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Will of William Stanton, Yeoman of Fritton, 1582

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Fritton, Norfolk, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Stanton
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This page has been accessed 27 times.

This is a transcript of the register copy of the Will of William Stanton, Yeoman of Fritton, 1582. It was written on 1 March 1580. It was probated on 1582 .[1]

The image quality was good to excellent and the handwriting very legible.
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]

Persons Mentioned:

  • William Stanton, yeoman - Testator
  • Dorothie Stanton, wife
  • Richard Stanton, son
  • Margaret Stanton, daughter under 21
  • Dorothie Stanton, daughter under 21
  • Jane Stanton, daughter under 21
  • Raynolde Nuttall, Clerk of Fritton, Writer of Will
  • John Bowen, Witness

In the name of god Amen
the first day of the month of Marche
in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand
five hundreth and fower scoare and in the
three and twentith yeare of the reygne
of our dread Soveragne Lady Elizabeth by
the grace of God of England France and
Ireland Queene defender so of the faythe
etc I Willi[a]m Stanton of Fritton in the
countie of Norff[olk] yeoman and within the
diocesse of Weumuth beinge hole of mynde
and in p[er]fight rembrannce Lawde and a
praryse be given unto the allmightie God
therefore do heare make this my present
testamente and Last Will in man[ner] and forme
followinge that is to saye First I bequeath
my soule unto Allmightie my creator and
unto Jesus Christ the only sonne my redem[er]
and unto the holye ghost my sanctifyor
of whom by whom and in whom I hope to
be saved and by none other Wayes nor
meanes and my body to be buried in the
churchyarde of Fritton aforesaid or else
wher it shall please you to call me

Page 2

Item I give will and bequeath unto Dorothie my
wife hir executors an assignes the use and
occupacon of all my lande and tenemente both
free and bonde costamarie lease and farme land
sett lyinge and beinge in Fritton Hempnull and
Mounge thorpe or els where from the day of
my dep[ar]te out of this [pre]sente life unto the
Feaste of St Michaell the arch angell then
nexte ensuynge

Item I give will and bequeath
unto Dorothie my wife hir executors
an assignes the use of all my free lande and
tenements or tenements what so ever if be and
also all my fearme and lease lande with ther
ap[per]tenance sett lyinge and beinge in Fritton
Hempnall and Mourninge Thorpe aforesayde
or els where without makinge strippe or
wast in or upon the sayd premisses from the
feast of St Michael the archangell next
ensuynge after my de[par]ture out of this
[pre]sente life, unto the full ende of tenne yeares
from thereon _ the followinge fully to complete and

Item I will and my mynde is that
Dorothie my wife hir executors an ass[igne]s
shall shall discharge and pay all such
rente and fearmes as shallbe due and goinge
out of the premisses and due such service as
to the same belongeth duringe all the tearme
that she or they may enioy and shall
occupye and enioys the same as before
as sayd

Item I will and my mynde is that
Dorothie my wife hir executors or ass[ignee]s
shall have and sale in and upon the free

Page 3

lande competente and sufficiente fuell for
ther nedefull and necessarye fiares by and
duringe all the tearme aforesayd Allwayes
p[ro]vided to fell the same in convenient time and
season for the savinge or the springe

I will and my minde is that Dorothie my
wife here executors or ass[ignee]s shall builde
the house and I am determined and towards
the buyinge thereof not only to have the
timber allreadye p[ro]vyded but also to take
tymber in and upon the p[re]misses sutche as
shallbe moste needefull and necessarye for
the same wher it may be lawfully taken
in consicideracion whereof I will and my minde
is that it shallbe lawfull unto the sayd
Dorothie my wife her executors or ass[ignee]s
every yeare duringe the tearme or tenne
yeares to fell make and sell five hundreth
woode called sale faggotte ever and beside
ther fuell allwayes p[ro]vided the same to be
felled in stewed man[ner] and in Season
for the savinge of the Springe

