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Will of William Longe 1557

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Will of William Longe of Hingham 1557

Transcription Conventions:

  • spelling, punctuation, line breaks and capitalisation are recorded as in the document, with the following exceptions to aid readability:
    • capital I is silently modernised to I or J as appropriate (eg "Joan", rather than "Ioan")
    • additional paragraph breaks may be included to increase readability of large amounts of text
  • superscript letters are silently lowered, except where these relate to money (eg li s d), dates (eg th) or titles (eg Mrs)
  • abbreviations/breviographs are expanded with the additional letter(s) in square brackets, except symbols for money (li s d) and the ampersand (&)
  • the letter thorn is recorded as "th" in square brackets (eg "[th]e", rather than "ye")
  • short series of missing/illegible letters are recorded with a period for each letter thought to be missing/illegible in square brackets; longer gaps are described with an editorial note
  • editorial notes are italicised and in square brackets
  • names and relationships are highlighted in bold
  • footnotes are used to clarify archaic terms, difficult text and discrepancies

The will mentions the persons below. Modern spellings for names have been included where appropriate, to help people using search engines to find this page.

  • William Longe, testator
  • Katherine, his wife
  • John Longe, son of William Longe of Deopham
  • Peter Longe, son of William Longe of Deopham
  • Annes Longe, daughter of William Longe of Deopham
  • Amye Longe, daughter of William Longe of Deopham
  • Margaret Longe, daughter of William Longe of Deopham
  • John Longe, son and executor
  • Thomas Longe, grandchild and son of John Longe of Hingham
  • John Longe, grandchild and son of John Longe of Hingham
  • Margaret Longe, grandchild and daughter of John Longe of Hingham
  • Mary Longe, grandchild and daughter of John Longe of Hingham
  • Katherine Longe, grandchild and daughter of John Longe of Hingham
  • William Borough, grandchild
  • John Borough, grandchild
  • Alice Borough, grandchild
  • Florence Borough, grandchild
  • Diones Borough, grandchild
  • Isabel Borough, grandchild
  • Katherine Borough, supervisor and daughter
  • wife of Robert Boore from whom William bought a tenement
  • Dorothy Hall
  • Elizabeth Fox
  • William Trisse
  • Thomas Dyver, executor
  • John Blysse, witness
  • Richard Weston, witness
  • Ellis Sharpe, witness
  • Robert Newman

Willm Longe
In the name of god amen
The xxvijth
daie of Marche in the yere of our lord god
A Thousande five hundreth & fiftie and seven
and in the yere of the Reignes of our
Soverign lord and ladie Philipp & Mary
page 2
By the grace of god kinge and quene of
England Spayne ffrance Jherusalem and
Ireland defender[es] of the faythe Archdukes of
Austria dukes of Burgundye Myllayne and
Brabond Counties of Haspurge fflandres and
Tiroll[1] I Willyam Longe of Hingham in the Countie
of Norff[olk] within the dioces of Norwich being of
good mynde and p[er]fight remembrance thankes
be to god maketh and declareth this my
last will and testament in manner and
forme following First I bequeathe my sowle
unto Almighty god and to our ladie virgyne
Mary and to all the blessed company of
heaven and my body to be buried in the church
of Hingham next unto my scoole Item I give
to the high alter there for my tithes and
offerings necgligentlie forgotton vjs vijd
Item I give and bequeathe to the poore people
for twentie yeres twentie pounds to be paied
and delte quarterly every yere tyll the
forsayed xxti be full ended That is to saye
vs every quarter Item I give to John Longe
sonne of Willyam Longe of De[o]pham
to his heires
and assignees forever ij Acres and ij Roodes
of land leing in the heigh filed at Saynt
Michaell th'arc[h]angell next to come yf ye
forsayed Willyam departe this p[rese]nt worlde
or elles not Item I give and bequeathe to Peter
Longe sonne of the foresayed Willyam
Longe of De[o]pham
xxs Item I give to Annes
Longe dawter of the foresaied Willm
Item I give to Amye Longe dawter of
page 3
The foresayed Willm
xxs Item I give & bequeathe
to Margaret Longe to her heires & assignes
forever dawter of the foresaied Willm my
tenement that I bought of the wiff of Robert
and parcell of a tenement called
Cokes in Hingham aforesayed and five markes
in mony to be paied after the decease of Katering
my wiff
at xvj yeres of age By myn
executors to the foresayed Margeret but
her grandames dwelling for terme of hyr
naturall lyff reserved and excepted in the
foresaied tenement Item I give and bequeath
to Willm Borough my bellchild five markes
Item I give to John Borough my belchild xls
Item I give Alys Borough my belchild xxs Item
I give to Floranse Borough my belchild xxs
Item I give to Diones Borough xxs Item I give
to Issabell Borough xxs Item I give to John
Thomas Longe my belchilde sonne of John
Longe of Hingham
five markes Item I give to
John Longe sonne of the foresaied John Longe
fortie shillinges and [if] one of the brethren dep[ar]te
before the other then I will the one to be the
others heir Item I give to Margaret Longe
my belchild dawter of the foresaied John Longe

xxli js viijd Item I give to Mary Long xxs
Item I give to Kathering Longe my belchilde
dawter of the foresaied John Long xxs payded
and I will that yf any of these sisters of all
the kyndred aforesaied depart before they
page 4
They come to their lawfull age or ages then
I will that one shalbe the others heires of thier
parte or partes and to be devyded among ye
others sisters by evyn porcions and from
sister to sisters of the foresayed kyndred that
ys to saye Willm Longe Childer of De[o]pham John
Longe childer of Hingham John Boroughes childer
of Hingham aforesayed Item I give & bequeath
to John Longe my sonne xxs twenty pounds
frely forever Item I give and bequeathe to Dorothie
xs to be payed in thre yeres Item I give
Elizabeth Fox vjs viijd Item I give to Willm
xxs Item I will myn executores shall bye
a gravestone for me Item I give to the making
of an image of Saint Andrew xxs Item I give to
the making of the new antiphoner[2] xxs Item I
give and bequeathe to Kathering my wiff xls
a yere during her naturall lyff and my stuffe
of howsholde myn Obligacions excepted and
reserved Item I give Kathering m wiff all
my neate and my shepe Item all the residew
of my goodes and cattells not before given nor
bequeathed I give and bequeathe to the foresaied
John Longe my sonne payeng my debtes and
taking my debtes p[er]forming the legacyes
comprised in this my p]re]sent testament whom
I ordeyn and make the same John Longe and
Thomas Dyver myn executors of this my
testament and last will and the foresaied
Thomas Dyver to have for his labor and
paynes fortie shillinges and Katering Borough
supervisor and she to have her costes
page 5
In witnes whereof unto this p[res]ent testament and
last will I have sett my seale these witnes
John Blysse and Richard Weston Eilis Sharpe &
Robert Newman


  1. Princes of Spain and Sicily, Archdukes of Austria, Dukes of Milan, Burgundy and Brabant, Counts of Habsburg, Flanders and Tyrol
  2. antiphon, in Roman Catholic liturgical music, chant melody and text sung before and after a psalm verse, originally by alternating choirs (antiphonal singing). The antiphonal singing of psalms was adopted from Hebrew worship by the early Christian churches, notably that of Syria, and was introduced into the West in the 4th century by St. Ambrose

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