Location: Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire, England
Surnames/tags: Ibgrave Wills
Will of William Ibgrave (bef.1562-bef.1606)
This is a transcription of the register copy of the Will of William Ibgrave of Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire, England. It was written on <missing date> and proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 15 February 1606. [1]
Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.
Persons mentioned
- Willi[a]m Ibgrave Testator
- Francis Sapperton, Executrix
- Watlie Wood
- Henry Smithwick, my brother in lawe
- widdowe Weeden
- Robert Smithwick, my brother in lawe
- Edward Wardner
- Beale Sapperton, Executor
- Windsor Sapperton
- Alice Lennyelke, my servannt
- Elizabeth her sister (of Francis Sapperton)
- Will[ia]m Sapperton her brother
- Alice George, my servannte
- Thomas Hart, my servannt
- the poor of Abbots Langley Parishe
- Juny Clarke, my servannte
- Witnesses: R. Sturdie, Will[ia]m Walker, John Knight
[Page one]
T: Willi[a]m Ibgrave
In the name of God Amen I Will[ia]m Ibgrave of Abbots
Langley in the countie of Hertford Esquire beinge of p[er]fect memorie doe make this my laste
will and testament for all my lands goods and Chattels in manner and forme followinge
Firste to the blessed creator saviour and sanctifier of my soule and bodie I comitt it to them
beinge the blessed trinitie in vnitie ^vnitie in trinitie And as for the mansion howse I haue
in revert[i]on ^, in my mothers possession dureinge her liffe in Abbots Langley and the land
in the mannor of Chambersburie of wth this howse is holden (three dots) by Edward Warkvpp? I give
(three dots)
right margin:
and all the demeanes (demesnes?) holden
and bequeath vnto Francis Sapperton vnto her the said Franncis and her heires for
ever and likewise washe? mill? in Com[?] eodem to her and her heires for ever and alsoe
the parsonage and all my woods and vnderwoods called Lewsden Woods in the p[ar]ishe of
Watford and St Stephens in com[?] hereff to her and her heires for euer as namelie
Notlie? Wood in the p[ar]ishe of Abbots Langley longe wood and litle wood in the same
And likewise the lordshipe of Sannot in Com[?] Hertford predicto wth fortie acres of
arable landes called onlands? to her and her heires for ever togither wth thadvowsons
thereunto belonginge
I giue vnto Henry Smith^wick my brother in lawe the mannor
of Westwicke and of Markett oake in com[?] Hartford to him and his heires for ever in
the tennor of Widdowe Weeden
I giue to Robert Smithwick my brother in lawe ^a a my
pece of land called Deane land conteyninge 12 acres to him and his heires for ever And
now all my landes now ^ or articulate in the tennor of Edward Wardner
I giue vnto
Beale Sapperton and his heires for ever And likewise the land called Shyppies?
giue vnto the same Beale and his heires for ever And now I make my sole executors
Beale Sapperton and Franncis his sister of this my will and to them my debts paid)
I giue all my worthe goodes and Chattels reall p[er]sonall or moveables
I will that
Franncis Sapperton shall paie yerely vnto Windsor Sapperton xxli p[er] annu[m]
dureinge his life
I will that Francis Sapperton shall paie vnto Elizabeth her sister
xli p[er] annu[m] dureinge her life
I will that Franncis Sapperton shall paie vnto
Will[ia]m Sapperton her brother xli p[er] annu[m] dureinge his life
Item to Marie
Sapperton her sister wife of Will[ia]m Walker vjli p[er] annu[m] dureinge her life
Item I will to 'Alice Lennyelke' my servannt tenne pounde to bee paied her wthin one
yeare after my death
Item to Alice George my servannte vli wthin one yeare after
my death
Item to Thomas Hart my servannt vli to bee paid wthin a yeare after
Lastely I giue vnto the poore of Abbots Langley p[ar]ishe xx nobles to bee paid wthin
halfe a yeare after my death at the discret[i]on and distribut[i]on of my executors
Ite[m] to John Clarke my servannte xli to bee paid wthin one yeare after my death And
now I doe leave my bodie to bee buried in solemnitie accordinge to my estate
at the discret[i]on of my executors wth a sermon. This is all my Will Will[ia]m Ibgrave
Witnessed R. Sturdie Will[ia]m Walker John Knight
Probate in Latin
Probatum fuit testamentum suprascriptum apud London coram Magistro
[Page two]
Willi[a]mo Bird legum doctore Curie Prerogatiue Cant mag[ist]ro custode sine comis=
sario ?ltime constituto xvto die mensis Februarij anno D[o]m[ini] ??xta cursum? et compu=
tac[i]oem ecclesie Anglicane mill[es]imo Sexcentesimo Quinto Juramento Francisii? Sap=
perton executricis in humod testamento nominate Cui comissa fuit administr[a]tio De
bene et fidele administrand eadem Coram Johe Lewes .... vigore com[m]issionis .. in
ha. p[ar]te direct Ad Sancta dei evangelia iurat Reservata potestate Similem Comissionem
facienti Beale Sapperton executori etiam in humod testamento nominat cum .....