Item I
will and my minde is that the sayd Dorothie
my wife her executors or assignes shall
well and sufficientlye mayntayne and repayare
the hole premisses duringe all the sayd tearme
or tenne yeares and so to leave them in
hande allwayes p[ro]vided that if it shallbe
lawfull unto everye or then to take suche
tymber in and upon the premisse as shallbe
needfull and necessarye for the same by

Page 4

by all the sayd time

Item I give will and bequeathe
unto Richard Stanton my sonne and to his heires
for ever and all those my copieholde or customarye lande
whatsoever they be sett lyinge and beinge in Fritton
aforesayde to enter them at the Feaste of St
Michael the archangle next after my decease
de[par]ture out of this p[re]sente life and not before

Item my I will and my mynde is that k neyther
Richarde my sonne neyther his heires executors
Acminstrators nor ass[ignee]s nor none of them neyther
any othere [per]son or [per]sons whatsoever by them to be
moved or p[ro]cured shall fall any woode or timber
in nor upon the premisses duringe the whole tearme
aforesayde neyther then excepte for on they
shall putte and lay in ther good and sufficient
writinge obligatorie unto Dorothie my wife hir
executors or executors Administrators or ass[ignee]s
for the full and hole discharge of all
suche gifte legasies and bequeathe or any other
accions on sufforante whatsoever I have or
shall appointe them him or them in this my
last will and testamente to be done [per]formed
or suffred with or he or they shall refuse
or then not doe as is aforesayde befor
layinge in or ther writinge obligatorye then
I will and my mynde is that Dorothie my
wife hir executor or executors or the
executors of any of them Administrators or
assignes shall have holde and aquielly enioye
all the premisses to hir or them before bequeathed
for tearme or yeares as before is sayde
from the [e]nde or the sayde yeares befell the

Page 5

sayd feast of St Michael the archangle next
ensuinge after this my last will and testam[en]t
is ought and shalbe [per]formed, provided
alwayes that yf he or they shall not enter
bonde as is aforesayde but that Dorothie my
wife or hir ass[ignee]s shall have and holde the sayd
premisses as before is sayde that is to this ende
and purpose and so my hole minde is that she
or they shall have and holde the sayd
premisses to the only [per]forminge and fulfillinge
of this my last will and testatmente as well
in the hole as in the [par]te

Item I give will &
bequeath unto Margaret Stanton my
daughter one milche cowe to be delivered in
in the feaste day of St Michael
the arch angle w[hi]ch shalbe in thende or the tenne
yeares abovesayd unto same or the substantiulest
[par]ishioners of the [par]ishe of Fritton and the same
cowe by them or by the assignees therfor the
sayd yearely tearme to be yearelye distributed
unto the most pore and neadye people ther and
the sayd cowe in that order to remayne for
ever allwayes respectinge to preserve the stocke

Item I give will and bequeath unto Margaret
Stanton my daughter tene pounds of
good English money to be payd by Dorothie
my wife hie executors Administrators or
ass[ignee]s in the feast day of St Michael
the arch angell next ensuinge after to the
sayd Margarett shall accomplishe her full

Page 6

age of one and twenty yeares.

Item more I give will and
bequeath unto Margaret Stanton my daughter
five pounds of good English money to be payd u[n]to
her by Dorothie my wife hir Executors Adminstrat[ors]
or assignes in the feast of St Michaell
the arch angell next ensuyinge after the sayd
Margarett shall accomplishe hir full age of five
and twenty yeares

Item more I give will
and bequeath unto Margaret Stanton my
daughter fiftene pounds of good English money
to be payd her by Richard Stanton my
sonne his heires executors administrators or
ass[ignee]s in man[ner] and forme following vizt in the
feast day of St Michall the arch angle nexte
ensuyinge after that he or they shall be
appoynted to enter all my lande five
pounde and at St Michaell the arch angell
then nexte followinge after five pound and at
the feast of St Michaell the arch angell
then nexte ensuying after five pounds in
full satisfaction of the sayd fiftene pounds
so by me willed and bequeathed

