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William Ballard of Andover Notes

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WILLIAM BALLARD was born in England, as his name and associations here show, and about the year 1617, as by his deposition at a later time. He is generally believed to have come in the ship "Mary and John," sailing from old England on March 26, 1634. He would have been only eighteen at the time which is rather young to set off for a new world, but there are many other instances of very young men coming to America. Moreover, William BALLARD of Andover was associated in both Newbury and Andover with some of the others who came on that vessel. In 1645 he owned land in Newbury, Massachusetts, and in 1643 his name appears in the records of Dedham, in the same Colony, as giving bond to pay fines imposed upon two men convicted of "mutinous and turbulent speeches." There is no record of him in Dedham other than this, but he may have resided there for a short period. He undoubtedly spent the greater part of his life in Andover, Massachusetts, where his name appears first on the earliest entry in the town records, giving a list of "the names of all free house houlders in order as they came to towne." His is the sixteenth name and as it is known that some of the others named immediately before and after him moved from Newbury to Andover in 1644, he may be presumed to have taken up his residence there about that time.

An early deposition of his gives both his age and bears evidence to his hospitable spirit. The document is dated 1662, and relates to a neighbor's lawsuit. It reads: "The deposition of William Balard aged abought 45. This deponent saith that a bought sixe weekes senc the houes of Job Tiler being burned he gave the sd. Tilers wife leave to com with her family for a time and live at his houes hir husband at that time not being at home which accordingly shee did and there remaynes to this time."

The spelling is the notary's.

The house referred to was probably the residence mentioned in the following abstract of a deed which he made the following year. "William BALLARD of Andover husbandman, exchanged lands with William CHANDLER and deeded to him his house and barn and 4 acres of land and one hortyard (orchard), bounded by lands of Nathan PARKER, John LOVEJOY, Andrew ALLEN, of Chandler and by the highway; his wife Grace joining in the deed; date, May 20 and 25, 1663."

William BALLARD was engaged in the war against the Narragansetts, better known as King Philip's War, in 1675-1676. He served in the garrison at Chelmsford, Massachusetts, where he was on duty on January 25, 1675/6, and drew pay of 02.08.00. He was then fifty-nine years old, his age explaining the comparatively inactive service.

The wife of William BALLARD, as here appears, was named Grace BERWICK. He died on July 10, 1689, and his widow on April 27, 1694, both in Andover.

William BLUNT, Henry HOLT, Samuel and Joseph BUTTERFIELD, and John SPALDING were sons-in-law.

William BALLARD had nine children: Joseph, William, Sarah, Elizabeth, John 2, Hannah, Lydia, Abigail, and Ann.

From the Ballard Genealogy:[13]

"William BALLARD of Andover was born in England, as his name and associations here show, and about the year 1617, as by his deposition at a later time.

"It has been believed by many historians that he is the 'William BALLARD' who shipped for New England March 26, 1634, in the Mary and John. He would have been only about 18 years old at the time, rather an unusual age for a Pilgrim; but he was associated with several of those who came in that ship at Newbury (where he owned land in 1645) and Andover; which may confirm the theory that he was this passenger.

"He may have been a resident of Dedham in 1643; for when two men of that town, Thomas BAYES and Robert CROSMAN, were brought before the Court for 'mutinous and turbulent speeches' and 'offensive speeches,' William BALLARD united with Henry CHICKERING, Tymo. DWYTE and Robert HINSDELL in giving bonds for the payment of their fines. It is possible that mere friendship or former acquaintance led to the assistance he rendered to BAYES and CROSMAN. Dedham records, however, do not mention him.

"Andover was the plantation where the greater part of Mr. BALLARD's life in New England was passed. (The most ancient entry on the town records of Andover is a list headed 'The names of all the free house houlders in order as thay came to towne.' The sixteenth name in this list is 'William BALLERD.' While no dates are given it is known from other sources that the men before him and some who follow actually settled at Andover in the year 1644, coming, nearly all of them, from Newbury.)

"He married at a place and time not yet ascertained Grace ———, whose name and family are not known to us.

"His house was a place of hospitality. A simple testimony to this fact came out in the evidence he was giving in a neighbor's lawsuit in 1662; the spelling was that of the notary:

"'The deposition of William BALARD aged a bought 45. This deponent saith that a bought sixe weekes sene the houes of Job TILER being burned he gave the sd. TILER's wife leave to com with her family for a time and live at his houes hir husband at that time not being at home which acordingly shee did and there remaynes to this time.'

