Location: Chitterne, Wiltshire, England
Surnames/tags: Jordan Stoughton Carrell
Will of William Jordan Esquire, of Chitterne, Wiltshire, 1601 [1] [2]
William Jordan/Jordyn was the secretary to the Earl of Pembroke[3]
This is a transcription of the register office copy of the will of William Jordan, Esquire of Chitterne, Wiltshire The will was written on1597/8 and proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 23 January 1601/2
The will images were good and very readable
Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.
Persons mentioned
- William Jordan testator
- Temys/Temis Jordan son of testator
- Clemente Bathe testator purchased land from him
- Edward Jordan son of testator
- Henrye Jordan, son of testator
- Thomas Jordan son of testator
- Willyam Jordan son of testator
- Edward Carrell of Harting in the Countie of Sussex Esquire relationship to testator not stated earlier in will but possibly the same Edward Carrell that is named as the fatherin law of the testator's son William - owes testator six hundred pounds
- my sonne in Lawe Richard Hunton married to testator's daughter Elizabeth
- my nephew Nicholas Jordan
- Elizabeth the daughter of Edward Carryl Esquire. married to testator's son William
- Marie Stoughton and her husband daughter of testator, husband un-named
- Lucie Jordan and her husband testator refers to Lucie as his daughter, husband un-named
- my nephew Willyam Collier
- my Kinswoman Elizabeth Coales received forty shillings
- Nurse? Furnell John Furnelles wife recieved ten shillings.
- 'Anne Grubbe received ten shillings
- my good frend Hughe Hinde vicar'of Chitterne' received a colt and a saddle
In the name of God Amen. The
Eighte daie of Februarye in the Fortithe yeare of the raigne of our sov[er]aigne
ladie Elizabeth by the grace of God of England France and Scotland
Queene Defender of the Faithe etc One Thousand Fyve hundred
nynetie seven I William Jordan of Chitterne in the Countie of Wiltes Esquire
Being visyted in bodie with sicknes and lamenes in his lymmes yet thanks be to
God of perfect memorye dothe by theis presente make this his last will and
Testament in maner and forme following/
First and principally I bequeath my
soule to Allmightie God, and by the deathe and passion of his onelie sonne Jesus
Christe I assure my self to be forgeven of all my synes and to inheryt the Kingdome
of heaven/
Item my will is that my bodye be buryed by the good discretyon of my
wellbeloved wife and at her chardge whiche I would have don decentlie without
[page 2]
decentlie w[ith]out anie ...... ostentacion/ And the greatest chardge that I would have
........ I would have distyrbuted by her good discretyon uppon the needist of the poore
Inhabitants of Chitterne All Saintes /
Item I geve unto my said wife all her apparell
and Jewelles wisshing her at her decease, yf Temys Jordan my sonne be then living to
bestowe her gould chaine uppon him./
Item I geve unto my saide wife my coche and coche
horses with their furnyture./
Item I geve to my saide wife her owne riding mare my
nagge that is for my owne saddle, and twoo of the best and choisest geldings horse or colte
that shalbe founde of myne at Whitleighe at the time of my decease with saddles and
brydles to the same
Item I geve to my said wife all the readye money that I shall have
in my house at the tyme of my decease, And allso all my wooll that shalbe then in my
house at Chitterne
Item my will is that my said wife shall have the use & ocupac[i]on
of all my houshoulde stuff, plate, corne of all sortes, sheepe horse and oxen with their
furnytures whiche I shall have at Chitterne at the tyme of my decease during her
naturall life/ And also all the Rammes and hogsheepe that shalbe putt downe from
Chitterne to Whittinglie to be wyntered./
Item my will is that my said wife during her
naturall life shall have the use occupac[i]on and profytte of all my lands and Farmes in
Chitterne with all the Flocke Stocke of sheepe and corne there payeing yearlie the rente
due out of the same and keeping suche cov[er]n[a]nts as my selfe oughte to do, and to keepe &
leave the house and housinge in and aboute the Pryorie in Chitterne, well, and also
sufficientlie repayred and kepte from tyme to tyme/
Item I geve to my saide wife
all that my lease I boughte of Clemente Bathe of meadow groundes in Bishopscro.......
