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Will of sir richard Cust 1st Baronet Pinchbeck

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Date: 1699 to 1700
Location: Lincolnshire, Englandmap
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Source - Records of the Cust family of Pinchbeck, Stamford, and Belton in Lincolnshire by Cust, Elizabeth Caroline Bligh, Lady, 1830- published 1898 London : Mitchell, Hughes and Clarke Chapter XI (page 256) Digitised by the Getty Institute (accessed 16th June 2023) https://archive.org/details/recordsofcustfam00cust/page/256/mode/2up

Dated April 26th, 1699 ; proved December 2nd, 1700.

reformatted for clarity as the source is itself a transcript of the original will

In the name of God Amen. I Sir Richard Cust of Black-Fryers neare Stamford in the County of Lincolne, Baronett, Doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following.
Imprimis I give my soule unto Almighty God and my body to the earth in hopes of a joyful resurrection in and through the meritts and mediation of Jesus Christ my beloved Saviour and Redeemer.
And as to those worldly goods wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me I dispose of them as followeth.
First I give and devise unto my Grandson Richard Cust and his Heires for ever all my lands, tenements, and hereditaments in Barholme, Greatford, Tallington, and Stow.
Provided and upon this condition nevertheless that he shall pay unto each of his Sisters Mary Cust and Ursula Cust the summe of Seaven hundred pounds when they severally attaine their respective ages of one and twenty yeares.
Item I further give and devise unto my said Grandson Richard Cust all my Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments in Burtoft, Wigtoft, and Swineshead for and during the terme of his naturall life And after his decease then to the Heires Males of his body lawfully to be begotten And for want of such Heires Males then to my right Heires for ever.
And my will is that my said Grandson doe and shall permitt and suffer his Mother in law the Lady Alice Cust to have and enjoy during her naturall life seaven acres of pasture in Sutterton which was setled upon her as parte of her joynture.
Item I give unto my dearely beloved Wife the Lady Cust the summe of Fifty pounds
And to the Lady Alice Cust my Daughter in Law And to my grandson Savill Cust Ten pounds apeice.
Item I give unto my Grandchild Frances Proby Ten pounds
And to my Grandchildren Samuel Cockaine and Cust Cockaine Fifty pounds apeice
And to each of my servants forty shillings.
Item I give unto the Poore of S' Georges Parish in Stamford Forty shillings a yeare to be paid upon the one and twentyeth day of December yearely for ever by my successive Heire or Heires out of all my aforementioned Lands and Tenements with the payment whereof I doe hereby charge the same.
Item all the rest of [my] money, goods, and chattells whatsoever, my debts, funerall expences, and legacies being first paid, I give unto my Grandson Richard Cust whom I make sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament
And I doe nominate and appoint my worthy Son in Law John Proby, Esq', Supervisor and Trustee of this my said Will.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this six and twentyeth day of Aprill in the eleaventh yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord William the third over England, etc.. King. Annoque Domini One thousand six hundred ninety nine.
R. Cust.
Proved in London by the Executor named. Sir Richard Cust, Bart., December 2nd, 1700.

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