Location: [unknown]
The Will of William Ivory of Offley, Hertfordshire was written on 22 May 1619 and proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury in London on 28 October 1619, administration granted to Edmund Ivorye[1]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.
People mentioned in the Will:
- William Ivorye (testator)
- Susan Ivorye (daughter)
- Josephe Ivorie (son)
- Luke Ivorye (son)
- John Ivorye (son)
- Thomas Ivorye (son)
- William Ivorye (son)
- Hannah Waller
- Franncis Feild (grandson)
- Elizabeth mother of Francis (daughter)
- William Feild (grandson)
- Johane mother of William Feild (daughter)
- John Waller (son in law)
- Susan Ivorye (wife)
- Daniell Waller
- Alice Dormer Daughter of Thomas Dormer the younger
- Richard Dormer the son of Thomas Dormer the elder
- Mr Thomas Read Minister of the parishe
- Edmond Ivorye (son, executor)
- Witnesses: Thomas Reade Thomas Dormer Thomas Dormer senior
In dei nomine amen I William Ivorye of Offley in the
Countie of Hertford yeoman thoughe sicke in bodye yet in good and perfect
[Page 2]
memorye (thankes be unto god) do institute and ordayne this my last will and testament
in manner and form following: First I bequeath unto Almightie god the Creator and p[re]server
of men my Sowle which he hath given and inspired into me and my bodie to be reverentlie and
Christianlie buried in the parishe churche or churcheyard of Offeley aforesaid according to
the Discretion of myne Executor : And concerning my goodes temporall First I give unto
my Daughter Susan one hundred poundes of currant english money to be payed unto
her at the age of eighteene yeres. Item I give unto my sonnes Joseph and Luke
Ivorye to either of them a Cowe and to either of them eight score poundes of lawfull money
of England to be payed unto them and either of them at the age of one and twentie yeres
Item I give unto my sonne John Ivorye one hundred poundes of the like englishe money
to be payed unto hym the saied John at the age of fower and twentie yeres. Item I give
unto my sonne Thomas Ivorye the somme of Sixe score poundes of the like currant
money to be payed hym at the age of sixe and twentie yeres : Item I give unto my
William Ivorye the somme of three score poundes of the like money when he shall come to the
age of twentie sixe yeres. Item I give unto Hannah Waller the somme of fyve poundes
to be payed unto her at the age of one and twentie yeres. Item I give unto twoe of my grand
children vizt unto Franncis Feild the sonne of my Daughter Elizabeth and unto
William Feild the sonne of my Daughter Johane and to either of them tenne poundes of
like money to be payed to them and either of them at the age of one and twentie yeres
Item I give to John Waller my sonne in lawe the somme of twentie poundes of currant
Englishe money to be payed hym when he shalbe eight and twentie yeres of age. Item I
give unto my Wife Susan Ivorye the somme of three score poundes; And for those moveable
goodes which are in this howse where I nowe Dwell my Will is that they be equallie
and indifferentlie Devided betwixt my Wife and my Daughter Susan: That
firewood allso which is about this house or in the yards myne to dispose I give unto my Wife
Susan Ivorye for her provision: And will allso that she shall remayne and Dwell in this
house where nowe I am unto the Feast of St Michaell Tharchangell next ensewing
without any molestation or Demand of my Executor but only those termes that are
betwixt hym and me at this present. And considering my fore sayed children Luke
Joseph and Susan are as yet unbrought up my will further is that my Wife Susan
Ivorye shall bring them up receyving in consideration thereof the somme of Fiftie poundes
within one monethe after my Decease And concerning that somme of Six score
poundes given unto Daniell and Hannah Waller by theire fathers will and remayning
in my handes my will is that yt shoulde be paied by my Executor: Item I give unto
Alice Dormer Daughter of Thomas Dormer the younger the somme of Sixe
poundes thirteene shillinges fower pence. And to Richard Dormer the sonne of Thomas
Dormer the elder the like somme of sixe poundes thirteene shillinges and fower pence
To be paied unto either of them within fower yeres next after my Decease. Item I give unto
Mr Thomas Read Minister of the parishe the somme of fortie shillindes. Item I give
the poore of this parishe the somme of Fiftie shillinges to be Disposed at my Buriall
at the Discretion of the Minister and Thomas Dormer the younger. All the Rest of my
goodes Cattells and chattells unbequeathed I give unto my sonne Edmond Ivorye whome
I ordayne full and whole Executor of this my last testament. In witnesse whereof I
have set to my hand and seale this twoe and twentith Day of Maye in the yere of
oure Lorde god one thousand six hundred and Nyneteene William Ivorye.
In the presence of Thomas Reade Thomas Dormer Thomas Dormer senior
- ↑ PROB 11/134/266 Description: Will of William Ivorye, Yeoman of Offley, Hertfordshire Date: 29 October 1619 Held by: The National Archives, Kew
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