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Will of William Lenthall the Elder of Lachford

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Summary. ... I William Lenthall the elder of Lachford Esq ... at the present in good health of body ...

Name Relationship [Comments] or Major Bequests William LENTHALL Sr Latchford (Gt Haseley) William LENTHALL Grandfather Deceased Thomas LENTHALL Father Deceased Isabell LENTHALL Wife [now wife - see Note] William LENTHALL Son (Exec) John LENTHALL Son Deceased Anne LENTHALL Granddaughter [d John - under 18] Edmond LENTHALL Grandson [eldest s John - under 21] William LENTHALL Grandson [2nd s John - under 18] Elynor LENTHALL Daughter [no surname given] Richard LENTHALL Brother Robert LENTHALL Nephew [s Richard] - HORSEMAN Daughter Anne HORSEMAN Granddaughter William TEMPEST Trustee Robert TEMPEST Nephew [see Note] William TEMPEST Nephew [see Note] - BELSON Niece [sis of Robert & William TEMPEST] Nicholas PIGGOTT Trustee Witness - PIGGOTT Sister [with unnamed sons legatees] Richard PIGGOTT Witness Robert KNIGHTLEY Legatee [bro Constance - under 21 - see Note] Constance KNIGHTLEY Legatee [sis Robert - under 21 - see Note] John MAYBOROWE Legatee Servant John BOYER Legatee Robert WILLIAMS Overseer Kymball? unnamed Godchildren John HALL Legatee Servant George FRANCIS Legatee Servant William HINTON Legatee Servant William PILKINGTON Legatee Servant Anne CARDEN Legatee Servant Valentine WHITE Legatee Servant John OGLETHROPE Lessor Hughe CARTWRIGHTE Wife's Trustee John WILKINS Wife's Trustee Martyn JAMES Wife's Trustee William PAYNE Wife's Trustee

Probate 6 Nov 1587 London ... William Lenthall son and executor .

As transcribed from a copy of the original document. Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible. T: Will'mi Lenthall ar:

