Location: Marple, Cheshire, England
Surnames/tags: Heginbothom Marple
The will of William Heginbotham, yeoman of Marple, Cheshire. It was written on 4 November 1664. A brief inventory of his goods follows the will.
"England, Cheshire Probate Records, 1492-1940," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FGBJ-BY4 : 9 March 2018), William Heginbothom, probate 1679; Record Office, Chester.
Source Notes
The source is a high-resolution greyscale image of the will held at the Cheshire Archives and Local Studies Service, available from FamilySearch.
The writing is generally straightforward and the overall condition of the will is good. There is a very small portion worn away near the top of the document.
There is no probate date on the will. Nor is there a date on the inventory. The will is filed with others from 1679, so it is assumed that William died in about 1679.
Note: This will was apparently probated 15 years after it was written. Some of the people mentioned as living in 1664 were deceased by 1679.
Transcription Notes
Some changes to the original text have been added to increase legibility for twenty-first century readers, that is:
- Abbreviations, such as the common bar and various forms of "p", which are not in use today, are expanded with the additional letters in italics
- Paragraphs have been added
- Editorial notes are enclosed within square brackets [].
In the name of God Amen. On the Fourth day of November in the Sixteenth year of the raigne of our soveraigne Lord Charles the second by the Grasce of god of England Scotland France and Ireland Kinge Defendor of the faith etc Anno domini 1664. I William Heginbothom of Chappill howses in Marple in the Countie of Chester yeoman beinge in good & perfecte health & memorie (blessed be god for it) doe consider the uncertaintie of this present liefe & beinge desirous to settle that estate god hath blessed mee Withall soe as there might arise noe suites nor contencions thereupon after my decease doe therefore make & ordayne this my last will & Testament in manner & forme followinge,
First I Commend & Comitt my soule into the hands of Allmightie god my mercyfull Father trustinge by the onely merritts of Jesus Christ my saviour to obtayne pardon of my sinnes & eternall liefe & salvacion in heaven & my body to the earth from whence it came to be buried as neare to my father as conveniently may be,
And for & Concerninge my estate I give devise bequeath & leave the same as herein hereafter Followeth
First i give & bequeath unto my brother Ottiwell Heginbotham Forty pounds & also Tenne pounds more whereupon it is my will & mynde That Eight pound of the said Tenne shall be for the Discharginge of my funerall expences & the other Forty shillings to be devided betwixte my two sisters, Mary Heginbothom & Martha Heginbothom either of them Twentie shillings
Item I give & bequeath unto my brother George Heginbothom the summe of Thertie pounds
Item I give & bequeath unto my Mother Ann Heginbothom the somme of Tenne pounds
Item I give & bequeath unto my sister Frances Barnes the summe of Tenne pound
Item I give & bequeath unto my sister Elizabeth Heginbothom the summe of Tenne pounds
Item I give & bequeath unto my sister Martha Heginbothom the sume of Tenne pounds
Item I give & bequeath unto my mother & my brother Ottiwell & George & my sister Frances Elizabeth & Martha the summe of Fiveteene pounds to be equally devided amongst them
Item I give & bequeath unto my sister Elizabeth’s child the sume of Five pounds to be paid unto my brother George hands when the Child shall accomplish the age of Eight yeares hopinge hee will imploy the same money in the best manner [illegible] for the Childs best advantage and in case said Child shall not accomplish the age of Eight yeares then it is my will & mynde that my brother George shall have the said five pounds for his owne use
Item I give unto my mother one Cow
Item I give unto my Mother & my sister Martha all my sheepe to bee equally devided betwixte them
And I doe hereby make Constitute & ordayne my brother Ottiwell Heginbotho & my brother in law George Barnes both of Marple in the aforesaid Countie yeomen my true & lawfull Executurs of this my last Will & Testament revoking all other former Wills & Testaments & Codicills hoping in god they will execute the trust reposed in them
In wittnes whereof I the said William Heginbothom have hereunto put my hand & seale the day yeare first above written
Memorandum that the above named William Heginbothom did signe & seale the writinge above mencioned & publish the same to be his Last Will & Testament with some of us whose names are subscribed & in Wittnes thereof wee have subscribed our names
Martha Mills her x marke
Oliver Heginbothom
[Signed by the testator] William Hegginbothom [his seal]
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