and norton/ And if my said wife shall happen to marry againe (as God forbidd
considering her yeares paste childbearing) Then my will is shee shall not enioye
and retane the benefytt and comodyties of my said lands and Farmes, stocke of cattell
and corne aforesaid in Chitterne withe the houshoulde stuff there, but onelie Fourscore
poundes by the yeare. And that my sonnes lyving namelie Edward, Temys, Henrye,br/>
and Thomas shall have them during her life, And after her decease if Willyam
my sonne be them lyving, he to have the sheepe corne and cattell that shalbe uppon
the same at the tyme of her decease, or so muche money as the same shalbe valued and
esteemed at the tyme of her decease./
Item I geve to my sonnes Edward and Temys
Jordan the twoo obligac[i]ons that Edward Carrell of Harting in the Countie of
Sussex Esquire doth and shall owe me vizt Sixe hundred poundes./
Item I geve
to my said sonne Edward Jordan my grosgraine sylke nighte gowne garded withe
velvett, and late furred throughout with budge./
Item I geve to my said sonne
Edwarde my chaine of golde [avoirdu]poiz Eightene ounces./
Item I geve to my said sonne
Edward my velvett jerkin, and Twoo doz[en] of massie gould buttons, uppon the same
my dutche cloke garded with three gardes of velvett and lined before with Tufftaffata
Allso I geve to him my dutche cloke faced with shagge sylke and the buttons that be
uppon the same stemmed with gould./
Item I geve to my said sonne Edwarde my
Shamhoise hose with gould lace, and the callions to the same of Tawnye velvett./
I geve to him one paire of blacke velvett hose lined with satten, and the callions of
Item I geve to him a plaine sattin doublett./ Allso I geve to him my best rapier
dagger and girdle with my newe felte hatte lyned with velvett, and one payre of
blacke sylke stockinges, and one payre of Tawny sylke stockings with blacke & tawny
sylke garters to the same stockings.
I doe moreover geve to my sonne Temys Jordan
my sylke nighte gowne that is laced and faced with budge./ Allso I geve to my said sonne
Temys one payre of blacke velvett hose lined with satten and the callions of sattin w[ith]
a blacke sattin doublett sutable to the hose./
Item I geve to my said sonne Temys one paire
of Shamhoise hose trymmed withe gould and russett sylke lace, the callions of blacke
velvett and a doublett of willian? Fustyan to the same cuff uppon russett Taffata
[page 3]
Item I geve to my said sonne Temys a paire of russett sylke stockings, and
to paire of fine worsted stockings./
Item I geve to my sonne Temys my riding cloake and
grosgraine dutche cloake w[ith] all the buttons uppon the same the stemmes whereof are goulde
Allso I geve to him my other rapier, dagger and girdle, and my nexte best felte hatte
Item I geve to my said sonne Temys my newe blacke frise jerkyn having twoo dosen of
plaine gold buttons uppon the same./
Item I geve to my sonne Henry Jordan my blacke
dutche cloake laced fayre?./
Item I geve to my saide sonne Henry to sendye in my russett gowne
furred throughe./
Item I geve to my said sonne Henry' my newe blacke taffat hatte./
Allso I geve to my said sonne Henrye Twelve of my bookes the choise to be at his election
Item I geve to my sonne Thomas Jordan my seagreene nighte gowne and Fortye
sylver buttons uppon the same and my doublett and hose of fustyan of prymrose cullour
Item my will is that my foresaid wellbeloved wife shall out of her livinge at Chitterne
paie within Foure yeares next after my decease to my forsaid sonnes Henry Jordan
Thomas Jordan Twoo hundred poundes a peice if they shall so long lyve and the same be
not paid to them in my life tyme. And if any parte thereof shalbe payd to them or either