In the name of god amen I William Lenthall The elder of Lachford in the County of Oxon Esquier, being at the present in good healthe of bodye and of perfect mind and Remembraunce I thanck Almighty god therefore Considering the uncertenty of this transitorye Lyfe Doe this present fiftenth Daye of ffebruary in the nyne and twentith yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of England ffrance and Ireland Quene Defendor of the faithe etc And in the yeare of our Lorde god one thousand ffive hundreth Eighty and six make and ordayne this my Last will and testament in manner and forme following that is to saye ffirst I com'it my sowle into the most holye and blessed protection and keeping of our savyo' and Redemer Jesus Christ And my bodye to be buryed in the parrishe Churche of Saincte Peter and Paule in greate Hastley within my Chappell there where my granndfather William Lenthall and my ffather Thomas Lenthall doe lye buryed over whiche place or grave I will that my executor hereunder named doe Laye within one yeare or twoe at the farthest next after my decease a plate of brasse or Aliblaster stone __red in the Wall over my grannd= fathers monument thereon ingraved the severall times of our departures out of this World. The ordering of my buriall I referre to the discrec'on of my Executor But my meaning is that it be donne without pompe At whiche time of my buriall I will there be distributed amongest the poorest of the townes next adioyning to Lachford forty shillings And to the poorest howseholders inhabiting within the parrishe of greate Haseley to every Couple twelve pence And to some of the Couples twoe shillings at the discrec'on of my said Executor Also I will that my said Executor doe give to foure of the poorest men of the parrishe of Haseley aforesaid eache of them a freeze Coate to attend uppon my ffunerall Also I will that suche foure freese Coates shalbe given by my sonne William Lenthall his heires or assignes for ever owte of his Concealed Lands whiche I purchased of the Quene in Stunsfeild and Haseley aforesaid to foure of the poorest men in the parrishe of Haseley yearely at Hallontide to the entent that the said poore men shall yearely for ever uppon Sondayes and ffestivall Dayes within my saide Chappell ymediatly when service is donne in token of profession of my faithe saye these wordes taken oute of the holye scripture Kneeling on their Knees Owte of the Depthe have I called unto the Lord: Lorde heare my voice, for there is mercye with the I Looke for the Lorde, my sowle dothe wayte for him, in his worde is all my trust, This to be said first by one of them. And the second thus: Yf thou Oh Lorde willt narrowly marke what is donne amisse, Oh Lorde whoe maye abide it. Oh Israell Trust in the Lorde, for with the Lorde there is mercye, and with him is plenteous redemption And he shall redeeme Israell from all his sinnes. And the third thus: I knowe that my Redemer Liveth and that I shall rise out of the Earthe in the Last Daye and shalbe covered againe with my skynne and shall see god with my fleshe yea and my selfe shall behold him not with other but with these same eyes. whiche saide all fower shall ioyne in this prayer: Almightye god with whome doe live the spiritts of them whiche doe departe heare in the Lorde and in whome the sowles of them that be elected after they be delivered from the burden of the fleshe be in ioye and felicitye wee give the harty thancks for for that it hathe pleased the to deliver this our brother William Lenthall owte of the miseries of this sinnefull worlde beseeching the that it maye please the of thy gracious goodnes shortly to accompte him in the number of thy Electe And to hasten thy Kingdome that we with this our brother and all others departed in the fine faithe of the holye Catholique Churche maye have our perfecte Consum'ac'on and blisse bothe of bodye and sowle in thy eternall and everlasting glorye Amen. Also I will that my Executor shall give to my wyfe and daughters eache of them a blacke gowne And to foure or more of my servantes at my ffunerall black Coates at the discrec'one of my Executor Item I give to Anne Lenthall my sonne John Lenthalls daughter the som'e of three score pounds of Lawfull Englishe money when the saide Anne shall accomplishe thage of Eightene yeares yf the saide Anne shall soe Longe live Item I give to William Lenthall second sonne to my sonne John Lenthall deceased the som'e of fiftye powndes to be delivered unto him Lykewise at thage of Eightene yeares yf he Lykewise so Longe shall live Item I give to William Tempest and Nicholas Piggott ffiftye pounds to be bestowed in suche manner and forme and at suche time as as the saide William Tempest and Nicholas Piggott my Loving and trusty frends together with my Executor at theire discrec'ons shall thinck most fitt and convenient according to a speciall direction of my minde and pleasure whiche they onely knowe touching my Daughter Elynor And where I meante to give and bequeathe unto Edmond Lenthall my sonne John Lenthalls eldest sonne absolutely all that residue of the farme of greate Haseley not already conveyed unto my sonne William Lenthall, and nowe am enformed the meaning of some to be hereafter to procure sutes and controv'sies betwene the saide Edmond and my saide sonne for or concerning messuages Landes tenements or hereditaments called the Burroughe Remh'm? and Stunsfeild or some parte thereof already conveyed unto my saide sonne William Lenthall of an estate of Inheritance I doe nowe give and bequeathe unto the saide Edmond Lenthall when he shall accomplishe the age of three and twenty yeares yf he the saide Edmonde so Longe shall live All the saide Residue of the farme of greate Haseley aforesaide for so manye yeares as shalbe then to come unexpired in my Lease made to John Oglethrope uppon this Condic'on that if the saide Edmond or his heires or assignes after he shall accomplishe thage of one and twenty yeares shall not or doe not at any time uppon request made unto him by the saide William his heires or assignes sufficiently convey and assure release and extinguishe at the Cost and Charge of the saide William his heires Executors or assignes the foresaide messuages Lands tenements and hereditaments and all his Righte Title Interest and demande of in and to the same unto the saide William Lenthill his heires and assignes so as the saide William his heires and assignes may quietly enioye the premisses according to the Conveyance thereof already to him made by me the saide William Then this present gifte and bequeast abovesaide shall cease and be voide Any thing herein conteyned to the Contrary notwithstanding