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Will of William Williams of Wotton under Edge, Gloucestershire 1618

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Wotton under Edge, Gloucestershire, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Williams Hall
Profile manager: Ann Browning private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 62 times.

William Williams William's estate passed probate in Wotton under Edge.[1]

In the name of god Amen The xxijth day of September
Anno D[omi]ni 1618 I William Williams of Synewell in the p[as]ishe of wootton underedge in
the dioces and county of Glouc[ester] yeoman being sicke in body but of good amd p[er]fect memory
for the .......... thankes unto almighty god doe make and ordaine this my will containing
herin my last will and testament (in manner and forme following) that is to say,

and before all things I doe commend and render into the hands of almighty god(and my
Creator) my soule w[hi]ch ..... gave making mee a living creature being fully assured of full
pardon and remission of all my sinnes and of his mercy in Jesus Christ my alone Saviour and
only redeemer who maketh intercession for mee to his heavenly father and will at the last
day of the good all resurrection promise mee bemongst the number of his elect and chosen
children into eternall glory wherefore I render thanks unto my god that hath of his
mercy begotten mee & now by his ....... into a hope of eternall life by the operation of his
holy spirit. And whereas I was the vassell of Sathan and subiect to the Curse of the.........
yet notwithstanding hee hath enlightened my understanding consuming my .....estate tha hee
hath......// unto mee to the full assurance of the pardoning and forgiving of my sinnes
and defending me form the Curse of the lawe. And as for my body I committ it to the earth
beleeving assuredly that God will raise it up at the last day And that both soule and body
togeather with the rest of his elect and chosen shall inheritt ev[er]lasting glory which I desire
god to graunt for his said Jesus Christ his sake Amen

Item all my implements housholde
stuffe whatsoever I give and bequeathe to Samuell Williams, Richard Williams Anne
Williams and Jane Williams (my four children) to bee devided into five equal portions
according to the discretion good discretion of my executor and overseers whom I shall
hereafter nominate my said sonne Samuell Williams to make choyse for him selfe ........
after the deviding thereof And as for all the rest of my goods cattells chattells and debts
aswell due by ........... as otherwisse I doo give and bequeath unto the said Richard
Williams, Anne Williams, Elizabeth Williams and Jane Williams my said children to bee
devided betweene them by equal protions and to be imployed for their education untill
they shall accomplish [struck through] their severall ages of fifteene yeares. And after the
shall accomplish their severall ages of fifteene yeares then to bee imployed by my Executor
to the best profitt use benefit and behoofe of them the said Richard, Anne, Elizabeth and
Jane my said children to bee paid with the profitt and increase therof when they and
either of them shall accomplish their severall ages of one and twenty yeares. And if ir shall
please god to take out of this life any of my said children Richard, Anne Elizabeth and
Jane or either of them before they or any of them shall accomplish their or either of their
said severall ages of twenty and one yeares Then his here? their [struck] and only of their
part or parts so deceasing shalbee and remaine unto the rest of my said children
surviving to bee by my said Executor devided into equall portions with the profitt
and increase thereof And to be imployed by my said Executor to the best profitt
use benefitt and advantage of them my siad children so surviving untill they shall
accomplish their severall ages of twenty and one yeares And whereas Robert Trotman
and William Trotman .... by their obligation or writing obligatory bearing date
the thirteene day of March Anno d[omi[ni 1617 doe stand ioyntly and severall bound unto
Anne Williams my said daughter in the some of fourteene (forty four?)pounds with the condition
for the paym[en]t of forty foure pounds uppon the ..th day of March next ensuing the date
herof And whereas Richard Gillam of Huntingford and THomas Roach by their
obligation or writing obligatorie bearing date the third day of Aprill last past stand
ioyntly and severally bound unto Elizabeth Williams my said daughter in the threefoure pounds
with condition for the payment of xxxiijth in or uppon the xxiij day of May next
And whereas William Beale by his obligation or writing obligatory bearing date
the third day of Aprill last standeth bound to the said Elizabeth my said daughter in
xxl with condition for the payment of xil upon the feast day of the Ann[un]ciation
of the blessed lady virgin mary next as in and by the sev[er]all .... obligations or

writing obligatory and by the sev[er]all conditions to ordye of them subscribed............ it
doeth appeare my will intent and meaning is that the said severall somes in the pointed
obligations and conditions shalbee adiudged and deemed to bee part and porc[i]on of their
sev[er]all legacies. And I doe nominate ordaine and appoint Richard Tindall of North
Nibley in the county aforesaid yeoman to be my full and whole Executor And I
doe nominate William Marten and Robert Trotman to bee my overseers And I doe
give unto either of them for their paines tenne shillings

In witness I have cause
this my will to bee made and have hereunto sett my hand [struck] the day and yeare
above written in the p[re]sence of those whose names are subscribed William Marten
Robert Trotman Francis Wright. The marke of William Williams


  1. Will of William William 1618: "Gloucestershire, England, Wills and Inventories, 1541-1858"
    Gloucestershire Probate Records. Diocese of Gloucestershire, Finding Reference GDR, Wills and Inventories. Gloucestershire Archives, Gloucester, UK
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 4294 #151557 (accessed 21 August 2022)
    William Williams probate in Wotton under Edge.

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