme followinge That is
refusinge setting voyde and disanullinge all other testaments &
last willes in tymes paste by me made, First and principally I
comend my sowle into the hands of almightie god my maker &
Jesus christe my redeem[er] & god the holly ghoste my sanctifier
trusting to inioye the glorious p[re]sence of the trewe & immortall
god amongst the s[ai]nts in heaven and my body to be buryed in
the churchyard of Hingh[a]m aforsaid Item I give and bequeath
unto the poore people of Hingh[a]m aforsaid xvs of lawfull
mony of england to be distributed unto them in the daye of my buriall
whene most neede shall be Item I give and bequeath unto Ellen
my welle lovde wife & to her assig[nees] duringe the wholl terme of her
naturall lyfe the use occupation and effect of All my howses lands
tenem[en]ts messuage or messuages inclowses pastures feedinges and
hereditam[en]ts situate lyinge and beinge in Hingh[a]m aforsaid, shall
all the meane tyme keepinge the howses in all good and sufficient
reparence and after my wifes decese I give will and devise unto
Marie Hawes Ellen Hawes, Rose Hawes, Nazareth Hawes,
Margret Hawes, & Constance Hawes and to there heires and
assig[nee]s my daughters all that my inclosse callde the high moore
close conteyninge by estimacion six acres of pasture be yt more
or lesse and one acre of land be yt more or lesse lyinge & beinge
in church feild in Hingh[a]m aforsaid & one acre of land arrable be
yt more or lesse lyinge in Stallond feild in Hengh[a]m aforsaid
late purchased of John Fytlyne , so as the said Marie, Ellen,
Rose, Nazareth, Margret and Constance or some of their
heires or assig[ne]es shall well & truly paye or cause to be well and
truly payd in ye p[ar]ish of Hingh[a]m church of Hingh[a]m aforsaid
xli of lawfull monye of england unto Elizabeth Hawes my
page two eldest daughter her ex[ecu]tors or ass[igne]es in manner and
forme followinge viz: vli therof w[i]thin one yeere nexte
after the decese of Ellen my wife, & th[ere]after vli therof w[i]thin
five yeers nexte after my wifes decese in full paym[en]t of ye
said xli, and if yt shall happne default of paym[en]t to be made
contray to the trewe intent in that behalf as one lymitted in
this my testam[en]t and last will. I will my full intent and
meaninge is that yt shall be good and lawfull unto the sayd
Elizabeth Hawes her ex[ecu]tors or ass[igne]es into the said inclose called
the high moore closse w[i]th th'appurten[an]ces and into the said three
acres of land arrable w[i]th th'appurten[an]ces to enter and the effetts
therof coveringe growinge or renewinge to have take & quietlye
to inioye untill yt hath fully answered payde and satisfied
unto the said Elizabeth Hawes her ex[ecu]tors or ass[ign]ees the said p[ar]te,
w[i]th all my costs losse and damage as shall be sustayned
the forbearinge therof any thinge in this my test[ament] and last
will to the contrary then notwithstandinge and after my wife's
decese I give will and devise unto John Hawes my sone
his heires and ass[igne]es all messuages howses yards gardens
orchyards belonginge to the messuages wherin I doe inhabite
att the date hereof w[i]t[h] my three medowes next adioyninge
to the said messuages notwithstandinge under this condicion
followinge that is to saye that the said John Hawes my sone
his heirs or ass[igne]es shall well and trulie paye or cause to be
well and turly payd in ye porche of ye p[ar]ish church of Hingh[a]m aforsaid
unto Marie Hawes, Ellen Hawes, Rose Hawes, Nazareth
Hawes, Margret Hawes and Constance Hawes my daughters
to anie one of them five m[ar]kes a peece of lawfull mony of england
in manner and forme followinge vizet w[i]thin one yeere nexte after
my wifes decese unto Mary Hawes her five m[ar]kes and the nexte
yeere after unto Ellen Hawes her five m[ar]kes, and the nexte yeere
after unto Rose hawes her five m[ar]kes and the nexte yeere after unto
Nazareth Hawes her five m[ar]kes and the nexte yeere after unto
Margaret Hawes her five m[ar]kes and the nexte yeere after unto