Item I give
will and bequeath unto Dorothie Stanton
my daughter five and twentye pound of good
English money to be payd her by Richard my
sonne his heires executors Administrators or
ass[ignee]s in man[ner] and forme followinge vizt
in the feast day of St Michaell the arch angell
nexte ensuyinge after the last payd of Margaret
Stanton her fiften is or ought to be paid

Page 7

Tenne pounds and at St Michaell
the arch angell then nexte followinge after
tenne pounds and at St Michaell the arch angell
then nexte ensuyinge five pounds in full
satisfaction of the sayd five and twentye
pounde so by me to her willed and bequeathed

Item I give will and bequeath unto Jane
Stanton my daughter five and twentye
pounds of good Englishe money to be payde
her by Richard Stanton my sonne hir
heires executors administrators or ass[ignee]s
in maner and forme followinge vizt the
feast day of St Michaell the arch angell
nexte ensuynge after the last paymente of Dorothie
Stanton hir sister is or oughte to be payd
tenne pounds and in the Feast day of
St Michaell the arch angell then nexte
ensuynge after tenne pounds and in the
Feast day of St Michaell the arch angell
then nexte ensuynge five pounds in full
satisfaction of the sayd five and twente
pounds so by me to her willed and bequeathed

Item I give and bequeath unto Richard
Stanton my sonne and his heires for
any all my lande and tenements free and
all my tearme and lease lande sett lyinge
and beynge in Fritton Hempnall and
Mornye Thorpe to enter them in the Feast
day of of St Michaell the arch angell tenne
yeares nexte after my de[par]ture out of

Page 8

this [pre]sente life under these conditions as is
aforesayd nor that he or they shalbe come holden &
bonden by ther good and sufficient writinge
obligatorye well truly and faythfully to discharge
all suche gifts legacies and bequests and every
other thinge and things whatsoever he or they
shallbe appoynted to doe fullfill _ and
suffor to be done in this my last will and testatmente
to have and to holde all the lands and tenements
before sayd unto him the sayd Richard and to his
heires forever under the condicions aforesayd
and not otherwise whatsoever to the contrary
herein notwithstandinge or otherwise howesoever

Item I will and my minde is that Dorothie my
wife hir executors or ass[ignee]s shall bringe up
my daughters in the feares of God and
honest and godlye laborers

Item I give will &
bequeath unto Richard Stanton my sonne
these [par]celles followinge to be delivered in the feast
daye of St Michaell the arch angell tenne
yeares next after my de[par]ture out of this [pre]sent
life by Dorothie my wife her executors or
ass[ignee]s viz two house beaste the carte and
ploughe with ther furniture to them belonginge
two neate fower combz of wheate fower
combz of barly under these conditions
followinge vizt so that he will and shall well
faythfully and obediently serve his mother
duringe the sayd tearme of tenne yeares as before
is sayde or so many of these tenne yeares as he
shallbe remanied for suche competente wayes

Page 9

as shallbe thoughte conveniente except they do
otherwise agree with if he shall refuse and
not doe then I will the same legacies in
this bequeathe to be voyd whatsoever to the
contrary not withstandinge

Item I give will
and bequeath unto Dorothie my wife and to
her ass[ignee]s duringe hir naturall life from the
feast of St Michaell the arch angell tenne
yeares nexte after my de[par]ture out of this
[pre]sente life evry yeare every yeare these
sumes followinge vizt five pounds thirtene
shillings and fower pence of good Englishe
money to be payde quarterly three hundreth
of good faggot woode to be delivered at the
tenemente ther ready made and seame of
wheate and one seame of wanulte both
good and sweete halfe the fruite growinge
in and upon the hole premisses the use of the
[par]lor and [par]lar chamber with free
egresse and regresse into the same the
keepinge of a cowe winter and somer well
and sufficientlye libetye to bale and brewe
in the offres in the backehouse all w[hi]ch
things before sayd I will and my minde is
shalbe done [per]formed and executed by
Richard my sonne his heires executors or
ass[ignee]s at his or ther onlye coste and charge