of them in my life tyme Then shee onelie to paye so muche of the same as shalbe lefte
unpaide to bothe or eyther of them./ And if either of my said laste twoo sonnes shall happen
to decease having no wife nor issue of his bodye lawefully begotten before his said legacie
be in whole or in parte fullie satisfied him Then my will is that the surviv[or] of the same
laste vereified brothers shall have ad enioye all or so muche of his said brother deceased
his legacie as shalbe remayning unpaid unto him./ And whereas my will is that my
said wife shall during her life (if shee shall not marrie again( as I hope shee will
not) have the use and occupac[i]on of all my houshould stuffe and plate with the sheepe
corne and husbandrie stuff that I shall have at Chitterne at the tym of my decease
I having not in my life tyme geven with my handes any parte of the same, The said
plate and houshould stuff of all sorts in Chitterne after her decease or maryage I
geve and bequeathe to my sonnes Edward and Temys (if they or either of them
shalbe then living payeing unto their said Too brothers Henry and Thomas Twoo
hundred poundes a peece, or so much thereof as shalbe lefte unpaide unto them either
by my self at the time of my decease or by my said wife their mother by ocasion of
death or maryage which I hope in God shall not happen./ Allwaies provided yf
if my said wife and my said sonnes Edwarde and Temys shall happen to decease
before my said sonnes Henry and Thomas be paide then Twoo hundred poundes a peece
Then my will is that my said sonnes Henry and Thomas being lyving shall after their
mother and brothers decease have all my said houshould stuff and goods that I shall
have at Chtterne./ And because I would have this my will trulie accomplished paide
and satisfied my further will is that my said wife within one month after my decease
shall enter into bond of three hundred poundes to my sonne in Lawe Richard Hunton
and my nephew Nicholas Jordan trulie to performe observe and keepe all and so
muche of this my will and Testament as maye any waie concerne her and is or
shabe by her to be performed and kepte./ And if my said wife shall happen to decease
before my said sonnes Henry and Thomas be paid their Twoo hundred poundes a peece
Then my will is if my sonnes Edward Jordan or Temis Jordan become to enioye the
benyfytt of my living in Chitterne that they shall enter into sufficient bond to my
said sonne in lawe Richarde Hunton and my nephewe Nicholas Jordan to see their brethren
Henry and Thomas payde their legacies as my wife their mother should have don./
Item my
will is that my said sonnes shall allwaies be loving cherishing and comforting their
mother./ And if any of them happen to decease before mariage and having no yssue of
their bodies lawefully comeng: Then for the better advancement of their brethren living
[page 4]
living to geve and bestowe among them suche wealthe and goods as God shall indue
them withall and to love eache other hartelie and brotherlie, And so they all shallp[ro]fy[t]
and do better.
Item whereas I have at Chitterne twoo leases of the sheepefarme and
land farme p[ar]cell of the late dissolved monastery of Lacocke, my will is that my said
wife during her naturall life shall receave use occupie and enioye not onelie the
said twoo Farmes w[i]th the stocke uppon the same, but allso the Pryorie with all ye
stockes of corne, sheepe, cattell and husbandrye stuff that shalbe uppon the same
And if shee shall not byue the expiration of my said twoo leases, Then my will is
that the residue of the yeares unexpired and not run oute shall remaine to my
sonne William Jordan, yf he shalbe then living, and have yssue of his bodye by his
nowe wyfe Elizabeth the daughter of Edward Carryl Esquire.
