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Will of William Hilton, husbandman of Witton, Cheshire 1605

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Date: 1602 to 1605
Location: Witton, Cheshire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Hilton
Profile manager: Ann Browning private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 185 times.

Will of William Hilton of Witton[1] Written in 1602, proved in the Chester Court in 1605.

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was reasobale and the writing fairly legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned

  • William Hilton of Witton w[i]thin the Countie of Chester husbandman tstator
  • my wyfe and children un-named
  • Authure Hilton of Allostock no relationship stated but likely a kinsman, joint executor
  • William Robynson of Northwych no relationship stated, joint executor
  • Rychard Finer the younger
  • Ellen Robin
  • Elizabeth Sworton
  • Katherin Holbrocke


There was a huge list of people he owed money to and a smaller amount of prople who owed him money as follows These are not separated out into debtors and people who owe money as this is detailed in the will

People owed money by testaor

  • mr Gregge of Bradly xiijli vis iiijd
  • th wor. m(istress) Lecester of Tabley vli
  • the children of mr Wm Lecester deceased vli
  • Peter Eaton of Bartington - xxs viijd
  • to the children of mr wm Lecester
  • mistres Lecesters
  • Mr lordich
  • Robt Walton'
  • Hughe Burrowes sonne
  • Katherin Gorst
  • I Richard Finer thyounger
  • Richard Billington
  • wyfe of Rych[ard] Billington
  • Wm Hilton of London to
  • Ellen Hewett the late doughter of Rychard Hewett
  • George Tarbocke

Debtt[es] oweing to the testator

  • Raufe Holland of Northwych
  • William Hilton of London
  • Mr Peter Paver
  • George Wood'
  • Mr Gregg of Brodly

Right hand column following (continuaton of debts owed by testator)

  • ' Rodger Bromfeld to Thomas Bouterof Hartford
  • Ales Bromfeld to'Rych[ard] Nickson
  • George Holland 'of Davenham
  • Charles Hilton of London
  • Mr Robinson of Northwych
  • Rodger Bromfeld
  • Mr Wood
  • John Venables of Witton
  • John Sudlowe of sandywich
  • mr Helesby

(continuaton of debts owing to testator)

  • The executors of Mr Wm Lecester ix

In nom[in]e dei Amen the xiijth daye of february Ann[o] D[omi]ni 1602
in the yeares of the raignes of o[ur] Soveraigne lord James by the grace
of god Kinge of England Scotland France and Ireland vid[elicet] of England France &
Ireland the third Second and of Scotland the Eight & thirtyth etc I William
Hilton of Witton w[i]thin the Countie of Chester husbandman sicke in
bodye yet neverthelesse in good & p[er]fect memory all pray[se] be
given to god therefore do make this my last will & testament in
maner & forme following vid[elicet] first & principally I com[m]end my
soule vnto allmighty god my Creator and Redeemer hopeing assueredly
to have full remission of all my synes by the death & passion of my saviour
Christ and by no other waye or meanes and my body to christian
buriall. And for my temp[or]all goodes my will is [tha]t they be disposed of
as followeth

Item my will is [tha]t my debt[es] and funerall expenses
be discharged out of my whole good[es] and for the rest of my good[es]
cattells and chattells [tha]t remayne I will shalbe divided amonge
my wyfe and children.

And I do nominate ordaine and appoynt
Authure Hilton of Allostock and William Robynson of Northwych to
see it faythfully p[er]formed according to my [sp]etiall trust reposed in
them. In witness wherof I have here[unto] put my hand and seale
the daye and yeare aboue written Sealed [and] [de]livered in p[resen]ts of

Rychard Finer the younger
Ellen Robin
Elizabeth Sworton
Katherin Holbrocke

Debtt[es] oweing by the testator Will[ia]m Hilton

  • Item to mr Gregge of Bradly xiijli vis iiijd
  • Item to the wor. m(istress) Lecester of Tabley vli
  • It[em] to the children of mr Wm Lecester deceased vli
  • It[em] to Peter Eaton of Bartington - xxs viijd
  • Ite[m] more I owe to the children of mr wm Lecester

for the halfe yeares rent of viij leade waleinge
what it shall please mistress? Lecesters now
to award me to paye_____________