eam petitur in debita iuris forma admissur./ Exr
The thertith of March Anno D[o]m[ini] 1605 et regni regis Jacobi Anglie tertio
Research Notes
Beale Sapperton died on 2 January 1625 and was buried in London, Middlesex, England. He was the son of Beale Sapperton.[2]
Francis Sapperton aged 19 married Michael Doyley aged 26 in 1606 in London, England.[3] Frances aged 19 married Michael Doyley aged 26 in 1606 in London, England.[4]
Marriage Bonds and Allegations
Frannces aged 21 married Michael Doyley aged 26 on 3 March 1605 in Abbotts Langley, Hertfordshire.[5]
Francis was buried on 21 November 1643 in By the Communion Table, St Peter Cornhill, London, England.[6]
Windsor Sapperton died in 1606 and was buried on 13 April 1606 in St Mary-Le-Strand, Middlesex, England.[7]
'Elizabeth Sapperton (research needed)
Chambersbury or Rectory Manor
By an inquisition of 1556 it appears that the rectory manor called CHAMBERSBURY or RECTORY MANOR was part of the property of St. Albans, and came to the crown at the Dissolution. There was a capital messuage called Jurdens, which was granted to William Ibgrave by the king in 1540 by the name of the rectory and church of Langley Abbots, (fn. 89) and the property remained in the Ibgrave family (fn. 90) till 1606, when William, grandson of the above William, dying without heirs it escheated to the crown, on which the king granted it to Edward, Lord Bruce of Kinloss.
- ↑ Will of William Ibgrave
- Reference: PROB-11-107-137
- Description: Will of William Ibgrave of Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire
- Date: 15 February 1606
- Held by: The National Archives, Kew
- ↑ Burial: "England Deaths & Burials 1538-1991", database, FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 11 September 2023), Beale Sapperton, son of Beale Sapperton, burial (died on 2 Jan 1625) in London, Middlesex, England.
- ↑ Marriage: "Britain, Marriage Licences", database with images, Archive: College of Arms, FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 11 September 2023), Frances Sapperton (19) marriage to Michael Doyley (26) in 1606 in London, England.
- ↑ Marriage: "Britain, Marriage Licences", database with images, Archive: Gould, FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 11 September 2023), Frances Sapperton (19) marriage to Michael Doyley (26) in 1606 in London, England.
- ↑ Marriage Bond: "London and Surrey, England, Marriage Bonds and Allegations, 1597-1921", database with images, Original data: Marriage Bonds and Allegations. London, England: London Metropolitan Archives. Images produced by permission of London Metropolitan Archives (City of London Corporation). The City of London gives no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or fitness for the purpose of the information provided. Images may be used only for purposes of research, private study or education. Applications for any other use should be made to London Metropolitan Archives, 40 Northampton Road, London EC1R 0HB via - www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/lma. Infringement of the above condition may result in legal action; Reference Number: MS10091/3, Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 2056 #610902 (accessed 11 September 2023), Frannces Sapparton (21) marriage to Michael Doyley (26) on 3 Mar 1605 in Abbotts Langley, Hertfordshire.
- ↑ Burial: "Greater London Burial Index", database, FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 11 September 2023), Francis Doyley burial on 21 Nov 1643 in By the Communion Table, St Peter Cornhill, London, England.
- ↑ Burial: "Westminster Burials", database, Archive: City of Westminster Archives Centre, FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 11 September 2023), Windsor Sapperton burial (died in 1606) on 13 Apr 1606 in St Mary-Le-Strand, Middlesex, England.
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