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Location: [unknown]
Court of the Archdeaconry of St Albans, Registered wills and administrations, "Walingford" 1471-1536, will of William HEYDON of Watford, proved 9 April 1533; images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ : accessed 15 January 2022) DGS no. 8076677, images 373-374 of 393 (can be viewed at Family History Centres and Affiliate Libraries); Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies, ref. 2AR221.
In the name of god Amen the xxvjth day of dece[m]br[er] the yere of o[ur] lord god Mt Dxxxij I Will[ia]m
Heydon of Brytwells in the p[ar]ish of Watford beyng in good mynde & hole of memory make
my testament & last Wyll in the man[er] folowyng/ ffirst I bequethe my soule to almyghty god
to o[ur] lady saint Mary & to all the holy co[m]pany of hevyn And my body tobe buried in the churchyard
of Watford/ Also I bequethe to the hygh awter there viijd for my tithes negligently forgotten
It[e]m I yeve to the shryne of saint Alban iiijd/ It[e]m I yeve to Amye the doughter of Rog[er] Heydon
viij s. It[e]m I yeve to Elizabeth the dought[er] of Tho[ma]s Heydon of Wygon hall viijs. It[e]m I will ev[er]y ch[ylde]
of Tho[ma]s Heydon of Denh[a]m shalhave viij s. It[e]m I bequeth to ev[er]y chylde of Will[ia]m Heydon of lang[ley]
viij s. It[e]m I will that ev[er]y chylde of John Heydon of mymys shalhave viijs. It[e]m I yeve to Roger
Heydon my son my tenement called Bryghtwells edified w[ith]in the p[ar]issh of Watford w[ith] all the lands
medows woods und[er]woods to thesame ten[emen]t belongyng except the medows called the littil holmes
lying at Watfords townes end the which medowe I yeve to Will[ia]m Heydon of langley paying yere[ly]
to the tenement called Songers ijs. It[e]m I will that Thomas Heydon of Wygon hall shal[have]
my filde called stonyfild lying in oxey w[ith]in the p[ar]issh of Watford joynyng to the Abbotts wood
It[e]m I will that Roger my son shall pay xx li of mony sterlyng to myn Assignes wherof he or h[is]
Assignes shall paye to myn assignes v marc[s] by the yere till x li of mony st[er]lyng is contentid
& paide the which mony I will my Executo[ur] dispose for my soule Also I will that the or[er] x li
be payde to myn Assygnes xx s by the yere till the said xli be paid And the same xx s be ...
yere tobe doon for me & my frends to pore folks as my Executo[ur] shall thynk best It[e]m I wi[ll]
that Roger Heydon my son shalhave my medowe called nassketts conteynyng iij Rods lyin[g]
page 2
in hempstede mede. It[e]m I yeve to Thomas Heydon of Denh[a]m my land called Tolpatt
lying nye the more. It[e]m I will that John Heydon the son of Will[ia]m Heydon of London
in Saint Andrewes undershaft shallhave vjli of mony st[er]lyng tobe paide by the hand
of myn Executo[ur]. It[e]m I will that all my feoffies that be enfeoffed in my free land
& houses shall make a State when soev[er] they shallbe requyred by myn Executo[ur] to the
p[er]formac[i]on of this my last will. It[e]m I will that Roger Heydon my son shallhave all
my whete that growith this yere. The Residue of my goods not bequethed I putt to
the disposic[i]on of myn Executour whom I ordeyne & make John Ewer of Watford/
And Will[ia]m Pegion & Thomas Heydon of Denh[a]m Sup[er]visours that they may see
dispose my goods be disposed for me & my frends the which maybe to the pleasur of god & salvac[i]on
of my soule/ And myn Executo[ur] John Ewer tohave for his labo[ur] xxs. And either of m[yn]
Sup[er]visours tohave for their labo[ur]s vi s viij d/ Hys testib[us] Joh[ann]e Hew p[re]sb[yte]ro J[es]u ch[ristus] Will[el]mo
Gunston Rog[er]o Ilott Clemente Martyn and Will[el]mo Browne cu[m] alijs viz. Joh[ann]e Danyell & Joh[ann]e [illegible in binding]
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