Location: London
Last will and testament[1]
spacing and line/page breaks as per original ff replaced by f and S by ss undeciphered words replaces by ..... when multiple and ? when single
I Samuel Hulse of Mornington Place ? Road in the parish
of Saint Pancreas in the county of Middlesex Gentleman being of sound mind and
memory do make this my last Will and testament in manner following that is to say
I give and bequeath unto my dear wife Catherina Hulse all my ready money and all
my household goods furniture plate linen china books……….
…………………… and all other ? Personal Estate except my
Leasehold premises hereinafter given and bequeathed unto my said dear wife
for her own absolute use and benefit subject tom the payment of all my just debts
funeral and testamentary Expenses I give and bequeath all my leasehold
messuages or tenemants and premises which I shall be possessed of at my decease
unto my friends Henry Richard Longmate of Berwick Street in the Parish
of Saint James Westminster in the said county of Middlesex Engraver and Richard
Mills of Wells Street in the Parish of Saint Marylebone in the same county ?drap
? their executors Administrators and ? for all my ? and interest
which I shall have therein at my decease ??? following that is to
say ? ? that they or the survivor of them to the Executors or ?advisors
of such survivor do and shall permit my said dear wife or her
appointees to receive and take all the rents and profits of any said leasehold
premises which shall become out and payable during her life for her and
their own absolute use and benefit and I will and direct that all deeds papers
and writings relating to my said Leasehold premises shall during the life of my
said wife remain in her custody and task and treat her receipt or receipts
shall be a good and sufficient discharge or discharges for the said rents and
profits of my said Leasehold premises And from and immediately after the
decease of my said wife ? I direct my trustees and trustee to stand possessed
of all that my leasehold Messuage or Tenement and premises number 18 ?
Street in the parish of Saint Pancras with the appertuances In Trust for my
nice Catherine Alice Hiscox and her executors administrators and ? for
her and their absolute use and benefit And as to my messuages or tenements
numbered 36 and 37 in ?Drummond Street in the Parish of Saint Pancras aforesaid
with their appertuances (providing a net yearly rent of twenty five pounds I
also direct my said trustees or trustee to stand possessed thereof In Trust to pay
to my servant Elizabeth Martin the rents of the said messuages during her life
for her own absolute use and benefit and from and immediately after her
decease then I direct that my said trustees or trustee shall stand possessed
of the said messuages In Trust to pay clear annual rents thereof unto
and amongst such of my nieces hereinafter mentioned (that is to say) Elizabeth
Grout Swaine Margaret french Swaine and Frances Charlotte Swaine
three of the daughters of John Swaine of Queen Street ? Square as
shall be living at the time of the decease of the said Elizabeth Martin if
more than one in equal parts and proportions share and share alike and
if only one shall shall be then living then the whole thereof to such only one and
my Will further is and I direct that my trustees or trustee for the time being
and shall when and so soon after the decease of my said wife as
conveniently may be absolutely sell and dispose of by public auction or
private contract or partly by public auction and partly by private contract all
other my leasehold messuages or tenements and premises with the appertuances
for the most money at which such date or dates shall or may be reasonably
obtained for the same with full power for my said trustees and trustee to buy
in all or any of the same premises and resell the same at any future public
auction or private contract without being liable for any loss or diminution
in part by any such resale and with and out of the monies arising
from such sale or sales after payment thereout of all Expenses attending
the same do and shall pay unto my said servant Elizabeth martin the
sum of on hundred pounds for her own absolute use and benefit and
in the next place do and shall pay unto James Barak Longmate the sum of fifty pounds for his own absolute use and benefit and after payment thereof then that my said trustees and trustee do and shall stand possessed of the surplus monies to arise and be produced from such sale or sales as aforesaid and all the Residuary estate In trust for such of them my nieces and nephews as are hereinafter mentioned that is to say Elizabeth Grout Swaine Margaret French Swaine Frances Charlotte Swaine and John Barak Swaine daughters and son of the aforementioned John Swaine Marg Ann Longmate Emma Charlotte Longmate Amelia Longmate Barak Longmate Henry Vincent Longmate and Vincent Longmate (daughters and sons of my said trustee Henry Richard Longmate as shall be living at the decease of my said wife if more than one in equal parts and proportions share and share alike absolutely and if only one shall be then living then the whole thereof to such only one absolutely Provided always and my will is that it shall be hereinafter the trustees or trustee for the time being acting in the execution of the trusts of this my Will from time to time during the life of my sis dear wife with her consent and approbation in writing and after her decease at the sole discretion of the said trustees or trustee to let out? or lease all or any part of my said leasehold premises to any person or persons whom soever in such way and manner as they my said trustees or trustee shall seem meet for the general benefit of my estate so that the best yearly rent or rents ? and reserved for the same and such letting or ? be in possession and not reversion and so as no ?file or ? be be taken for the same And I hereby expressly declare that the receipt and receipts of the trustees or trusts for the time being acting in the execution of the trusts or ?process of this my Will shall be good and sufficient discharge and good and sufficient discharge for all monies paid to them or Given under or by virtue of this my Will or any of the trusts or powers thereof and that the person or persons paying the same or on whose behalf the same shall be paid shall not afterwards be obliged to see to the application thereof or be answerable or accountable for any loss misapplication or nonapplication thereof provided also and my Will further is that in case the said Henry Richard Longmate and Richard Mills or either of them or any further trustee or trustees to be appointed as hereinafter mentioned die or be or be persons to be discharged from or decline or or become incapable to act in the trusts of this my Will before the same shall be fully performed then and so often as the same shall happen it shall be lawful for the surviving or continuing trustee or trustees or the executors or administrators of such last surviving or continuing trustee with the consent in writing of my said wife during her life and after her decease at the sole discretion of the said trustees or trustee by any ? under their or his hand and seal or hands and seals to appoint a new trustee or trustees and that ? all the trust Estates and premises shall shall be assigned and transferred in such manner and so as that the such may effectually vested in the surviving or remaining former trustee or trustees and such new new trustee or trustees jointly or if there shall be no continuing or former trustee or trustees then in such new trustees wholly upon one for such and the same trusts ?intents and purposes and with such and the same powers and authorities as are in and by this my Will expressed and given of and concerning the same And I nominate and appoint my said trustees Henry Richard Longmate and Richard Mills Executors in trust of this my Will and do give and bequeath unto each of them the sum of nineteen guineas as a small recompense for their trouble in the execution of the trusts of this my Will And Lastly I do hereby revoke all former and other Wills and Testamentary Dispositions by me made and do declare this only to be my last Will and Testament In witness whereof I the said samuel Hulse the testator Gave to this my last Will and Testament contained in five sheets of Paper affixed
together set my hand and seal to wit my hand to each of the last four preceding sheets and my hand and seal to this the fifth and last sheet thereof the third day of January in the year of our Lord eight hundred and thirty two____________Samuel Hulse ____Signed sealed published and Declared by the said Samuel Hulse the testator as and for His last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereto the word henry on the seventh line of the third sheet as also Vincent Longmate on the eighth line of the same sheet having been previously struck out___ Chas Hind 48 Berwick street Oxford street________ Tho Fred Boughton Clerk to Mr Hind______________
Proved at London the 20th October 1836 before the worshipful William?Galverley ? Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oaths of Henry Richard Longmate and Richard Mills the Exors to whom admin was granted having first sworn duly to Administer
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