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Will of William Lindsay Emmerson, Doctor of Medicine of Leicester 1894

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The Will of William Lindsay Emmerson, Doctor of Medicine of Leicester, was written on4 August 1894 and passed probate on 5 December 1894 at Leicester.[1]

Transcription conventions used in this text:

  • Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
  • Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
  • Abbreviations and breviographs, and assumed words, have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
  • Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
  • Illegible words or parts of words are marked [...]
  • The image quality was good, and the handwriting very legible.

Persons mentioned:

  • William Lindsay Emmerson M.D. Testator
  • William Lindsay Emmerson Son, executor, trustee
    • Sarah Jane Emmerson, His wife
  • Joseph Hallam of Belgrave, Leicester, friend, executor, trustee
  • John Bolton Emmerson of Biggleswade, Son
  • Florence Emmerson ,Daughter
  • Amy the wife of Alfred Densham of Croydon Esq, Daughter
  • Rose the wife of Benjamin Densham of Croydon Esq, Daughter
  • Nina Enmerson, Daughter
  • Kate Shenton the Wife of William Snelson Shenton of Johannesburg, Daughter

[Page 1 Folio 667]
William Lindsay Emmerson M.D.
This is the last Will and Testament of me William
Lindsay Emmerson of 21 London Road in the County Borough of
Leicester Doctor of Medicine I hereby revoke all former Wills and testamentary
dispositions made by me I appoint my son William Lindsay Emmerson
of "Ruding Villa" Fosse Road Leicester aforesaid Surgeon and my friend Joseph
Hallam of Belgrave Leicester aforesaid Merchant Tailor (hereinafter called
my Trustees) to be the Executors and Trustees of this my Will I give and
bequeath my surgical scientific and chemical instrument and apparatus
(except as hereinafter mentioned) to my said son William Lindsay Emmerson
And I give and bequeath my larger microscope and also all my library
of books to my son John Bolton Emmerson of Biggleswade in the County of
Bedford Doctor of Medicine I give and bequeath all my household furniture

[Page 2 Folio 668]
plate linen china glass pictures prints wines liquors and other
household effects (except as hereinafter mentioned) to my daughter Florence
Emmerson absolutely And whereas I consider my daughter Amy the wife
of Alfred Densham of Croydon Esquire and my daughter Rose the wife of
Benjamin Densham of Croydon Esquire to be otherwise sufficiently well
provided for I have made no provision in this my Will for either of
them but my Will is that each of them should select a picture or
any piece of my household fumiture as a memento And I bequeath
to my dear friend the said Joseph Hallam my gold Repeater Watch
I give and advise all that my messuage known as "Ruding Villa" now
occupied by my said son William Lindsay Emmerson unto my Trustees
Upon trust to permit my said son to occupy the same or to receive
the rents and profits thereof during his life he keeping the same
insured against fire and in a proper and fit state of repair to the
satisfaction of my Trustees and paying all rates and taxes and other
outgoings in connection therewith And at his decease I direct that the
said messuage shall be sold and the net proceeds of sale divided as
hereinafter mentioned And as to all the residue of my real and personal
estates I advise and bequeath the same unto my Trustees Upon Trust
that my Trustees shall as soon as may be after my decease sell call in
and convert into money the same or such part thereof as shall not
consist of money and shall with and out of the proceeds and with and
out of my ready money pay my funeral and testamentary expenses and
debts and shall stand possessed of the residuary trust moneys In trust
for my sons the said William Lindsay Emmerson and John Bolton Emmerson
and my daughters Florence Emmerson Nina Enmerson and Kate Shenton
the Wife of William Snelson Shenton of Johannesburg South Africa Engineer
in equal shares and proportions and as to the proceeds of the sale of the
said messuage I direct that the same shall be divided equally between
Sarah Jane Emmerson the Widow of my said Son William Lindsay
Emmerson and such of his children who being sons shall live to attain
the age of twenty one years or being daughters shall altain that age or marry
and my said son John Bolton Emmerson and my daughters Florence
Emmerson Nina Emmerson and Kate Shenton or such of them as shall be
living at the decease of my said son William Lindsay Emmerson the Widow
and children of the said William Lindsay Emmerson taking one equal share

[Page 3 Folio 669]
as representing my said son the Widow taking the same share as if
she were a child of the said William Lindsay Emmerson Provided
always that if any child of mine shall die in my life time leaving a
child or children who shall survive me and who being a son or sons
shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a daughter or daughters
shall attain that age or marry or if any child of mine shall predecease
my said son William Lindsay Emmerson leaving a child or children who
shall survive the said William Lindsay Emmerson and who being a Son
or Sons shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a daughter or
daughters shall attain that age or marry then and in every such case I
direct that such child or children shall take and if more than one
equally between them the share which his her or their parent would have
taken of and in the residuary trust fund or in the net proceeds of sale
of the said messuage as if such parent had survived me or the said
William Lindsay Emmerson respectively And I declare that my Trustees
may apply the presumptive share of any grandchild of mine for his or her
advancement preferment benefit or maintenance as my Trustees shall think
fit In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this fourth day
of August One thousand eight hundred and ninety four.
Wm Lindsay Emmerson.
Signed by the said Testator as his last Will in the presence of
us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each
other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.
Edward J. Holyoak, solr, Leicester
Arthur Underwood, Clerk to Messrs. Holyeoak & Brown, Solicitors, Leicester.
On the fifth day of December 1894 Probate of this
Will was granted at Leicester to William Lindsay
Emmerson the son, and Joseph Hallam the Executors.


  1. Probate: "Leicestershire Wills And Probate Records, 1500-1939"
    Archive: Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester & Rutland; Reference: DE 462/37
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 18 January 2024)
    William Lindsay Emmerson probate in 1894. Residence Leicestershire, England. Occupation: Doctor of medicine.

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