"This was probably the first residence of Mr. BALLARD. Its location is shown by the following abstract of a deed which he macle the following year:

"'William BALLARD of Andover, husbandman, exchanged lands with William CHANDLER, and deeded to him his house and barn and 4 acres of land and one hortyard (orchard), bounded by lands of Nathan PARKER, John LOVEJOY, Andrew ALLEN, of CHANDLER and by the highway; his wife Grace joining in the deed; date, May 20 and 25, 1663.'

"William BALLARD died July 10, 1689, leaving no will."

Source 13. Charles Frederic Farlow, Ballard Genealogy: William Ballard (1603-1639) of Lynn, Massachusetts, and William Ballard (1617-1689) of Andover, Massachusetts, and their descendants, Charles H. Pope, Boston, 1911.

References 641, 643, and 681: SETTLEMENT OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM BALLARD At a court held at Ipswich September ye 29: 1691:

Letters of Administration are granted unto Joseph BALLARD of Andover on all ye estate of his Father William BALLARD deceased & ye said Joseph BALLARD as principle & William BALLARD & Joseph (John) BALLARD as sureties with him owned themselves joyntly & severally Bound to ye treasurer of Essex and parties concerned in the sum of four hundred pounds money the condition is that the said Joseph shall act according to law in his administration & Attend ye Courts order for a settlement of ye estate. as attests Thos. WADE cleri.

An inventory of ye Estate of William BALARD of Andover deceased taken by us whose names are under written the 23 of october 1689. We apprized that part of land Joseph BALARD hath at 50 0 0 Wee apprized that part of Land William BALLARD hath at 50 0 0 We apprized that part of Land John BALARD hath at 50 0 0 Beding 13 10 0 Table linnen 01 06 0 Linen yarne 00 17 0 Necessary house Implements 02 18 6 A Chest a box a small cubord 01 03 0 Barrels & other lumber 01 03 0 Sises 0-45-0 the mans wearing clothes 4 li 4 04 0 neat cattle 14 li-o-o, Sheep I li-16s.-od 15 16 0 a mare & colt & swine 06 08 0 Indian Corne & Rye 06 10 0 Iron Worke and a sadle 02 13 0

sum total 206 18 0


This Inventory was presented upon oath by ye Administrator Joseph BALLARD to ye court held at Ipswich Sept. ye 29, 1691 for a true Inventory of ye estate of his father William BALLARD of Andover deceased to ye best of his knowledge of all that at present appeares as allso If .more appeares to add ye same & to give account thereof to ye court In convenient time. as attests Thos. WADE Cleri.

Articles of agreement made and concluded on between Joseph BALLARD William and John BALLARD relating to the estate of theire father deceased he dying without a will & also how their mother shall be provided for during the terme of her life & what theur sisters shall have, with which they are satisfied as shall afterwards appeare by their subscriptions.

1. We have agreed that our honoured mother Grace BALARD widdow shall have her liberty of dwelling in that house which was our fathers in which roome she pleaseth so long as she continueth a widdow, & to have her bed & beding & all other necessary house Implements she hath need of to be her owne proper estate for her use dureing her life & to be (provided) with cloths and what els she hath at her dispose as she seeth cause at her death amongst her children And also that the three sons Joseph William and John at an equall charge bctween them provide & maintaine her two good cowes winter and summer dureing her life & also lay her in every year sixscore weight of good porke and 6 bushells of Indian corne and four bushells of rye & three bushells of wheat for her provison & so much cord wood as sh needeth & each of ye sons forenamed to give twenty shillings in or as money & to give her nine pounds of good sheeps wool and twelve pound of flax from the swingle.----

2. The three brothers Joseph BALARD William BALARD & John BALARD have agreed & devided their fathers land between them as equally as they could and also to be at a equall charge in maintaineing their mother as aforesaid & to be at a equall charge inpaying their sisters as they have agreed with them.----

Joseph BALARD's proportion is about twenty acres of upland where his house now standeth & fifty acres of ye great division and fourteen acres Iying by Shawsheen River & two acres lying near James ffryes & six Acres & a half of last division of meadow five acres of it lying at a meadow Called bever dam & one Acre and a half lying at a meadow called Redding meadow & one half of a meadow called the pound meadow.----

3. William BALARD's proportion is twenty seven Acres where his house now standeth & fourty Acres of great division & a tract of land lying in Shawsheen feild & two acres of land near James FFRYES & four acres & a half of meadow lying upon Shawsheen River & half the meadow & swamp joyning to Joseph BALLARD's land that lyeth by Shawsheen River.

