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Location: Tortworth, Gloucestershire, England
Will of William Throckmorton, prob 1537
In the name of god amen In the yere of our lorde god a Thousand fyve hundred Thirty and Twoo the xij daye of december I William Throkmerton of Torteworth in the countie of Glouc Esquyer hole in mynde and also in body laude be to almighty god make and ordayn my last will and Testament in maner and forme folowing. First I bequeth my soule to my maker and redemer to our blessed lady and all the holy company of hevyn and my bodie to be buryed in holy sepulture where it shall please god to call me from this present lyf unto his marcy. Item I bequethe to the mother Churche of Worces'r xxd. Item I bequeth to the high aulter of the parishe church of Torteworth aforesaid for my tythes forgotten and necligently paid iijs. iiijd. And where William Barkley knight George Throckmorton knight John Russell knight Gyles Russell knight Nycholas Poyntz squier Robert Throckmorton squyer William Beynham squyer Charles Bulkeley squyer Thomas Matson squyer Richard Horde squyer William Fromcome of Trylley and William Churche of Santechurche yemen Stonden and ben' seased to thuse and behof of me and of myn heyres and for the performance of my last wyll as by my dede threof to theym made bearing date the fourth daye of Octobre in the xxvth yere of the Reigne of king Henry the viijth more at large dothe appere. Of vnio in the Manor and lordship of Pendocke with all and singuler his appurtenances with the advouson of the Church there And also of and in all those landes and tenementes Rentes reversions and fynes in Bante Merton Folyay Merton Rydmarley Longdon and Eldresfilde within the Cuntie of Worcester And also of and in all those landes and tenementes Rentes reversions and fynes with ther appurtenances lying in Trylley Stan'ton Heydon Bodyngton Le lye in the Countie of Glouc' And also Santechurch Wallesworth and Twygworth within the countie and towne of Glouc' I will that my said feoffes ther heyres & assygnes miedyately after my decesse shall stonde and be seased of and in the said Manor of Pendocke and Berowe to the use and behofe of Margaret my wyf to the yerely value of xx markes so valued over and above all charges during her lyf after my wyll ys performed. And after the decesse of Mary Throckmorton my mother I will that my seyd feffees theyr heyres and assignes shall stande and be seassed of and in the seyd Manor of Pendocke and Berowe to the use and behof of the seyd Margaret my wyfe to the yerely value of xx poundes sterlinges over and above all charges during her lyf after my decesse my seyd wyll performyd. And ye said Margaret my wyfe to have her Joynter performed within fowre yeres. Also I wyll that my said feoffes ther heyres and assignes shall suffer mon Executours to take & ressayne the Rentes issues and profettes of all the said manors londes and tenementes with their appurtenances and also of the said manors londes and tenementes before appoynted to my said wyfe for terme of her lye yf she dye before my wyll be performed and the same to exploy and distribute to the performance of this my present wyll and testament in maner and forme as folowith. Fyrst I wyll that my said Executours paye of the said Rentes issues profytts and Revenues all suche dettes I shall owe to any persone or persons at the tyme of my deth And after my seyde dettes paid I wyll that my said Executours of the seyd Rentes issues profittes & revenues pay unto every of my Three daughters That ys to sey Elizabeth, Alice and Mary, a hundred markes of lawfull monye of England to and for the avancement of their Marriages so that they be ordered in the seyd Mariages by the advise of my seyd feffees and ther said mother – the more woe of theym. Provyded alwaye that yf thappen any of my seyd daughters for to enter into religion and be professed, Then I will that my seyd Executours of the seyd rentes issues profittes and revenues paye unto every of them so entering into Religion and professed as moche as they and the religious house may agree for of lawfull money of England of parcell of the said hundred markes to her by me aboue bequethed & geven. And all the residue of the seyd C markes I wyll that my seyd Executours paye unto Robert, Anthony and John my sonnes or to the longest lever of theym. And yf yt happen all three of theym to dye Then I wyll that the residue of the seyd hundred markes be paide by my seyd Executours unto Thomas Throckmorton my son and heyre apparante or to hym of my sonnes as shall please god to be myn heire And in lyke maner yf it happen any of my said daughters for to decesse before