And from thensforthe shall fully come remaine and be to my saide sonne to his sole and proper use and behufe and to no other intent or purpose Also I will that my Executor hereunder named doe Distribute to other poore men at his discrec'on to be chosen and appointed owte for twoe yeares next after my buriall tenne pounds a Yeare. Also I give to the Churchwardens for the time being of the parrishe Churche of greate Haseley aforesaide towards the Reparac'ons of the same Churche forty shillings Also I give to the poore prisoners in the Castell of Oxforde three shillings foure pence To the Prisoners of Wallingford Castell three shillings foure pence To the Prisoners of Ailesbury gaole three shillings foure pence to be paide within one moneth after my decease Also I give to my brother Richard Lenthall suche Apparrell as appeareth by the Scedule hereunto annexed Also I give to Robert Lenthall his sonne one Cowe and Tenne sheepe or five poundes in money for a stock towards his bringing upp Also I give to Anne Horseman my Daughter Horsemans daughter Tenne pounds to be paide and delivered unto her at her daye of mariage yf she so Longe shall live, so that she doe marrye by the consent and good liking of my Executor and overseers or of the most parte of them whereof I will my executor to be one Also I give and bequeathe to Isabell my nowe Wyfe forty pounds of good and Lawfull Englishe money in Liewe of a howse to have bene provided for her according to my Coven'nte touching the same conteyned in a paire of Indentures bearing date the twentith daie of Januarye in the fourthe yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Ladye the Quenes Maiestie that nowe is made betwene me on thone partye and Hughe Cartwrighte Esquier, John Wilkins, Martyn James and William Payne gent on thother partye, And also albeyt I have made unto my Wyfe a greate Joincture in Respecte of that small porc'on I had with her, Yet neverthelesse for that I have founde her a Loving Wyfe unto me and uppon the sure hope and confidence she will contynue the Lyke towards all my Children, therefore for the better supplye of all suche necessarye howsehold implements as shalbe necessarye for her howsekeping in Lachford howse being parcell of her Joincture I will therefore that my executor hereunder named shall permitt and suffer her to have and enioye the use and occupying of all suche howseholdstuffe and utensills as bene conteyned in a Scedule hereunto annexed subscribed with the hand and seale of me the saide William Lenthall for and during her naturall lyfe So that she the saide Isabell my Wyfe doe at suche time as she shall require the Deliverye thereof at my executors hands with twoe sufficient suretyes become sufficiently bounde in the double value thereof with Condic'on or Condic'ons that the saide sureties theire executors or Administrators shall within six Weeks next after her Decease safelye either redeliver all and singuler the saide goods and Chattells in the saide Schedule conteyned or all suche the value of every of the same and of every parte thereof as shalbe conteyned and sett downe in the saide Inventarye unto my saide executor hereunder named at the Choice and election in parte or in the wholle of my saide Executor Also I doe further give and bequeathe to my saide Loving wyfe to her owne use for ever all her Apparrell one Litle goulde Cheyne whiche she hathe com'only used to weare her brasseletts Rings Juells and Tabletts and one Casting bottell of silver Double gilte, twoe of my geldings or naggs twoe paire of Corsletts with twoe pikes furnished for footemen and twoe Calivers with theire murryons? flaskes and touche boxes. Item I give to the saide Edmond Lenthall as things to goe contynue and remaine allwayes to and with the heires and owners of my Mannor of Lachford suche goods and Chattells as appeareth by the scedule hereunto annexed to be given unto him All whiche parcells I will shalbe delivered unto him when he shall accomplishe thage of twenty and three yeares yf he so Longe shall live Item I give to William Lenthall my sonne as Legatorye and as my speciall bequest otherwise then in respecte of his executorshipp as things annexed to remaine with his howse Lands and ten'tes called the Boroughe suche parcells of plate as within the scedule hereunto annexed dothe Lykewise appeare Item I give to every one of my Daughters that be maryed forty shillings apeece And to either of theire husbands tenne shillings apeece as a token of Remembraunce Item I give to every of my sister Piggotts sonnes eache of them tenne shillings apeece Item I give the lyke to my twoe Cosens Robert and William Tempeste and the Lyke to theire sister my neece Belson Item I give to Robert and Constance Knightley his sister five poundes apeece to be delivered unto them when they attayne unto thage of one and twenty yeares yf they so Longe shall live Also I give to John Mayborowe my serv'nte six and twenty shillings eighte pence a yeare owte of my howse in Henlye so Longe time as my executor shall have estate and interest therein yf he my saide serv'nte doe so Longe live Also I will that my sonne William Lenthall shall yearely for ev' distribute amongest the poorest howseholders in Haseley allwayes on Ashwednesdaye six shillings eighte pence owte of the concealed Lands whiche I purchased of the Quene in Haseley Also I give unto my sonne William Lenthall and to his heires if it be not already sufficiently conveyed all my saide Concealed Landes whiche I purchased of the Quene in Haseley and Stunsfeild and Lykewise my Chauntery Lands there in Haseley Item I give to my Welbeloved frende John Boyer a golde Ringe in token of Remembraunce And finally my debts paid my ffuneralls and Legacies discharged all other my goods and chattells aswell reall as personall before not bequeathed nor given hereby I doe give and bequeathe to William Lenthall my sonne whome I make my full and sole Executor of this my Last will and testament Also I do ordayne and make my Welbeloved frende Robert Williams of Kymball? Esquire my supervisor and overseer of this my Last will and testament And doe give him for his paines herein to be taken a peece of plate or forty shillings in money. In wittnes whereof I the saide William Lenthall to this my present Last will and testament have putt my seale of armes and countermaund all former Willes by me made the saide William Lenthall at any time heretofore made And doe openly pronounce and testifye this to be my Last will and testament And none other Wittnes to this will conteyning three sheetes of paper and one sheete for the Scedule Nicholas Piggott Richard Piggott William Lenthall Junior