  • Item I rec[eived] for theire vse of Mr lordich xs &

of Robt Walton xjs viijd all is xxjs viijd &
I have laid down at the funerall of theire
mother my mistress xviijs vjd and at warington
for phisicke xiijs all is xxxjs vjd so there
remayneth due to me ------------------------------ixs xd

  • Item to Hughe Burrowes sonne viijs iiijd

& about [tha]t some to him selfe------------------------

  • Item to Katherin Gorst------------------------xls
  • It[em] To Richard Finer thyounger ----vijs vid
  • It[em] to Richard Billington ------------------xiiijs ijd</sup
  • Ite[m] the wyfe of Rych[ard] Billington ---xjs viijd
  • It[em] I stand charged for Wm Hilton of London to

Ellen Hewett the late doughter of Rychard
Hewett----------------------------------------------------iiijli xijs

  • Item I owe to George Tarbocke xlviijs

Debtt[es] oweing to the testator

  • Raufe Holland of Northwych--------xvs
  • William Hilton of London iiijli vjs?d
  • Mr Peter Paver -----------------ixs
  • George Wood ----------------------vjs xd
  • Mr Gregg of Brodly for half

a [] of Salt ixs

Right hand column following (continuaton of debts owed by testator)

  • Item I stand bound for Rodger

Bromfeld to Thomas Bouter
of Hartford---------------------xiijli 6s 8d

  • Item for Ales Bromfeld to

Rych[ard] Nickson vijLi

  • It[em] oweing to George Holland

of Davenham----------------------------xxxijs

  • It[em] toCharles Hilton of London xxiiijs
  • It[em] to Mr Robinson of Northwych
    e some of --------------xxivs iijd
  • Item to Rodger Bromfeld

for plowing -------------------xvjs

  • Item to Mr Wood for lead fynes xviijs 3d
  • It[em] to John Venables of Witton the

de?-----------------------iiijs vid

  • It[em] to John Sudlowe of sandywich

  • Item to mr Helesby ----------------------ijs

(continuaton of debts owing to testator)

  • The executors of Mr Wm Lecester ixs xd


  1. Probate: "Cheshire Wills And Probate"
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 30 April 2023)
    William Hilton probate in 1605 in Cheshire, England. Residence Witton, Cheshire, England. Occupation: Husbandman.

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Comments: 4

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Anne, Thank you for making the copy of William Hilton of Witton's will available! Sorry to be a pest, but did his wife, Ellen Mainwaring Hilton also leave a will? I'm curious as well, how many Hiltons & their names were living in the area at the time? also do you have any idea how they're interrelated? is there any knowledge of where the home/house of the Hiltons was in Witton or Northwich? Thanks very much. Jack MacDonald-Hilton
posted by Jack Hilton
Hi Jack,

You’re not being a pest at all! I’ll need to look through the baptisms again. No Will for Ellen unfortunately. I’ll get vback to you. By PM I mean message me if you go to my profile you can send me a message, then I can e mail you back.

Regards, Ann

posted by Ann Browning
Based on your reading of the will, please tell me how you read these lines:
It[em] I stand charged for Wm Hilton of London to
Ellen Hewett the late doughter of Rychard
Hewett----------------------------------------------------iiijli xijs — 4 pounds and 12 shillings

Later in the will, he is claiming debts owed;

William Hilton of London iiijli vjs?d — 4 pounds and 6 shillings

It looks to me that Wm of Witton declares that he stands charged on behalf of Wm Hilton, presumably for some obligation known between the two Hiltons, to pay 4 pounds and 12 shillings to Ellen Hewett, who was a late daughter of Rychard Hewett. Richard Hewett of Witton died circa 1600 and his daughter Elizabeth (1595-1663). There is a Witton connection, but why is he paying almost 5 pounds to a late person, daughter of a late person? Was it intended for their heirs. And why is he drawing it back from William of London? Except for 6 shillings. What's up with that? It's like a reverse service fee.

posted by Murray Maloney
edited by Murray Maloney
Arthur Hilton of Allostock (1572-1613), whose father, John Hilton is thought to be close kin to George Hilton (bef.1545-bef.1590).

Charles Hilton of London (bef.1565-bef.1612)

William Hilton of London is William Hilton of Northwich, his son.

This might be be Rychard Hewett, his known daughter is Elizabeth Huett, Spinster, of Witton.

posted by Murray Maloney
edited by Murray Maloney

Categories: Witton, Cheshire