Constance Hawes her five m[ar]kes,and if it shall please god any of
my laste recyted six daughters to dep[ar]te this transitory world before
ther said severall legacy shall be due, then I will that the p[ar]te of the
decessed shall remayne amongest the survyvors of my said sixe
daughters to be payd att the tyme whene the decessed should have
had & received the sume, any thinge abovesaid in this my testam[en]t
and last will to the contrary then notwithstandinge and if yt shall
happne default of payment to be made by my said sone John his
heires or ass[igne]es contrary to the trewe intent and meaninge in
yt behalf above lymitted in this my testam[en]t and last will I will
my full intent and meaninge is that yt shall be good and
page three
lawfull unto so many of my six daughters as the
default of payment shall be made unto to enter into all my
messuages howses yardes gardens and orchyards belonginge to
the said messuages and into my three medowes nexte adioyninge
to the said messages and the p[ro]fitt therof covering growing
or renewinge to have take and quietly to inioye untill yt
hath fully answered payde and satisfied unto my said sixe
daughters there sev[er]all legaces of five m[ar]kes a peece w[i]th
all such costs losses and damages as shall be sustayned by the
forbearinge of yt, anythinge abovesaid in this my testam[en]t and
last will to the contrary then notwithstandinge Item I give
and bequeath unto the said John Hawes my sone the seeled
bedstead wheron I lye to remayne where yt stand now Item
I give and bequeath unto Marye my daughter my beste
charger Item I give and bequeath unto John Hawes my sonne
my charger nexI the beste Item I give and bequeath unto everie
one of my daughters a pewter platter Item I doe ordayne &
make Wm Mallowes my sone in lawe sup[er]visor of this my
testam[en]t and last will to whome I give for his paynes to be
takne aboute the sume xxxli of lawfull mony of england
willing & desyringe him to be a faythfull assistant unto my
Ex[ecu]trix p[er]forminge as this my testam[en]t and last will xli
wherof I will shall be payde by myne Ex[ecu]trix and th'other
xxs by my daughters namely the six youngest owte of
there porcions Item I will that his charges shall be borne
when my saide sup[er]visor shall travyle in his p[er]son abowte
any of the beneficiaries aforsaid Item I give and bequeath unto
Constance my daughter one bull calf Item I give and
bequeath unto Marg[a]ret and Nazareth my daughters one
calf blacke Item I give and bequeath unto Mary & Rose
one Ewe Item I give and bequeath unto John Deucrose
my manservant all my app[ar]ell whatsover except my twoe
clokes and ij cases Item I give and bequeath unto Katherine
my mayde servant xijs Item an and singular the rest of my
goodes cattells chattels debts utensills of househould by
what tytle or name soever they be called not before given nor
bequeathed in this my test[a]ment and last will I give and
bequeath unto the said Ellen my wiff whom I make sole ex[ecu]trix
of this my testam[en]t and last will to the intent she shall tr[e]wly
p[er]forme the same, accordinge to my good meaninge and payd
my debts whatsoever Item I will (illegible) full intent and meaning
that if Ellen my said wife shall refuse and omitt to p[ro]ve this
my testam[en]t and last will by the space of one quarter of a yere
page four
nexte after my decease then I will that Rob[er]t Cocke
my brother in lawe shall be Ex[ecu]tor of this my testam[en]t and last
will to whome I give all such goodes cattells chattells
debts and utensills as I have before given unto my wife, to
the intent he shall paye and p[er]forme as my wife shold have
payde and p[er]formed, and then I will she shall be barred of such
benifitt as she mighte have received by vertue of this my
testam[en]t and last will and also of her executorshipp In'
witnes whereof hereunto I have sett my seale given the
daye and yeere first above writtne These beinge
wittnesses Thomas Carman Raphe Portman and W[illia]m
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