Location: [unknown]
This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of William Lyncolne of Watton, Norfolk, singleman. It was written on 28 April 1631 (7 Charles I) and proved at the Archdeaconry Court of Norwich sitting at Watton on 27 June 1631. [1]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included Struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good, and the handwriting also good for the time. Many non-standard spellings and arcane words used.
Persons mentioned:
- Henry Lyncolne my brother co-executor of will
- Thomas Lyncolne my Brother
- John Lyncolne the sonne of the sayd Thomas Lyncolne Testator's nephew
- John Brett later referred to as "my Brother in law" and co-executor of will
- Elizabeth Brett the daughter of John Brett
- Robert Brett the sonne of the said John Brett
- John Brett brother of Robert Brett son of the aforesaid John Brett
- Rose Brett my sister possibly born Rose Lincoln and married to John Brett the elder
- Margaret Bird relationship not given
- James Brett relationship not given
- Richard Lyncolne relationship not given, possibly brother
- George Lyncolne the sonne of Richard Lyncolne under the age of 21
- Richard Lyncolne child of Richard Lyncolne, under the age of 21
- William Lyncolne child of Richard Lyncolne, under the age of 21
- Elizabeth Lyncolne child of Richard Lyncolne, under the age of 21
- Dorathy Lyncon child of Richard Lyncolne, under the age of 21
- Bridgett Lyncolne my goddaughter possibly the daughter of Thomas Lyncolne and hence Testator's niece.
- Mary Lyncolne child of Thomas Lyncolne, under the age of 21
- Agnes Lyncolne child of Thomas Lyncolne, under the age of 21
- Jane Lyncolne child of Thomas Lyncolne, under the age of 21
- Jane Lyncolne my sister
- Henry Fickett witness
- Robert Brett witness
In the name of God Amen
The xxviij th of Aprill in the seaventh yeare of
the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the
grace of god of England, Scotland, France & Ireland
King Defender of the Faith &c I William
Lyncolne of Watton in the county of
Norffe singleman, being sicke of Bodye , but in good
& p[er]fect Remembrance, praysed be god, revoakinge
all former wills by me at any time heretofore made
Doe ordayne & make this my p[re]sent last will & Testam[en]t
in manner and forme followeinge First & before all
things I commend my soule into the mercifull handes
of Allmighty god, my maker, & unto Jesus Christ my
Saviour hopeing by & through his meritts, bitter death
& passion, to have & possesse A most Joyfull resur=
rection, amongst the elect people of God, And my
Bodye I committ to earth from whence it came &
to be buried in X[st]ian[2] Buriall where it shall please
God to call me :
Item I give & bequeath unto the
rep[ar]ac[i]ons of the p[ar]ish Church of Watton xs to be
payd by my Executors w[i]thin one whole yeare next
after my Decease,
Item I give, & bequeath unto
[page 2]
Henry Lyncolne my brother all my landes
Free, Coppy, or lease, meadowe or Arable, lyeing &
being w[i]thin the townes & feidles of Watton Marten
& Carbrooke Dueringe his naturall life & after
his Decease I give unto Thomas Lyncolne my
Brother, one meadowe as it lyeth enclosed conteyn=
ninge three Acres, and a Rood one Acre beinge
Coppyhould Dureringe his life & after the decease
of said Henry & Thomas To John Lyncolne the sonne
of the sayd Thomas Lyncolne & to his heires for
ever :
Item I give & bequeath unto unto Elizabeth Brett
the daughter of John Brett the sume of tenn
powndes to be payd when she shall come to the
age of xxity yeares :
Item I give & bequeath unto
Robert Brett the sonne of the said John Brett one
pightle called Paynes Pightle conteyninge Five
Acres and a halfe three halfe Acres beinge Free
& Foure being lease, after the decease of Henry
Lyncolne my brother To have & to hould the sayd
Foure acres Dueringe the whole tearme of my
yeares And the three halfe Acres of Free to him
the said Rob[er]t & to his heyres for ever, upon this
Condic[i]on followeinge that the sayd Robert Brett
his heyres Executors Adminstrators or Assignes
Shall pay unto John Brett his brother the sume
of Tenn powndes of good & lawfull money of
England w[i]thin one whole yeare after the decease
of Henry Lyncolnes my Brother :
Item I give
unto the said John Brett two Acres of Arable
Land lyeinge in Martyn Feild the whole tearme
of my lease, after the decease of Henry Lyncolne
my Brother:
Item I give & bequeath unto Rose
Brett my sister, the sume of Five powndes w[i]thin
[page 3]
One whole yeare next after my decease
I give & bequeath unto Margaret Bird Forty
shillings w[i]thin one yeare next after my decease
Item I give unto James Brett the some of xxs
to be payd w[i]thin one yeare after my decease
I give & bequeath unto George Lyncolne the sonne
of Richard Lyncolne, the sume of Five powndes
to be payd when he comes to the age of xxity yeares
if he be then livinge:
Item I give unto Richard
Lyncolne, William Lyncolne, Elizabeth Lyncolne &
Dorathy Lyncon beinge the children of Richard
Lyncolne the sume of six shillings viijs a peice,
when as they shall accomplish their severall ages
of xxity yeares:
Item I give unto Bridgett Lyn=
colne my goddaughter, the sume of Five powndes
when she comes to the age of one & Twenty yeares
Alsoe I will & my minde is that the aforesayde
John Lyncolne, sonne of Thomas Lyncolne shall
pay unto the sayd Bridgett Lyncolne the some of
Five powndes w[i]thin one whole yeare next after the
sayd John shall come to the sayd meadowe w[hi]ch is
unto him before bequeathed
Item I give unto Mary
Lyncolne, Agnes Lyncolne, & Jane Lyncolne the
children of Thomas Lyncolne the sume of iijLd a
peice, when as they shall accomplish their severall
ages of xxity yeares
Item I give unto Thomas
Lyncolne my brother Tenn powndes w[hi]ch is nowe
in his hand
Item I give unto Jane Lyncolne my
sister xxs pr[e]sent after my decease,
Item I give
& bequeath unto Henry Lyncolne my Brother
& unto John Brett my Brother in lawe all my
movable goodes, money, bills & bands whatsoever
[page 4]
To them & to both of them for ever , whome I
Doe make and ordayne Joynt & sole Executors
of this my pr[e]sent last will & Testam[en]t, they ta=
keinge my Debts & payeinge my Debts & Legacyes
unto them belonginge as it is in my will according
to my true Intent & meaninge, & alsoe seing my
Bodye Decently & orderly buried, In wittnes
whereof I have sett my hand & seale the daye
& yeare above written: & given Surrender accor=
Dingly: witnes Henry Fickett, Robert Brett,
The marke of William Lyncolne:/
Surrendered into the handes of Henry Fickett in
the pr[e]sence of John Brett & Rob[er]t Brett
Probate [abstracted from the Latin] at Watton the xxvij day of June AD 1631
- ↑ Will of William Lyncolne 1631 Probate Records for the Archdeaconry Court of Norwich. will register, Sharpe, fo. 274, no. 250 Norfolk Record Office, Norwich, Norfolk, England Family search Image 305 onwards Accessed 29 January 2022
- ↑ Spelled "Chi Ro" for Christ and -ian
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