4. John BALARD's proportion is the housing land & meadow his father lived upon except the land & meado v his father gave Willam BLUNT upon the marrage with his daughter which Iyeth on the south of the land forenamed and is bounded out & also the said John hase a peice of land called the Iland & half the pound meadow to which the sd John is to have a way through William BLUNT's land & he is to have half the meadow & (-------) with his brother William.----.

5. Joseph BALARD, William BALARD & John BALARD have agreed with Henry HOLT Sam: BUTTERFIELD, Joseph BUTTERFIELD, John SPALDEN & Abigail BALARD to pay them ten pounds apeice besides what they have formerly had which is to be paid in some merchantable pay at or before the twentyninth day of September next & in token that this is our mutual agreement to all our satisfaction & consent we have hereunto set our hands this 23 day of October in ye year of our lord one thousand six hundred eighty nine.

The widdow BALARD desires John ABBOTT may be her overseer to take care that her sons pay her yearly what they have Ingaged In this wrighting for her maintainnance.

Witness The marke of The marke of Thomas CHANDLER William BLUNT Grace BALARD widdow John ABBOTT henry HOLT Josep BALARD Samll BUTTERFIELD William BALARD Joseph BUTTERFIELD John SPALDEN John BALARD Abigaile BALARD

All the relations above named appeared & owned this to be their free voluntary act & deed on September 28 --91 came to Haverhill to declare their desire of ye Courts confirmation hereof which they all did.---- before me Nath SALTONSTALL Assistant

At a Court at Ipswich September 29th 1691 this agreement being produced by ye three brethren Josph BALLARD WilLiam BALLARD & John BALLARD & desiringe ye Courts approbation & confirmation thereof.----

The Court-upon consideration have ordered that it be Entred that it is approved allowed & confirmed according to ye intent & meaning thereof as written. As attests Thomas WADE Cleri [Essex probate Records, 304, 387-390.]

Reference 641: Children of William 1 and Grace BALLARD:

1. JOSEPH, b. 1645; m. (1) February 28, 1665, Elizabeth HELPS [sic - PHELPS] of Andover; she d. July 27, 1692. He m. (2) Mrs. Rebeckah HORNE, November 15, 1692; she d. February 11, 1740. Joseph was an "ensign." He and his brother started a fulling mill. He and his wife were admitted to the So. Parish Church, April 6, 1712. He was connected with the witchcraft prosecutions in Andover. He was the father of thirteen children. d. 1722.

2. WILLIAM, b. at place and date unknown; m. at Andover, April 26, 1682, Hannah, daughter of William and Ruth HOOPER of Reading. Hannah was b. March 31, 1662. On December 24, 1707, William sold his share of land formerly owned in partnership with John AYER, Senior, and moved to Plainfield, Conn. His will was proved on December 10, 1723, so he must have died in November or December of that year. The date of his wife's death is not known. They had six children: Hannah, Enoch, Hepzibah, John, Peleg, and Thomas.

3. SARAH, m. February 24, 1669, Henry HOLT, Jr., of Andover; she d. November 25, 1733, and was the mother of fourteen children.

4. ELIZABETH, m. November 11, 1668, William BLUNT; she d. July 11, 1689 and was the mother of seven children.

5. JOHN 2, qv. below.

6. HANNAH, b. August 14, l655; m. September 20, 1681, John SPALDING.

7. LYDIA, b. April 30, 1657; m. 1674, Joseph BUTTERFIELD; six children.

8. ABIGAIL,unmarried in 1689.

9. ANN, m. Samuel BUTTERFIELD.

Ballard Family Genealogy; Starts with Israel BALLARD (1748-1810) and his wife Alice FULLER (1751-1796); Spans 1748-1938; Written by M. Patricia Caldwell

Noted events in his life were: • Alt. Birth: Abt. 1623. • Emigration: 1634, From Port of London. • Immigration: Came to New England on the "Mary and John", 1634, Massachusetts Bay Colony, New England. • Military: Served In King Philip's War. • Occupation: Farmer. • Moved: from Boston to Newbury, 1634. • Moved: from Newbury to Andover, 1644.

