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Will of William Tilton of Narborough 1549

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Narborough, Leicestershire, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Tilton Tylton
Profile manager: Nic Donnelly private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 316 times.

A discussion of the implications of this Will on the current structure of William Tilton's family is found on [G2G here]. The discussion started 17 November 2019.

The will of William Tilton, husbandman of Narborough, Leicestershire, who died in late January or early February 1549/50. It was written on 21 January 1549/50. An inventory of his goods was carried out 3 February [1549/50].


William Tylton, Husbandman of Narborough, Leicestershire, will written 21 January 1549/50; "Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records, 1500-1939," database with images, findmypast (https://www.findmypast.com : accessed 14 November 2019), image 136 of 152 (subscription required); ref: (1542)(25), Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester & Rutland.

Source Notes

The source is a high-resolution colour image of the will held at the Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester & Rutland, available via subscription from findmypast.

The writing is difficult to read in places, the scribe having some fairly idiosyncratic ways of forming some letters. He was however, consistent in his writing style.

The will itself is mostly intact, but there are some small portions that have decayed or worn away. These are noted in the transcription below.

It seems that this will has been misfiled at the record office, as it is filed with other wills from 1542/3. This has led to some confusion as to the date the will was written. However, the year written in the will is clearly 1549 (1550 in modern reckoning). In addition, the inventory immediately following the will records that it was made during the reign of Edward VI, which is consistent with a 1549/50 date.

Transcription Notes

Some changes to the original text have been added to increase legibility for twenty-first century readers, that is:

  • Superscript letters, not otherwise abbreviated, are silently lowered
  • Abbreviations, such as the common bar and various forms of "p", which are not in use today, are expanded with the additional letters in italics
  • The Middle English letter "yogh" has been transcribed as "y" in italics
  • Paragraphs have been added

Editorial notes are enclosed within square brackets [].


In the name of god amen the xxi Day of January In the yere of our lorde god M ccccc xlix

I wylliam tylton of norbowro wyth In the cownte of leycetur husbantman syke In body by holle in mynde & wyth good Remembrans make my last wyll aftur [missing text - probably one word] forme here folowyng

fyrst I bequeth my solle to almyghty god trustyng In hys morcy my solle to be sawyd

Item I bequeth my body to be beryed In the churche yarte of norbowro

Item I bequeth to the churche of lyncolne iiijd

Item to the poore mayns box iiijd

Item to the chylde that my wyffe goys wyth al xlli

Item to alys my systur xxs

Item to agnes my systur xli

Item to Rychard my [missing text - probably one or two words and part of the following number] ...jliiijsiiijd [missing text - probably one word, looks like it could include the tails of a "y" and "f", ie "yf"] he be a lywe or els yt shal Remayne unto my executrix

Item to John tylton iijliiijsiiijd & yt shalso Remayne

Item to elsabeth tylton xxs

Item to wylliam fletchors wyffe of kerbe iijsiiijd

Item to wylliam Johnson wyffe of glen-feyld iijsiiijd

Item to wylliam tylton vjs viijd & to evury one of hys chyldren xijd

Item to X [Greek symbol "chi", denoting a cleric] thomas glower ijs

Item to John march xxs to wylliam marche xxvjs viijd to thomas marche xxs to Jone march xxs to Robert march xs

Item to Robert Knyght a cow iijs iiijd

Item to agnes tylton my systur my best potte & the best pane

the Resydue of my goods nt be the quethed by I browght ho[missing the rest of this word starting "ho" and possibly one other short word] my detts payd I gywe them unto agnes tylton my wyffe who I make my full & lawfull executryx she to dysposse the my goods unto the plesure of god & profet for my soll

mayd the day & the yere abowfe wrytten before the wyttenes Robert knyght wylliam tylton thomas glowor X [Greek symbol "chi", denoting a cleric] george taylor wyth other moo

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Comments: 8

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Nic, you are correct that Thomas Glower (Glover) was the Rector of Narborough. He held the position until 1555. He also had the living at Peatling Parva.


posted by Jo Fitz-Henry
Glen-feyld or Glenfield still exists as a place - it's where the big cardiac hospital is now.
posted by Jo Fitz-Henry
I should think it would be time to edit these profiles, correct the dates, add William's siblings, add this transcript of his will and my bio of William.

Is it not the case that changing the birthdates to UNKNOWN will break the 1500 barrier and allow editing to take place?

posted by Lois (Hacker) Tilton
Thanks for your comments, Lois and Jo. I have just finished checking this transcription against the original and have made some minor corrections. Perhaps the most significant is that I had missed part of the location for William Johnson's wife - it's Glenfield, about six miles north of Narborough.
posted by Nic Donnelly
If we accept the 1649/50 date, we have a problem with Annis Tylton. She was married in Sept 1561 - or 62, as one source gives it. With a birth date of 1650, that makes her really too young.

She may not be William's daughter, for which the evidence is only conjectural - that she was the right age. Also she was married at Beeby, which is NE of Leicester, not SW as Narborough and Kibworth are.

posted by Lois (Hacker) Tilton
Jones also has Kerbe, but it could be Kibworth - there were a lot of Tiltons in Kibworth Beauchamp
posted by Lois (Hacker) Tilton
I think the location "Kerbe" is a phonetic version of Kirby (or Kirby Muxloe) which is 5 miles north of Narborough.

"Glen" is possibly Glen Parva, 3 miles to the East of Narborough.

posted by Jo Fitz-Henry
Thanks for this difficult work.

Your transcription differs from Jones in a couple of respects: he has 1542, not 1549

Also bequests to various Norths, not March. I think these may be relatives, but so far search has turned up nothing on Norths.

posted by Lois (Hacker) Tilton