A Scedule annexed of suche goods and Chattells as within this testament are bequeathed and Lefte herein to be expressed.

Inprimis to my Wyfe the use and occupying of all suche necessary howsehold stuff as are belonging to the Hall Parlo'r Buttrye Chambers and in all other howses of office as hereafter followeth that is to saye in the Hall the Tables formes stooles thereunto belonging with the portalls wainskott glasse windowes for the Chimney a fyre forke a paire of Aundyrons A paire of tongs In the Parlo'r A Longe table with the frame with the stooles formes and benches thereunto belonging A folding table twoe Chaires, A Cupbord the portalls glasse windowes and all wainskott aboute the Parlo'r A paire of Aundyrons A fire shovell and tongs sutable to the same for the Chimney In the Buttrye the Bynnes for breade, the shelves, the table with tressells, Candlesticks glasses and potts the standers and hoggesheads for beare nowe being in use there In the Chamber the furniture there as wainskotts hangings bedstedd and bedds furnished as they nowe are with Cupborde Chaires and glasse windowes, And Lykewise all other howses of Office furnished as they nowe be all whiche stuffs my meaning is shalbe imployed onely in and uppon my saide howse in Lachford and not ells wheare and be repayred and maynteyned from time to time Item I give to my brother Richard Lenthall my twoe best gownes twoe Cassocks twoe payre of drawers and stockings to them twoe dubletts one hatt and five markes in money Item I give to my serv'ntes (that is to saye) To John Hall To George ffrancis To William Hinton eache of them tenne shillings a peece And to William Pilkington forty shillings To Anne Carden my Chambermaide six shillings eighte pence To Valentine White my ploweman six shillings eighte pence To Edmond Lenthall and theire males that shall please god to succede as heires to Lachford these utensills following (that is to saye) In the Parlour the Longe table with the frame stooles and benches, the Courte Cupborde, a Chaire wainskott and glasse windowes In the Chimney Aundyrons tongs fire shovell and fyreforke, In the Hall twoe Longe tables with the frame and formes and benches wainskott and glasse windowes with twoe Chambers furnished with bedding and bedstedds with Cubbord and Chaires thereunto belonging In the Buttrye the Binnes for breade the shelves and standers for drinck, In the Kitchin the yron Racke the barre of yron with twoe hangers for potts, in spitts twoe in brasse potts twoe. Item I give more to my Daughter Horseman a hundred pounds owte of one of my Daughters portions yf any of them Dye before theire mariage whiche portions are not to be delivered unto them at all if they dye before they be maryed Item I give to everye of my godchildren five shillings apeece or a sheepe at the discrec'on of my Executor