shave maryed or be professed into Religion Then I wyll that my forseyd Executours of the seid Rentes issues profittes and revenues pay unto the seyd Robert, Anthony and John my sonnes the seyd C markes toher or theym of my seyd daughters so dying or decessing bequethed egally to be devyded amonge theym And yf all my seyd daughters dye or decesse Then I wyll that all my seyd bequethes to theym geven holy remayne unto the said Robert Anthony and John or to the longest lyvers of theym And yf yt happen that all thre of my sonnes to dye or decesse before the seyd legacyes of my seyd daughters shall come to them Then I wyll that all the seyd legacies be bequethed unto my seyd doughters holy remayn unto the forseyd Thomas Throckmorton my son & heyre apparant Or to any other that shall be myne heyre Also I wyll that every of my seyd three sons Robert Anthony and John have after the decesse of my seyd mother Mary Throckmerton of the seyd Retnes issues profittes and revenues xl li. apece to fynd theyn to scole and to lernyng and that to be delyvered to them by the discretion of myn Executours. And yf it happen that one of my seyd three sonnes decesse or dye Then I wyll that the xl li. for his parte be devyded egally to the other two. And if two of my sons dye or decesse I will that the lxxx li remayn to the thirde son that ys on lyve. And yf yt happen that he also dye and decesse Then I will that all remayn to Thomas Throkmerton my son and heyre apparant or to hym that shall please god to be myne heyre. Also I will that Robert my sone shall have the profytt of my lesse of the Rye which I have of the duchery of Lancastre during my yeres and before my yeres be expyred I woll that my son and heyre shulde recover a newe lesse therof. Also I wyll that Anthony my sone shall have all the profytt of the pasture grounde that I have at Hardewyke during my tyme and yers And I wyll that my sone and heyre shall haue the profytt of all the Arable ground there during my seyd tyme and yeres. And yf the seyd Anthony fortune to dye of decesse Then I wyll that John my youngest son shall have all the proffyt of the pasture grounde at Hardewyke aforeseyd before bequethed to the seyd Anthony. And yf yt please god that one of theym shulde dye Then I will that his parte be egally devyed between the other two.And yf two of them fortune to dye or decesse the thyrde to have all bequethed to the other two. And he also decesse all then to remayne to Thomas my eldest son or to hym that shall happen to be myne heire. Also I will that Thomas Throkmerton my son and heyre apparant have half my goodes within my house at Torteworth And Margarot my wyfe his mother the other half. And yf the said Thomas fortune to dye before he be of the age of xxij yeres havyng no heyres of his body lawfully begotten Then I will that the seyd goodes remayn to hym of my sones that shall please god to be myne heyre. Also I give and bequeth to the seid Thomas Throkmorton my son and heyre apparant or to hym as shall please god to be myne heyre all suche apparell as I have longing to my bodie. Also I will that the seid Thomas have my Endenture of the Whoohilles And yf he dye I will that he of my sones that after his decesse shall be myne heyre have the seid Endenture. Also I will that Margaret my wyfe have the tething of Stone during her lyf. And after to remayne to my sonne and heyre who ever it shall please god to be. Also I will that my sonne Thomas have my lesse of Wyke and yf he die withoute issue to remayne to hym of my sonnes whiche shall happen to be myn heyre. Also I wyll that my wyfe have the keping of my goodes untyll that my son Thomas come to age of xxij yeres yf she kepe herself wydowe so long. And yf she be maryed I will that my goodes be devyded egally and delyvered to myne Executoures to the use of myne heire whoever it shall please god to be. Also I wyll that my wyfe have my lesse that I have of Master Frances Butler during her lyf and after to remayne to my sone and heyre. Also I wyll that my wyfe have my lesse of the half of the manor of Tortworth that I have of my sister Beynham during her wydohod And the remainder to my sone and heyre whiche of them soever shall please god to be. Also I will that my wyfe have my corne of Richard Beale of Pendock to fynde her and her Children till Thomas Throckmorton my sone and heyre come to the age of xxij yeres That ys to sey yerely vj quarters of whete vj quarters of berly and a quarter of peson. Also I wyll that she have my corne of John Vey of Starton & Christopher Lytell That ys to saye to have yerely of John Vey of Starton fyve quarters of whete and fyve quarters of barly And to have of the said Christopher