William married Grace /BERWICK/ -[163466] 145,146 [MRIN:352] abt. 1641 in Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts.145

Marriage Notes: Reference Number:3135498

Noted events in their marriage were:

• Alt. Marriage: Alt. Marriage, Abt. 1644, Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts.

Children from this marriage were:

1218 i. Ensign Joseph /BALLARD/ -[536] (born in 1645 Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts - died on 29 Sep 1689 in Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts)

ii. Elizabeth /BALLARD/ -[1220] (born in 1646 Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts - died on 11 Jul 1689 in Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts)

iii. William /BALLARD/ -[1222] (born abt. 1648 Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts - died on 15 Jan 1724 in Plainfield, Windham, Connecticut)

iv. Mary Ann /BALLARD/ -[43480] (born on 13 Jun 1649 - died in 1702 in Chelmsford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts)

v. John /BALLARD/ -[1219] (born on 15 Jan 1653 Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts - died on 18 Dec 1715 in Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts)

vi. Sarah /BALLARD/ -[1221] (born in 1654 Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts - died on 25 Nov 1733 in Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts)

vii. Ann (Or Hannah) /BALLARD/ -[1223] (born on 14 Aug 1655 Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts - died in 1727 in Chelmsford, Massachusetts)

viii. Lydia /BALLARD/ -[1224] (born on 30 Apr 1657 Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts - died in 1691 in Chelmsford, Massachusetts)

ix. Abigail /BALLARD/ -[1882] (born abt. 1659 Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts - died in 1689 in Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts)

x. Ann /BALLARD/ -[1883] (born abt. 1661 Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts - died in 1722)

Reference 681:

WILLIAM BALLARD was born 1617 in Bradwell, Suffolk, England, and died 10 Jul 1689 in Andover, Essex Co., Massachusetts. He married GRACE ANN BERWICK about 1640 in Essex Co., Massachusetts, daughter of THOMAS BERWICK and ANN BLOUNT.

Notes for WILLIAM BALLARD: "Ballard Genealogy", Compiled by Melvin Gilbert Dodge, Utica, New York, 1942

"The name Ballard is an ancient one in England and although no direct connection has been established between the American Ballards and their English ancestors some references to those of the same name may properly be presented here. The name itself is of Celtic or Gallic origin, from ball, a place, a round elevation, and ard, meaning high. It appears at a very early period in both England and Wales and Ballards were armigerous as early as the fourteenth century, when six different branches of the family bore arms. It is interesting and significant as showing relationship that these six arms-bearing families all bore a griffin in the same position, although the colors and other details differed. The usual description in heraldric terms was "a griffin, segreant" and the crest was "a demi-griffin." The griffin, often used in heraldry, was an imaginary animal half like an eagle and half like a lion, the device expressing strength and swiftness, and a griffin segreant was one standing on its hind legs with the wings elevated and endorsed in the position of the lion when borne rampant. Although no direct evidence has been found that the first Ballards in America used or were entitled to arms, they were certainly descended from the English families of the same name which bore a griffin on their shields.

There were two Ballard families in early New England and no present evidence of their relationship exists. One was founded by William Ballard of Andover, Massachusetts, and is the family with which the present volume is concerned. The other is descended from William Ballard of Lynn, Massachusetts. William Ballard of Lynn appears on the passenger list of the "James," sailing from old England in July, 1635. His age is given as 32, his wife Mary was 26 and his two children, Hester and John, were two and one years old respectively. The mention of wife and children and their ages has made it possible to clearly separate this family and its early generations from the Ballards of Andover, although some of the early genealogical publications have failed to note this distinction.

WILLIAM 1 BALLARD was born in England, as his name and associations here show, and about the year 1617, as by his deposition at a later time. He is generally believed to have come in the ship "Mary and John," sailing from old England on March 26, 1633/4. He would have been only eighteen at the time which is rather young to set off for a new world, but there are many other instances of very young men coming to America. Moreover, William 1 Ballard of Andover was associated in both Newbury and Andover with some of the others who came on that vessel.

