Location: [unknown]
Will of William Wodell
- Date: 08 SEP 1692
- Place: Pocasset (Little Compton), Newport, RI
- Type: Will- Proved
- Date: 02 MAY 1693
- Place: Pocasset (Little Compton), Newport, RI
- Page: vol 63, p. 328
"Will of William Wodell "of Pocafset" who is "Very Ill of body" made "the Eight day of the fenenth Month Called September" 1692, "for the preventing future trouble among my Children & Grand Children". To my granddaughter Sarah Wodell £15 in money to be paid with two years after my decease. To Priscila and Isabell Gatchel £10 each in Money "to be payd to Each of them at the age of Sixteen years. Sifters of the faid Sarah wodell". To my daughter Mary Greenell wife of Daniel Greenel : £5 in money with three years after my decease. To my grandson Richard Greenel the same. To my grandsons William and Samuel Sanfords, each the same. To my grandson John Anthony son of my daughter Frances 40 shillings in money within two years after my decease. To my grandson Joseph Anthony son of my daughter Frances £5 in money within three years after my decease. To my grandson William Anthony son of my daughter Frances the same. To my granddaughter Susannah daughter of my daughter Frances the same. To my granddaughters Elizabeth and Alice Anthony daughters of my daughter Frances each 50 shillilngs to be paid them at the age of fifteen. To my grandson William Wodell 1 shilling. To my daugher Alice Anthony 1 shilling. To my loving friend John Green of Warwick 20 shillings. To my grandson Richard Wodell £5 within one year after my decease. To my grandson Return Wodell the same. To my grandson Gershon Wodell, for him to pay the above legacies and my debts, my nothermost share of land being the 12th share, and also my southermost share of land wheron my house standeth being the 13th share, only my will is that his mother shall have equal privileges with him in said 13th share during her life. To my granddaughter Sarah Woodell my best feather bed and bolster. To Priscilla Gatchell a feather bed and bolster. To Isabel Gatchel the same. To my grandson-in-law Robert Lawton "two Books Gadberry and wing". To John Potter of Warwick and the rest of the present free inhabitants of that town and their successors for an enlargement of the commons of said township, one half of all my right to [192] land mentioned in the original deed of the Grand Purchase of that land out of which the said township of Warwick was granted, and the other half of said land give to my loving friend Major John Green of Warwick, "And whereas it hath been faid by feueral perfons that with fome others Did goe about to wrong the town of Portsmouth in Purchafeing of Hog Ifland of an Indian Sachem Called Mocecup. am fo far from doing any wrong therein that do gine Vnto the free Inhabitants of the faid Town of Portfmouth * * all the land on the faid Hog Ifland that doth * * to me belong by Vertue of faid Purchafs. And whereas it hath been faid by feverall perfons y with fome others Did Goe about to wrong the ffree Inhabitants of Road Ifland in Purchafeing the Revertion and Remainder of Road Ifland. of an Indian Sachem Called Mocecup: am fo far from Doing any wrong therein that doe giue vnto the free Inhabitants of the faid Road Ifland as of Right it fhould belong, and their Succefsors * * all the land on the faid Road Ifland that doth of Right to me belong by Vertue of said purchafe. It is my will that my grandson Gershom Woddell and his Mother "Do take Care & fee this my laft will & Teftament performed fulltilled & Kept". "Defire Nominate & appoint my loucing Neighbors Samfon & Samuel Sherman to be the overFeers of this my laft will & Teftament Defireing them to Counfell & afsift my Executrix fo far as they Can". Witnessed by Joshua Rawlins, Ichabod Rogers and Thristram Bowerman, who all made oath to above will May 2, 1693 before Ju Saffin Proba: Stephen Burton Registr:
- Above will was proved and Gershom Wodell (William’s grandson) and Mary Wodell his mother (William’s daughter) were appointed adminstrators of the estate of William Wodell "late of Little compton.alias.Pocafset", May 2, 1693, by John Saffin Probar: Burton Registr: at a court held at Bristol. Entered Oct. 26, 1697 by John Cary Regist
- Burial:
- Portsmouth Friends Churchyard
- Portsmouth, Rhode Island
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UPDATE: William's will does not call out Gershom's mother, Mary, as being his daughter. It does identify his daughter, Mary Greenell. Here is a link to the will via NEHGR 63:328-9 via Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/newenglandhisto64unkngoog/page/328/mode/1up
edited by S (Hill) Willson