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Will of William Thomas

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: Mar 1863 [unknown]
Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Thomas South Carolina
Profile manager: Ashton Carter private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 48 times.

William Thomas Will
State of South Carolina, Spartanburg Distinct.

In the name of God Amen, I, William Thomas of the state + District aforesaid being of sound a State muid & mencory, the un such. feeble in :eartainty of life & being worldly the of disposing body & calling to merid же desirous to dispose of all estate as it haspleend God to tep with do make cordain this my last will stisement in menner & form following Fiz: I dune that a cay of muy personal. property ity be sold immediately after my diseased to pey · my prist debts funeral expenses & also beth Thoncas one to pay to my daughter Céligat Hounded Brecon, over setore her distributire shou ein mny estate ne son M. Posse Thomase I do will a bequeath to bighly bener of and the heirs. land more or •his body of lep, being half the host tocoun a Asa Penidals Land. The my old place, ady said tras I bequeste bebasan or other. to my body daughter Eliza Thomas & the heirs of her or cause to he provided stretther said Jesper Thomast Colégalette Thoncas shall pay paid unto the bodily heirs the sum of there hands of raney Jeaque dies ced seventy dollar to. be equally divided between the said he's e deed, severally no He They anné mature age and also the purse of Therty. Dollay the at ne demed Prosper Thomas & Elizabeth Thomes is to pay, over to me which will make thun equal to stel balan of my dui die. my dange I do will bequeath. iam Cash and shy dud acus. of. now lure Fencoure as the here is of her lody, land more or thetone place, I do will bequeath to my Dewton Thomas and the heirs. one muudud Deus more GV f les being the home tract and known as the lace also the sun. von folur bege Q Jacks Ze of forty four dollars. be paid to the said J. St. Thomas. by anale Thomas to make his lot equal in value to the balans of my children: do mill. aud bequeathe to my
William Thomas Will
Zarok Thomas and the heirs his body begotten one. Hundred & Thuty sins acres more or less known as the Swilinan place provided that the said Jauch thonias shall pay to ff. Dr. Thomas Frothy Bur Dollars and also to pay after my de ccose The sum of one hundred dollars to me or the other do will & bequeathe ath unto my daughter Cleminton Gusturic and her bodily heirs monety this pers be the same more or яаса lep Phone. as stue Guthie old place ce also one & three forthes acro adjoiny taat bright of Virianit Shee ouse: also the sum of teenly fire dollars to be paid to the said blom intune Gutine by Dolly Ave some which will makes her equal to the baloriae of my children I do will shequeat unto daughter. Polly Arce Moore and huto todily one h hendid and seven count land house as the cooling Ground or James Thomas treet, provided the stall. to be paid unto Clementine Gachni the sum of twenty fire dollars which will make tur lobequal with the blouse of the le voluer. All the above nonied treats it is will teat them to whom it is poy. you "order to sidene leg atus m assigned This othe settle toccupy the soure if they choon, if not they have the privilege to sell and trouf. louds to osters of the legatus and make valid tithes but to make no sole or trourfer bon Bany pursor only a legate to my estate a maintenance I shall hold each legatie bound to me for the sum of twee dollars fur asinuni to be paid to me annually. queath unto the bodily hens of boney Teague dead Three Hundred and dollars to be paid to this surevally as they nenty become of age by Nilaspur Thomas & babit. Thonces and the balance of their part of the estate being thirty dollers I hon held back to make wagon a boring ubrate I had a Ballistie D do will and be equ a corn while I had agacint mollis league for a Legues secles, published & de cloud to be the last will dectoment of the above nomed W Thomas in the of us. Dear 28, 1862 presen. M Thomas William Thomas Will The foregoing lach will ateriament Thomas de es was mus day on form by the endiner of S. B. Exell subsering cituates to the sou March 31. 1863. ш of 201 common The one of torder of record Pres. Carb Bom

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