In 1645 he owned land in Newbury, Massachusetts, and in 1643 his name appears in the records of Dedham, in the same Colony, as giving bond to pay fines imposed upon two men convicted of "mutinous and turbulent speeches." There is no record of him in Dedham other than this, but he may have resided there for a short period. He undoubtedly spent the greater part of his life in Andover, Massachusetts, where his name appears first on the earliest entry in the town records, giving a list of "the names of all free house houlders in order as they came to towne." His is the sixteenth name and as it is known that some of the others named immediately before and after him moved from Newbury to Andover in 1644, he may be presumed to have taken up his residence there about that time.

An early deposition of his gives both his age and bears evidence to his hospitable spirit. The document is dated 1662, and relates to a neighbor's lawsuit. It reads: "The deposition of William Balard aged a bought 45. This deponent saith that a bought sixe weekes senc the houes of Job Tiler being burned he gave the sd. Tilers wife leave to com with her family for a time and live at his houes hir husband at that time not being at home which accordingly shee did and there remaynes to this time." (The spelling is the notary's.) The house referred to was probably the residence mentioned in the following abstract of a deed which he made the following year. "William Ballard of Andover husbandman, exchanged lands with William Chandler and deeded to him his house and barn and 4 acres of land and one hortyard (orchard), bounded by lands of Nathan Parker, John Lovejoy, Andrew Allen, of Chandler and by the highway; his wife Grace joining in the deed; date, May 20 and 25, 1663."

William 1 Ballard was engaged in the war against the Narragansetts, better known as King Philip's War, in 1675-1676. He served in the garrison at Chelmsford, Massachusetts, where he was on duty on January 25, 1675/6, and drew pay of 02.08.00. He was then fifty-nine years old, his age explaining the comparatively inactive service.

The wife of William 1 Ballard, as here appears, was named Grace Berwick. He died on July 10, 1689, and his widow on April 27, 1694, both in Andover. William Blunt, Henry Holt, Samuel and Joseph Butterfield, and John Spalding were sons-in-law. William 1 Ballard had nine children: Joseph, William, Sarah, Elizabeth, John 2, Hannah, Lydia, Abigail, and Ann."

More About William BALLARD: Date born 2: Abt. 1603, Lothingland Hundred, Bradwell, Suffolk, England. Date born 3: Bet. 1603 - 1617, Bradwell, Suffolk, England.994 Date born 4: 1616, England.995 Date born 5: Abt. 1617, Bradwell, Suffolk, England.996, 997 Date born 6: Abt. 1617, England.998 Emigration 1: 26 Mar 1634, Believed to have been the William BALLARD who came from the port of London to New England on 26Mar1634 on the ship "Mary & John.".999 Emigration 2: 1634, From Southhampton, England to Massachusetts on the "Mary and John" ship.1000 Emigration 3: 1635, In the Summer of 1635, William BALLARD emigrated from London, England to the Massachusetts Bay Colony aboard the ship "James.".1001 Emigration 4: 1635, William BALLARD and family of Lynn came on the "James" ship from London in 1635..1002 Freeman 1: 02 May 16381003 Freeman 2: 02 May 16361004 Hertiage: English. Individual Note: William emigrated in 1635 at age 32..1005 Military service 1: 1638, William BALLARD was a member of the Artillery Company in 1638 living at Newbury, Essex, MA.1005 Military service 2: William served in King Philip's War..1006 Occupation 1: Farmer..1006 Occupation 2: Husbandman in Andover, Essex, MA in 1644.1006 Residence 1: Bef. 1635, England.1007 Residence 2: Andover, Essex, MA.1007 Residence 3: 1634, Moved from Boston, Suffolk, MA to Newbury, Essex, MA in 1634..1008 Residence 4: 1638, Newbury, Essex, MA.1009 Residence 5: 1644, Andover, Essex, MA.1010 Residence 6: 1644, Moved from Newbury, Essex, MA to Andover, Essex, MA in 1644..1011

Children of William BALLARD and Grace BERWICK are: +Sarah BALLARD, b. 15 Jul 1654, Andover, Essex, MA1017, d. 25 Nov 1733, Andover, Essex, MA, 79 years, 4 months, 10 days1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1022. Index type sources

  • U.S., New England Marriages Prior to 1700 Author: Ancestry.com Publication: Ancestry.com Operations Inc APID: 1,3824::0
  • Family Data Collection - Deaths Author: Edmund West, comp. Publication: Ancestry.com Operations Inc APID: 1,5771::0
  • U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Author: Yates Publishing Publication: Ancestry.com Operations Inc APID: 1,7836::0
  • U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s Author: Ancestry.com Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc APID: 1,7486::0

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