Lytell yerely one quarter of berly and fowre busshelles of whete during her widowhod. And I wyll that my wife have three of my geldinges and the other unbequethed to remayne unto my sone and heyre. Also I will that William Francome have his office during his lyf yf he serve my son and heire and all suche grounde as he nowe holdith of my Mother paying the rent yerely therfore and to have a marke sterling of lawfull money of England during his lyf yf he do my sone and heyre servyce. Also I will that Thomas Throkmorton my son and heire apparant have yerely paid to hym by myn Executours of the seid rentes issues profittes and revenues Eight poundes of lawfull money of England tyll he come to the age of xxij yeres. Also I wyll that my son Thomas shall have after my wyffes widowhod the lesse of the moitie of the manor of Torteworth which I have of my sister Beynham to hym and to his heyres lawfully begotten of his bodie and for lack of such issue to hym of my sones that shall be myn heyre. Also I wyll that the said Margaret my wyf shall have foure of my Oxen and foure of my Sterys of foure yeres age and the adiunctes whiche I have at Tortworth. Also I will that the said Margaret shall have all my kyne at Tortworth and one bull which be xvij kyne and a bull also I wil that the said Margaret my wyf shall have all my Shepe at Tortworth which be to the nombre of viij score and ten shepe. Also I gyve to my seyd wyf all my wenyng Calves at Torteworth aforeseyd whiche be to the nombre of xiij. Also I will that my seyd wyfe shall have all my Wole whiche I have at my house at Tortworth. Item I will that the seid Margaret my wyf shall have all the corne in the barne and at my house in Tortworth for to fynde her and her children withall and also all the corne which I have nowe in the ground in Torteworth and Wyke toward the fynding of her and her children the next yere. Also I will that the said Thomas Throkmorton my son and heyre apparant shall have all my kyne and Calves whiche I have at Santehurst and also to have all the profitt of Hengrave there paing the executours the olde Rent. Also I will that the said Thomas Throkmorton shall have all my shepe whiche I have in Crosse launde and whereas I have yet remayning at Tortworth unbequethed and geven Eight Oxen price x li. xiijs. iiijd. and xij yong besse of one yere age & the adiunctes price vij li. xvjs. And also at Crosse launde xviij fattyn besse price xiij li. all whiche Oxen steres and other yong besse I will shalbe solde by myne Executours most [adiuntes ?] and that my said Executours paye to Elizabeth my doughter towards the preferment of her marriage over and besydes one hundreth piundes to her by me before bequethed twenty poundes of lawfull money parcell of the same money yf she cannot recover the seyd obligacion that the seyd Edward Spenser and his son stonded bounden to some me harmles. Also I wyll aht the seid Thmas Throkmorton my sone and heire apparant shall have toward his fynding vjli. xiijs. iiijd. out of the same money so recevyed by my seid executors for the seyd Oxen Sterys and other smale besses And yf it shall fortune all three of them to dye or decesse Then I will that all the seyd bequests to theym by me bequethed holy remayne to Thomas Throkmorton my sone and heire apparant. The residue of all my goodes Cattell and dettes after my dettes paid and funerall expences performed and all thes my legacies conteyned in this present testament and last will fulfilled I will that my seyd Executours shall have and receyve also toward the advancement of the mariages of my seid doughters as by their discresions shall thynke best. Also I will that when the great Coppis ys redye to be solde that my executours have half of yt. And of this my present Testament and last will I make and ordeyn Thomas Throkmorton my son and heyre apparant and William Francome of Trylley yeman myne executours. And for the true execucion therof I make & ordeyn Sir Thomas Ingresld knight Richard Wellys squyer Charles Bulkley squyer & John Bouser of Torteworth clothmaker overseers of the same will and testament. And I utterlye revoke and adnull all and every other former Testamentes willes legacies bequestes Executours and Overseers by me any wise before this tyme made bequethed or named. And this perpetually to abyde for my very Testament and last wyll togethers withall the legacies bequests executours and Overseers by me herein bequethed made ordeyned and named and none other nor oter wyse. In wytnes hereof to this my present Testament and last wyll I the seyd William Throkmerton have sett my hande and put therto my seale.
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