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Will of William Hukel

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Date: 13 Mar 1857 to 12 Nov 1857
Location: Audrain County, Missourimap
Profile manager: Sacha Heath private message [send private message]
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Will and Probate of William Hukel

Transcription of the Will and Probate of WIlliam L. Hukel.[1]

I, William L. Hukill of the county of Audrain and State of Mo. do hereby make this my last will and testament as follows.

I have heretofore advanced and given to my daughter Sarah E., my son Robert I., and my daughters Josephine and Mary Hukel each two hundred and fifty dollars apiece.

I will and bequeath to my daughter Martha, my sons William T., James S., and my daughter Selia J. each two hundred and fifty dollars apiece. Said money is now at interest and I wish it to be kept at interest until my sons William T. and James S. each arrive at twenty years of age and my daughters Martha and Selia J. but in case they should marry before they arrive at twenty years of age they are then to have their part which is two hundred and fifty dollars and the interest that may arise from the loan of same.

It is further my will that if my children should conclude to keep house and live together that nine hundred dollars of my estate be kept at interest accruing thereon should be used to pay rent of any piece of land they may see proper to rent. At any time my children should conclude to separate and quit housekeeping together in that event the above mentioned nine hundred dollars to be equally divided between all my children and paid to them as they arrive at the age above mentioned. It is further my wish that if my children should conclude to live together and keep house that none of my personal property be sold and they are to have use of said property as long as they see fit to live together as a family. In the event of their not keeping house then said personal property to be sold and the proceeds divided equally among all my children except my youngest daughter Selia J. She is to have one hundred dollars more than either of my children out of the proceeds of the sale of my personal property.

It is further my wish that all my personal property be appraised and that my beds and bedding should not be sold and that my children should divide said beds and bedding among themselves at the appraised value so that finally my children should be equal except as provided for my youngest child.

I consider that I am almost out of debt, therefore it will not be necessary to sell any of my personal property to pay debts or expenses of administration. I hereby appoint my son Robert Irvine Hukel executor of this my last will and testament. Said executor is hereby authorized to rent land for a home for my children if they see proper to keep house and to manage the personal property above for their benefit as long as they may keep house. All the money belonging to my minor heirs, I wish my son Robert Irvine Hukel to have control of the land and keep it loaned at interest until they become of age.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 13 day of March A.D. 1857, William L. Hukel

Samuel H. Earsom
W.T. Featherston
B.H. Owings, I assigned the [unintelligable] name at his request.
Andrew Turner

State of Missouri
County of Audrain

Be it remembered that on this the 12th day of November, A.D., Eighteen Hundred and fifty seven personally appeared before the undersigned M.G. Duncan, Clerk of Co. Ct. of Co. and State aforesaid, Wm. T. Featherston, B.H. Owings and Andrew Turner the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will and testament of William Hukel and being by me first duly sworn depose and say that they signed their names to the foregoing instrument at the request and in the presence of the said testator. That the said testator declared it to be his last will and testament and the said B.H. Owings deposes and says that he signed the testators name thereto at the request of testator and that testator made his mark and that at the time of making his mark he was of sound mind and disposing memory and over the age of 21 years and that at the time they subscribed their names as witnesses thereto the testator was of sound mind and disposing memory.

B.H. Owings
Andrew Turner
W.T. Featherston

There are two more pages that assign Robert I. Hukel as executor, etc.[2]


  1. "Missouri Probate Records, 1750-1998," images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9L9-SR1H?cc=2399107&wc=QZ9D-CS7%3A1329390901%2C1329428440 : 22 September 2014), Audrain > Probate journal, 1857-1897, vol A, pages 45-47 (image 53-54); Missouri State Archives, Jefferson City.
  2. "Missouri Probate Records, 1750-1998," images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9L9-SRRH?cc=2399107&wc=QZ9D-CS7%3A1329390901%2C1329428440 : 22 September 2014), Audrain > Probate journal, 1857-1897, vol A, page 48=49 (images 55-56); Missouri State Archives, Jefferson City.

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