Location: [unknown]
This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of William White of 8 Haymarket, St Martin in the Fields, Middlesex. William wrote his will on 2 May 1844 and added a supplemental inventory of the items for his daughters on 26 August 1845. Both were then signed by witnesses. William died on 4 October 1849, and the Will and Inventory were notarised before it could be proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 13 December 1849. [1]
This transcription contains:
- the Will
- the Inventory
- the Affidavits that both the Will and Inventory were genuine
- the grant of Administration
Transcription conventions used in this text:
- Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
- The text was originally in one block of text. Paragraph breaks at change of bequest ("Item"), and bold text for names have been added for ease of reading.
- Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
- Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
- Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
- Crossings through, where they occur, have been included
Struck out. - The image quality was good, and the handwriting legible.
Persons mentioned:
- William White of 8 Haymarket Testator, died 4 October 1849
- Eliza Ann White Testator's daughter, unmarried. One of the executors
- Julia Kate White Testator's daughter, unmarried.
- George Francis White Testator's son. one of the executors. Inherits his father's chemist's business. A surgeon.
- William Edward White Testator's son. Residing in Madras, India.
- my late wife & two sons unnamed in the Will. Was Mary Ann Bradley. Buried at St Martin in the Field in the family vault. Testator wishes to be buried with them.
- James Large Esquire Executor
- Henry Butterworth of No. 30 Conduit Street Regent Street, Middlesex, Chemist. Witness to Will.
- Thomas Hughes of No. 27 Bishopsgate Street Within, in the City of London Chemist. Witness to Will
[Folio 240 verso]
London May 2d 1844
I William White of No. 8 Haymarket do
make this as my last Will I hereby give & bequeath to my two daughters
Eliza Ann White & Julia Kate White the £1000 My Life is insured for
in the English & Scottish Law Life Office in Waterloo Place & all interest
that may belong to it if any accumulation which I think there will
be also the £500 bond of Lord Boyne's & all interest thereon with
£500 from the Funds of the Business. or to be made up from the
Funds of the back standing book debts making together the sum for each
of my daughters of £1000 to be vested in some Government or other
good securities for their benefit in case either of them should marry
in that case with the consent of the other executors £500 may be
given for the use of the husband & wife jointly & the other £500 to
be settles on either whichever may have married & that to be & shall
be considered her exclusive property without any power or interference
of any husband whatsoever the same Rule will apply to both Eliza
Ann & Julia Kate White the other things named in a paper No.1
is also for their exclusive use & benefit
To George Francis White my
son I leave the business on condition that he will allow to each of his
aforesaid sisters the annual sum of £40 to be paid quarterly out or
from the Funds of the Business in that case with the exception of the
articles named in Paper No. 1 & belonging to this my Will George
Francis White is to have the business with all right & interest thereto
belonging viz. Stock in trade utensils furniture of shop fixtures glass
[folio 241 recto]
& every article belonging to the business whatsoever as well as house
hold furniture plate china glass &c &c with the exception of the
articles named in Paper No. 1 & forming part of this my Will
to my son
Wm. Edwd White now in Madras I give my Amythest Seal with
Crest on it, also my Turquoise Chased Ring & Gold Shirt Studs with
a request that he take care of the ring for his Mother's sake as
she wore it as a keeper but it was altered to fit my finger,
to G. F White
I leave my ring with a small stone that was my wedding ring as
also the ring Engraving of a Dog's Head & the union pin for
the Shirt
I leave to Julia Kate White my Shirt Pin with Pearls
and Rubies
I bequeath to all my dear children my blessing hoping
they will be all united in a sincere love & friendship & that they
will get thro' the world as I have done.
The Book debts in the Ledgers
will pay all my outstanding Bills & debts Which I should wish to be
paid as soon after my decease as possible with my funeral expenses
which on no condition is to exceed the sum of £30 I should like to be
buried in the same vault with my late wife & two sons viz. the
right hand vault at the Corner of the Church on Duncannon St. [2] I mean
the right side on entering the Church - the vault has an opening grating
near the back of the Steps under the Portico
I also give unto my son
Wm Edwd White £5 for Mourning ring with much sorrow that I
cannot in Justice to his brother & sisters leave him more & I
sincerely hope he will have his health with the blessing of God &
return to this Country.
