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Will of William Stodderd of Heaton

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 20 Dec 1606
Location: Heaton, Staffordshire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Stoddard, Stodderd
Profile manager: Chase Ashley private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 93 times.

In the name of god, Amen. The twentieth day of December in the fourth yeare of our sovaigne Lord King James his Raigne of England ffrance & Ireland and of Scotland the ffortieth defender of the faith: I William Stodderd of heaton in the countie of Stafford husbandman being sick in bodie but of good & perfect memorye doe make and ordaine this my present Testament contayning herin my last will in manner & forme as followeth. ffirst I comend and bequeath my soule into the handes of Almightie god and to Jesus Christ my redeemer by whose meritte & passion I trust to have forgivenes of all my sins And my bodie to the earth to be buryed at the discretion of my executrix. Item I geve and bequeath to margery Sont my daughter twelve pence in the name of her childe pt of all my goodes. Item I geve & bequeath to margaret Turnock Alias Stodderd twentie & six shillings & eight pence to be paid by my executrix soe soone as the said margaret shall accomplish the age of xi yeares. Item I geve unto Agnes Stodderd my wife one litle more or cabb of oates unthreshen lying above the barne dore. Item All the rest of my goodes & cattells unbequeathed (my debtes legacies & funeral expenses & pbarow of my will being first paid & discharged of the whole) I geve & bequeath to Agnes my wife & to Agnes my daughter to be equalie devided betweene them. Item I make & ordaine the said Agnes Stodderd my wife my true lawfull & sole executrix of this my last will & Testament & have published the same in the presence of these witnesses viz James houlme John Knight & others.[1]


  1. Will of William Stodderd, Probate year 1607-08, Heaton, Staffordshire, England, Registered wills and original wills, administrations and inventories, 1494-1860, and, act books, 1532-1638 for Diocese of Lichfield Episcopal Consistory Court. Link to will at findmypast.com.

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