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Will of William Ibgrave (1555)

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Surnames/tags: Ibgrave wills
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Will of William Ibgrave
This is a transcription of the register copy of the Will of William Ibgrave of Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire. It was written on 25 October 1555 and proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 27 February 1557.[1]William died about 1556. His will passed probate on 28 February 1556.[2]

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned, in order of appearance:

  • William Ibgrave Testator
  • Thomas Ibgrave my sonne and heire, Executor and residue legatee
  • my sonne John Ibgrave
  • Ellen Ibgrave, my wiefe
  • William Robartes
  • the povertie of Langley
  • my sonne Ellys Ibgrave
  • the parsonage of Saynt Albans
  • John Hierne, vicar of Langley
  • Thomas Ibgrave's wief
  • my brother Robert Ibgrave, supervisour of the will
  • my cosyn George Ibgrave
  • euery one of my wiffes children and their husbands
  • John Stubbes
  • goodwief Sturley
  • any one of my prentises
  • eache of my ser[va]ntes
  • the poor people of Langley
  • Witnesses: Mr Thomas Kettel, Mr John Ibgrave, Thomas Gannder

Test... Willi[a]m Ibgrave

In the name of god Amen
The xxvxth daye of October in the ~
yere of our Lorde god a Thousande fyve hundreth fiftie and fyve / The seconde and thirde of ~
Kinge Phillipp and Quene Marye by the grace of god Kinge and quene of England France
Naples Jerusalem and Ireland Defendors of the faithe .... / I Williyam Ibgrave Esquier ~
beinge feble and sicke in my bodie but parfight of mynde and of good remembrannce make this my
testament conteyn[i]ng my last will / First I bequethe my soule to Almightie god and to all his blessed
companey of heaven and my bodye to be buried within the Channcell of Langley in the Tombe
Also I bequeathe for my Mortuary as custome requerith and for my tithes necligently omytted iij? iiij ?

Also I give and bequeathe my howse with all the furnyture thereof and all my landes to Thomas
Ibgrave my sonne and heire / and for lacke of heires of his bodye Lawfully begotten /. I give them all to
my sonne John Ibgrave and his heires Lawfully begotten ./

Also I bequeathe to Ellen Ibgrave, my
wiefe fourtie poundes oute of my landes duringe her naturall lief as it is specified in her Jointe?
Also I give and bequethe to the said Ellen Ibgrave my wief the geldinge that she useth to ride on
And also one tenement in the Churchende? with the close now in holding of William Robartes /~
and one other litle close called Farketes? /And also I give to the said Ellen during her naturall lief
all the tithe Corne and any? of Langley ..re vppon this Condition that she bestowe xx. yerely
vpon the povertie of Langley / Also I give to the said Ellen my wiefe towards her house kepinge
this yere Sixe quarters of wheate, three quarters of Otes?, two quarters of Langley and one ~
quarter peese? /.

Also I give and bequeth to my sonne Ellys twentie poundes ./ And to my sonne John
Ibgrave twentie poundes in money / Also I give to euery one of them one of my gownes/And also
I give to my sonne John Ibgrave abedd? here in Langley wth all thinges therto belonging wth
the useth? to hem/And also I give hym the yeres and Leasse of the litlehouses in Lomby / And
during his naturall lief I give hym for an Annuity Tenne poundes oute of my landes/ And my
sonne Ellys foure marks to be paide by thandes? of myn heire and Executors/And also I give
and bequethe to the parsonage of Saynt Albans all my tithes abowte Saynt Albans ^fowr? to be praied for
there / And also I give and bequethe to the vicar of Langley for the tyme beinge to praye for
me my father and mother/all my parte of the vicarage tiethes ^of Langley bere? (that is to say) of Land and wolle? and suche ..../ Also I give and bequethe my best gowne to my sonne & heire
Thomas Ibgrave / And to his wief a golde ringe / And I give to my brother Robert Ibgrave
m.. seconde gowne and his wief a gold ringe / To my cosyn George Ibgrave a golde Ringe / And
to euery one of my wiffes children and their husbands a golde ringe / And I give to John Stubbes
the younge Rounde? Colte the better of them / to goodwief Sturley? twentie shillings for her paynes
taking / Item I bequethe to any one of my prentises black Crocks? or gownes and Twentie shillings
of lawfull money apece And to eache of my ser[va]ntes besides a blacke Cote ./ and to pickering? a blacke
Coote /. And I give to the poor people of Langley a quarter of wheate and to the poore of Darret?
half a quarter /. The Residue of my goodes not given nor bequethed my debts paid and my buriall
discharged I give wholly to Thomas Ibgrave my sonne and heire ..... I make my full Executor
of this my last will and testament my hande and Seale and this bering? ....../ And I make ~
my brother Robert Ibgrave supervisour of this my testament and last will / John Hierne ~
vicar of Langley Mr Thomas Kettel / Mr John Ibgrave Thomas Gannders wth ..her ...

Probate in Latin
Penultimo die Mensis February Anno D[o]m[ini] Millesimo Quingentesimo
quinquagesimo? sexto (1556) emanant comissio Thome Ibgrave filio naturali et .... Will[ia]m Ibgrave

Research Notes


  1. Will of Willyam Ibgrave
    Will of Willyam Ibgrave
    Reference: PROB 11/39/89
    Description: Will of Willyam Ibgrave
    Date: 27 February 1557
    Held by: The National Archives, Kew
  2. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858", database with images, The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 39, Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #943253 (accessed 11 August 2023), Will of Willmi Ibgrave, granted probate on 28 Feb 1556. Died about 1556.

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