Probatum fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud London Coram Venerabili viro m'ro Will'mo Drury Legum Doctore Curie Prerogative Cant: Mag'ro Custode sive Com'issario etc Sexto Die mensis Novembris Anno D'ni Mill'imo Quingentesimo Octo= gesimo Septimo Juramento Will'mi Lenthall filij naturalis et l'timi dicti defunct' executoris in hu'mo'i testamento nominat' Cui commissa fuit .........................................

Go to Glossary ... I William Lenthall the elder of Lachford Esq ... at the present in good health of body ... My body is to be buried without pomp in the church of SS Peter and Paul in Great Haseley, in my chapel where my grandfather William Lenthall and my father Thomas Lenthall are buried. Within one year, or two at the most, my executor is to place a brass or alabaster plate on the wall over my grandfather's monument, engraved with the dates of our deaths. At my burial 40s is to be distributed amongst the poorest of the towns nearest Latchford, also 12d each to the poorest householder couples of Great Haseley, and to some of the couples 2s at my Executor's discretion. He is to give four of the poorest men of Haseley each a frieze coat to attend my funeral. Four similar frieze coats are to be given by my son William Lenthall and his heirs forever, out of his Concealed Lands which I bought from the Queen in Stonesfield and Haseley, to four of the poorest men in Haseley every year at Hallontide. Every Sunday and Holy Day forever, in my chapel after the service, those men, kneeling, are to say [Psalms and prayers, to be said in turn by the four men -- see Transcript, also see Note] My Executor is give my wife and daughters each a black gown, and black coats to four or more of my servants at my funeral, at his discretion. I give my deceased son John Lenthall's daughter Anne Lenthall £60 at age 18 (if she lives). I give my son John's second son William Lenthall £50 at age 18 (if he lives). I give my loving and trusty friends William Tempest and Nicholas Piggott £50, to be bestowed as and when they and my Executor think most fit according to a special direction which only they know, regarding my daughter Elynor. Whereas I meant to give my son John's eldest son Edmond all the residue of Great Haseley farm not already conveyed to my son William, but now am informed that "some" intend to make legal trouble between Edmond and William re property called the Burrough Remh'm? and Stonesfield already conveyed to William: Now I give all the residue of the lease of Great Haseley farm (leased from John Oglethrope) to Edmond at age 23 (if he lives). But if William so requests it, at any time after Edmond reaches 21, Edmond is to transfer any rights to the above property to him (at William's expense), so that William and his heirs may quietly enjoy the premises according to the conveyance already made to him by me. If Edmond refuses to do so, the gift [of the farm lease] is to be void, and it goes to William. My Executor is to distribute £10 pa for two years after my burial to other poor men chosen at his discretion. I give the churchwardens of Great Haseley 40s towards the repairs of the church. I give the poor prisoners in Oxford Castle 3s 4d, to the prisoners of Wallingford Castle 3s 4d and to the prisoners of Aylesbury gaol 3s 4d, all to be paid within one month after my decease. I give my brother Richard Lenthall the apparel listed in the annexed schedule. I give his son Robert Lenthall one cow and ten sheep (or £5) towards his bringing up. I give my daughter Horseman's daughter Anne Horseman £10 to be paid at marriage (if she lives), if she marries with the approval of my Executor and overseers, or the majority of them including my executor. I give my now wife Isabell £40 in lieu of a house which was to have been provided for her according to my covenant in a pair of indentures dated 20 Jan 1561/62 made between myself on the one part and Hughe Cartwrighte Esq, John Wilkins, Martyn James and William Payne, gent, on the other part. I have made my wife a great jointure in respect of the small portion I had with her. Yet because I have found her to be a loving wife to me, and in hope and confidence that she will so continue towards all my children, now for the better supply of all household implements necessary for her housekeping in Latchford House (part of her jointure) my executor is to permit her during her life to have and use all the household stuff and utensils listed in the annexed schedule, on condition that she enters a bond at double the value of the goods, with two adequate sureties, that within six weeks after her decease the sureties will either redeliver all the goods etc, or their value, to my executor (at his choice). I also give my loving wife for her own use forever all her apparel, one little gold chain which she usually wears, her bracelets, rings, jewels and tablets, a casting bottle of silver double gilt, two of my geldings or nags, two pairs of corselets with two pikes (furnished for footmen) and two calivers with their murryons? flasks and touch-boxes. I give the above Edmond Lenthall the goods etc listed in the annexed schedule, which are to remain always with the owners of my Manor of Latchford, to be given to him at age 23 (if he lives). I give my son William Lenthall as my special bequest the parcels of plate listed in the annexed schedule, which are to remain with his house, lands etc called the Borough. I give all my married daughters 40s apiece and to their husbands 10s apiece, as a token of remembrance. I give my sister Piggott's sons 10s apiece, and the same to my two cousins Robert and William Tempeste and to their sister my niece Belson. I give to Robert and Constance Knightley his sister [see Note] £5 apiece to be paid at age 21 (if they live). I give my servant John Mayborowe 26s 8d pa out of my house in Henley, for life or for as long as my executor has interest therein. My son William Lenthall is to distribute amongst the poorest householders in Haseley, every Ash Wednesday for ever, 6s 8d out of my Concealed Lands which I bought from the Queen in Haseley. In case they are not already adequately conveyed, I give my son William and his heirs all the above Concealed Lands in Haseley and Stonesfield and my Chauntery Lands in Haseley. I give my well-beloved friend John Boyer a gold ring in token of remembrance. My debts, legacies and funeral expenses being paid, I give all my other real and personal goods and chattels to my son William Lenthall whom I make my sole Executor. I make my well-beloved friend Robert Williams Esq of Kymball? my overseer, and give him a piece of plate or 40s for his pains. I countermand all former wills.