I hereby appoint James Large ^Esqr (if he will
be so good as to act) Eliza Ann White & George F White my
Executors & in the event of either of them above named should
depart this life before my will is published I then name my daughter
Julia Kate White in his or her stead bu no husband if any of
either E.A. & J.K. White to have any power or interference with this
my Will whatsoever in witness whereof I have signed the above
in the presence of and in addition to the above if either my
daughters should marry then George Fr. White to pay either of
my said daughters the sum of fifty pounds in that case the
annuity of £40 per annum is to cease from the day of marriage
& neither of them will have any claim on him after marriage
provided the annuity had been duly paid & the said £50 either paid
or security given for good payment of it & I hereby revoke any Will
Codicil or paper of any sort that I have made before
William White
Dated May 2nd 1844
Henry Butterworth
Thomas Hughes
B [This list has been composed in two columns and goes over 3 sheets in the will register - the first column has been transcribed in its entirety and then the second.]
Made May 2d 1844 Eliza & Julia Paper No. 1 & part of Will
Made May 2d 1844 & date when signed Augt 26 1845
William White
Their Silver Mugs
Knife Fork Spoon & Case Julia
2 1 pair Salts Silver - those we use daily
2 d[itt]o Salt Spoons - those we use daily
3 d[itt]o Table spoons - those we use daily
3 d[itt]o Forks 4 Prongs
2 Dessert Spoons what we use daily
Small Pickle Fork
Julia's Silver Tea Pot & Stand
in everyday use
Pair Sugar Tongs either p[ai]r
[folio 241 verso]
Replated Candlesticks in plate chest
Julia's Cups & Saucers & which belongs to her Mandarin
All the little things that belongs
to them about the Drawing Room &c
1/2 Doz[en] Red Dessert plates
Ditto Red ones Eliza
1/2 d[itt]o Julia with Birds upon
them & 3 others that she may
Bed Steps & every article that
belongs to the Rooms
Julia's Drawers in George's Room
painted ones
Couch in Middle of the Drawing
One of the Rose wood Tables
(Smallest one)
3 China flower vases with holes
in top of cover
3 Pair of Sheets besides those
3 Middle sized Table Cloths
dinner ones
3 Breakfast Ditto
The set of Mahogany Chairs in
George's Bed Room
The Papier Machie Ink Stand
with white Centre
One of the Basons & Covers in Drawing Room
1/2 Doz[en] Plates dessert Knives &
Forks Round Top Blades
Pair of French vases in the
drawing room on Mantel Shelf
Cup & Saucer on top of Centre
Spar ornt. [3]
To Julia my Gold Studded Case
Ivory in the Drawer in my Bed
To Eliza the Carved Ivory Box
& Counters that Evans gave her
Mother the Counters marked W
The pint China Mug on the
Drawing Room Table
A China Tea Pot in Closet
I Glass Cup & Saucer each for
China Pen Tray in Drawing
[folio 242 recto]
The two Japanned Trays in my
Bed Room Closet
The Small set of Shakespeare that
Mrs. Hutchins left me
The Lord of the Isles & the Lady of
the Lake
One pair of Nut Crackers
The pair of Pint decanters
6 Best Wine Glasses
6 Tumblers
pair of China Vases
that C Wright bought in lieu some that he broke in Dining Room
[Second column starting back on Folio 241 recto]
1/2 Doz[en] each of the blue Dessert Plates such as we use every day
1 Pair each large China dishes
1 Pair each small
1 d[itt]o China dishes that I exchanged the pot for
2 Cups & Saucers with the
[Folio 241 verso]
China in Case English in
The Set of White China tea
The d[itt]o with blue ornaments
Also all the Furniture in their
own Bed Room
Room next water Closet viz
Bed & Bedding Counterpane
Blankets Sheets Pillows
Bolster &c &c Curtains &c
2 Chests of Drawers Eliza to have
her Choice looking Glass washhand
2 Glass Vases that Mrs Scott
gave me
Small Pair variegated Shells
2d Size (Chinese)
Eliza's work table in Dining
To Julia I give the Small
Square Table Satin Wood in
Drawing Room
The Glass Sugar dish & Ladle W.W.