Item my will
is if my said wife in her life tyme shall not spend in necessarie and convenient
houskeeping the stockes of sheepe and corne that shalbe at Chitterne, That then the
suplusage of the same that shalbe so lefte at the time of her decease or so muche mony
as the same shalbe then valued or esteemed as to remaine and come to my sonne
William Jordan. And whatsoever I shall further geve in my life tyme either by a
codicill or delyver (not amounting to above Fortie poundes) shalbe as good and
avayleable as any parted of my will./
Item I geve to Mary Stoughton my
daughter fyve poundes, and to her husbamd a golde ringe contayning Three angells
engraven in the miste with Estofidus./
Item I geve to my daughter Hunton
one goulde ring of the like value and engraven as aforesaid./
Item I geve to my
daughter Lucie Jordan fyve poundes, And to her husband a goulde ring of Three
angelles and engraven as aforesaid./
Item I geve to my nephew Willyam
Collier one gould ring of the like value as aforesaid./
Item I geve to my Kinswoman
Elizabeth Coales Fortie shillings./
Item I geve to Nurse? Furnell John Furnelles
wife tenne shillings./
Item I geve to Anne Grubbe Tenne shillings./
Item I
geve to suche other of my servants as shalbe with me at my decease and I shall
name Tenne shillings a peece./
Item I geve to my good frend Hughe Hinde vicar
of Chitterne my spanishe leather sadle the seat whereof is tawneye velvett and
a younge colte of Whitleighe breed by the discretion of my Execut[ors]./
touching my poore lands, my will is for the better maynetenance of my poorehouse
That my sonne Willyam shall have all that my one messuage or capitall house of
Whitleighe with all the landes appertayning to the same to him band to the heires
males of his bodye lawefully begotten, or his nowe wife Elizabeth the daughter
of Edward Carrill Esquier, And that his saide wife Elizabeth shall have her
jointure of Whitleighe aforesaid during her life after the decease of her husband
(Whitleighe wood or coppice excepted)./ Allso my will is that my said sonne will
after my wyfes? decease shall have all that my land with thappurtenances
comonlie called the Pryorie in Chitterne in the Countie of Wiltes to him and to
his heires males./
Item my further will is that my sonne Willyam shall have to
him and to his heires males, All that my lande called Bollowe with thapputenances
in the parishe of Frome Sellwoodd in the Countie of Somersett./ And if my saide
sonne Willyam shall not have live issue male by the said Elizabeth his wife but
onely daughters, Then suche daughters lyving shall have One Thousand pounds
paide them for their advancement by my heire male that shall inherytte my said
landes./ And further my will is that if my said sonne Willyam shall departe this
life having no yssue male of his bodie lawefully begotten, Then my will is that
all my landes aforesaid shall remaine and discend to my sonne Edwarde and to
his heires males. And for lacke of such yssue to my sonne Temys and to his heires
males. And for lacke of suche yssue to my sonne Henrye and to his heires males
And for lacke of suche yssue to my sonne Thomas and to his heires males./ And if
[page 5]
yf anie of my said sonnes shall goe aboute to sell, alien, entangle, encumber or defeate
the successive discente of my said lands to the heires males, Then my will is that such
sonne as shall have any suche intente shall loose the benefytte of the said landes as
thoughe he hadd never bin. And the nexte sonne of my saide sonnes shall enioye the
benefytte and inheritance of my said landes./
Item I geve and confirme my grante
of the patronage of Berforde S[ainte] Martin in Wiltesh[ire] to Edward Jorrdan my
sonne and to his heires./ And if the same happen to be in his disposition in his life time
my sonne Henry Jordan entering into the ministery he to bestowe the nexte p[re]sentation
to the said parsonage of Berford uppon his brother Henry Jordan./ Lastlie I ordaine
and appointe my wellbeloved sonnes Edwarde Jordan and Temys Jordan my
Executors ioyntlie and severallie of this my last will and Testament requiring
them as they will answer yt in the presence of Allmightie God to doo their beste
endevores that this my last will be trulie and ....... executed./ And for the better
accomplishmente thereof I desire my sonne in lawe Richard Hunton and my
nephewe Nicholas Jordan to be the Overseers of this my laste will geving either
of them for their paines Twenty nobles a piece, And to be also allowed their
reasonable charges and expenses by my Executors when and as often as they shall
happen to be at anie chardge about the true executing of this my laste will and
Testamente./ Allthoughe this will and laste Testamente of the above named
Will[ia]m Jordan be wrytten with another mans hand because my owne hand is
lame and dofortyue? whereby I cannott endure to wryte so muche yet the same
is not other than my self have pronounced out of my owne mouthe and have advisedly
redd and examyned the same being wrytten as I spake out of my owne mouthe
and as a true Testamony of the same being for the prefermente of my younger
sonnes I have not onely wrytten this postscript with my owne hand subscribed
my hand unto yt, but allao putt my seale for the better corroborating of the same
whiche I before God maie be effortnallie performed according to this my laste
will and Testament/ Deo Trino et Um sit laus honor et gloria. Amen. W
- ↑ PROB 11/99/36)
- ↑
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 99
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #925031 (accessed 2 November 2022)
Will of Willmi Jordan, granted probate on 23 Jan 1601. Died about 1601 in Chitterne, Wiltshire, England. - ↑ https://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/volume/1558-1603/member/jordyn-william-i-1602
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