Witnesses Nicholas Piggott; Richard Piggott; William Lenthall Jr


A Schedule of the goods and chattels left to be listed here: To my wife the use etc of all necessary household stuff in the Hall, Parlour, Buttery, Chambers etc as follows: in the Hall the tables with their forms and stools; the portals, wainscot and glass windows; for the chimney a fire-fork, a pair of andirons and a pair of tongs. In the Parlour a long table with its frame, stools, forms and benches; a folding table, two chairs and a cupboard; the portals, glass windows and wainscot; a pair of andirons, fire-shovel and tongs suitable for the chimney. In the Buttery the bins for bread; the shelves; the table with trestles; candlesticks, glasses and pots; the standers and hogsheads for beer. In the Chamber the wainscots, hangings, bedstead and beds furnished as they now are, with cupboard, chairs and glass windows. All other houses of Office furnished as they now are. All of which are to be employed only in my house in Latchford and not elsewhere, and repaired and maintained from time to time. I give my brother Richard Lenthall my two best gowns, two cassocks, two pairs of drawers with stockings, two doublets, one hat and five marks in money, I give to my servants as follows: To John Hall, George Francis and William Hinton 10s each. To William Pilkington 40s. To my chambermaid Anne Carden 6s 8d. To my ploughman Valentine White 6s 8d. To Edmond Lenthall and the male heirs who succeed to Latchford as follows: In the Parlour the long table with its frame, stools and benches; the court cupboard; a chair; the wainscot and glass windows; and in the chimney andirons, tongs, fireshovel and fire-fork. In the Hall two long tables with frames, forms and benches; wainscot and glass windows. Two Chambers furnished with bedding, bedsteads, cupboard and chairs. In the Buttery the bins for bread; the shelves; the standers for drink. In the Kitchen the iron rack and the iron bar with two hangers for pots; two spits; two brass pots. If any of my daughters die before marriage, their portions are not to be paid, and I give my daughter Horseman a further £100 out of them. I give my godchildren 5s or a sheep apiece, at my Executor's discretion. Probate 6 Nov 1587 London ... William Lenthall son and executor ...

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