with pierced holes Ladle
2 Jugs each from China Closet
each to have a choice large &
small one
Fish Glass & Stand
Eliza the Blue Bird & Case
Julia the Kingfisher
The Card Box & Cards The
Counters to George
The China Candlestick
Their Bed Room d[itt]o with Silver
2 China Boxes on Mantel She
pair Hand screens in Wms
Bed Room in Top Drawer tight
hand side
The wine in the Cellar to be
equally divided the Cherry
Brandy d[itt]o
The Pianoforte & one Music
Stool Red Cover
[folio 242 recto]
Augt. 26 1845
Wm White
8 Haymarket
In the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
In the Goods of William White Deceased
Appeared Personally 'Henry Butterworth
of No. 30 Conduit Street Regent Street in the County of Middlesex
Chemist and Thomas Hughes of No. 27 Bishopsgate Street Within
in the City of London Chemist and referring to the last Will and Testament
as contained in two papers writings marked A and B now hereunto
annexed of the said William White later of No. 8 Haymarket in the
Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields in the County of Middlesex
deceased Made Oath that they are the attesting witnessed to the said
paper writing marked A purporting to bear date the second day of May
one thousand eight hundred and forty four but which was not executed
until the twenty sixth day of August one thousand eight hundred and
forty five And they further made Oath that the said deceased only
executed the said paper writing marked A on the said twenty sixth day of
August one thousand eight hundred and fourty five by acknowledging his
signature or subscription "William White" signed or subscribed beneath
the following Clause to wit "& I hereby revoke any Will Codicil or paper
of any sort that I have made before" at the foot or end thereof as and for
his signatyre thereto in the presence of these deponents who were both
present at the same time and that they these deponents thereupon attested
and subscribed the said paper writing marked A in the presence of the
said Testator and of each other Henry Butterworth - Thomas
Hughes - on the twenty fourth day of November 1849 the said Henry
Butterworth and Thomas Hughes were duly sworn to the truth of this
Affidavit Before me A Waddilove Sc[riveno]r - St Geo: Tidder Not[ar]y Pub[lic]
Appeared Personally George Francis White
of No 8 Haymarket in the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields in the
County of Middlesex Surgeon the son and one of the executors named
in the last Will and Testament as contained in two papers writing
marked A and B now hereunto annexed of the said William White late
of No. 8 Haymarket aforesaid deceased the said paper writing marked &
beginning this "I William White of No. * Haymarket do make this as
my Will" ending thus "& I hereby revoke any Will Codicil or paper of
any sort that I have made before" and thus subscribed "William White"
and the said paper writing marked B beginning this "Made May 2
1844 Eliza & Julia paper No. 1 & part of Will made May 2d 1844 & dated
when signed Augt 26 1845 William White ending thus "the piano
[folio 242 verso]
forte & one Music Stool Red Cover" and thus subscribed and dated "Wm.
White 8 Haymarket Augt 26 1845" And Referring to the following Clause
to wit "the other things named in a paper No. 1 is also for their
exclusive use & benefit" at the conclusion of the first side of the said paper
writing marked A and the further references to the said paper No. 1
therein as belonging to and forming part of the will and having also
particularly notice the alterations of the figure "2" to "1" opposite the words
"pair Salts Silver" and "1" to "2" opposite the words "do. Salt Spoons" and
obliteration of the word "red" in the first Column of the first side of
the said paper writing marked "23" the insertion of the words "smallest
one" beneath the words "Rosewood" in the seventh line of the first
Column and the obliterations of the words "The Glass Sugar Dish &
Ladle" with the Initials of the said deceased "WW" opposite thereto
the tenth line of the Second Column of the second side thereof and the
word "Pen" in the thirteenth line of the first Column of the third side
thereof Made Oath that on the day following the death of the
said deceased with took place on the fourth day of October last he the
deponent found the said papers writings marked A and B sealed up
together in an Envelope also now hereunto annexed and endorsed "Will
dated Augt 26th 1845 Inventory or papers enclosed" within the Iron
Safe belonging to the said deceased at his residence No. 8 Haymarket
aforesaid wherein he kept his papers of moment and concern and which
said Iron Safe he the said deceased kept locked and retained the key in
his own possession down to the time of his aforesaid death when the
same was taken possession of by this deponent and that her the deponent
thereupon perused and carefully inspected the said papers writings
marked A and B and particularly noticed the aforesaid several recited
alterations obliterations and insertions in the said paper writing
marked B and that the said paperwritings are respectively in every
respect in the same plight and condition as when so found by him this
deponent save as to the Surrogates initials and marking thereof with
the said Letters A and B now appearing thereon And that he verily
believes that the said paper writing marked B is the very paper referred
to by the said deceased in his said will and meant and intended by him
to belong to and form part thereof - George Frances White -
On the 29th day of September 1849 the said George Frances White
was duly sworn to the truth of this Affidavit Before me B G Brull
S[criveno]r - St Geo: Tidder Not[ar]y Pub[lic]
This Will as contained in paper writings marked A and
B was Proved at London the 13th Dec[embe]r 1849 before the Worshipful Alfred
Waddilove Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the Oaths of James Large
Esquire, Eliza Ann White Spinster the daughter and George Francis
White Esquire the son the executors to whom Admon was granted
having been first sworn duly to administer.
- ↑
Will of William White 1849: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 2105
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #671506 (accessed 17 August 2023) - ↑ The Church of St Martin in the Fields
- ↑ Ornament?
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