Item I will and my minde is that Richard
Stanton my sonne his heires executors

Page 10

or ass[ignee]s shall in or before the feast day of St
Michaell the arch angell w[hi]ch shalbe the tenth
yeare next after my de[par]ture out of this [pre]sente
life become holden and bonnden by ther good and
sufficient waitinge obligatorye in the same or two
hundreth pounds of good englishe money with
condicon therupon endorsed for the full and hole
discharge of all suche gifts legacies and bequeste
and every other action whatsoever he or they is or
shalbe appoynted to doe suffer execute and [per]forme
w[hi]ch or he or they shall refuse and not doe them
I will and my minde is that the sayd Dorothie
my wife hir executors or ass[ignee]s shall have holde
acrued and amotlye enioye all the aforesayd
lande and tenemente to her bequeathed for the
tearme of yeares as before is sayd untill
suche time as she of they shall have holly and
fully discharged this my last will and testamente
accordinge to the true meaninge therefor whatsoever
herunto the contrary notwithstanding any way
Allwayes ended that the sayd Dorothie in that
case and every her executor and ass[ignee]s shall
mayntayne and repayre the premiss and any
them well and sufficiently and so to leave

Item I give will and bequeath unto
Dorothie Stantion my daughter five pounds
of good Englishe money to be payd her by

Page 11

by Dorothie my wife her hire ass[ignee]s in the
feast day of St Michaell the arch angell
next after she shall accomplishe her full and
seryall age of two and twentye yeares

Item I give will and bequeath unto Jane Stanton
my daughter five pounds of good Englishe
money to be payd her by Dorothie my
wife her executors administrators or ass[ignee]s
in the feast day of St Michaell the arch angell
next after she shall accomplishe her full and
serall age of two and twentye yeares

Item I will and my hold mynde is that theyres
executors administrators or ass[ignee]s of Dorothie
my wife and every of them shall have free
egresse and regresse into the premisses by
and for the space of two monthes nexte
after the de[par]ture of the sayd Dorothie out
of this [pre]sent life to fetche beare and carry
away suche thinge whatsoever as was the sayd
Dorothies w[hi]ch house carts and people at
ther pleasure without denyall or gaynesayinge
of the sayd Richard Stanton my sonne
his heires or ass[ignee]s whatsoever herine to the
contrary notwith standinge

Item I will &
my minde is that if any doubte or
controvery so shall arise or growe for and
concerninge this my last will and testatment
contrary to the true meaninge in the same
and for wante or forme in the same

Page 12

accordinge to the lawe that then this writen
Raynold Nuttall shall paye declare and deliver
of his credible othe before any indye or by his
credible speeche before any other before whom the
same may or shall come and be harde my ture
meaninge and determination in the same and the
same to be determined for that he knoweth my
simple meaninge and intente herein

Item I give
will and bequeath unto Dorothie my wife her
executors or ass[ignee]s all my goos and cattell
as well movables as unmoveable not yet
given willed nor bequeathed and al lmy
implements of householde as lynnen wollen
brasse and pewter mondy plate and treasure
or any other thinge whatsoever if be eyther
within the house or without except my tearme
and lease land with Dorothie my wife I
name ordayne constitute and appoynte to be
myne only and sole executrix of this my
last will and testatment In witness whereof
I have caused the same to be made and
unto the same I have sett my hande and
seale in the [pre]sence of John Bowen and
'Raynulde Nuttall the writer that
this will and testatment contayneth five
sheete of page and that the testator hath
sette his marke unto every sheete In the [pre]sence
of us John Bowen and Raynolde Nuttall
the writer and suche delivered the same as
his only will in one [pre]sente


  1. Will of William Stanton, Yeoman of Fritton, 1582, Episcopal Consistory Court, Archdeaconry of Norwich Wills and Adminstrations, Register copy wills, v. 27 (Porridge), 1580-1583, 158(1); digital images, Viewable at a Family History Centre FamilySearch, FHL Digital Collection, DGS 80452739 images 330-336 of 452.] Accessed 30 April 2022

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