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- Is he the same man enrolled as a passenger on the Mary & John 1634? (Anderson says no reason to believe so)
- Any evidence for claims of Dorset origins?
- What are the sources of the last names claimed for his first wife?
Great Migration Directory (2015)
Great Migration Directory entry: Clark, William: Unknown; 1636; Dorchester, Northampton [DChR 3; NEHGR 5:98; DTR 1:37; TAG 12:255; Waterman 1:637-40]. (The William Clark admitted to freemanship on 22 May 1639 was probably this man or the second Watertown William Clark [MBCR 1:376].)
- Records of the First Church at Dorchester in New England, 1636-1734 (George H. Ellis, Boston, Mass., 1891) Page 3. Internet Archive. [Church admission]
- "Early Records of Boston" NEHGR vol 5 (1851), p 98 Internet Archive births of 4 children, births at Dorchester
- "Dorchester Town Records" Boston Records Commissioners Reports (Rockwell & Churchill, Boston, 1880) Vol. 4, p 37 Internet Archive: "Willia[m] Clarke hath made sales of one aker 1 quarter, and 30 goads of land at the great neck (which he had by agreement fro M'. Willia Hill after the devision) vnto Christo[pher] Gibson."
- Shurtleff, Nathaniel. Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England (William White, Boston, 1853-) Vol. 1, page 376. Internet Archive Freemanship (possibly)
All William Clarks:
- Clark, William: Unknown; 1630; Watertown, Ipswich; returned permanently to England by 1639 [GMB 380-83; WF 197-200]. William Clark (abt.1610-aft.1640) - wife Elizabeth
- Clark, William: Unknown; 1634 on Mary & John; passenger list only [GM 2:2:101]. (conflated with this William Clark profile?)
- Clark, William: Unknown; 1636; Massachusetts Bay (court appearance only) [MBCR 1:184].
- Clark, William: Unknown; 1636; Dorchester, Northampton [DChR 3; NEHGR 5:98; DTR 1:37; TAG 12:255; Waterman 1:637-40]. (The William Clark admitted to freemanship on 22 May 1639 was probably this man or the second Watertown William Clark [MBCR 1:376].) Wives Sarah ______ and Sarah (Slye) Cooper
- Clark, William: Unknown; 1637; Salem [STR 1:49, 103; EQC 1:10; MBCR 1:332; TAG 14:83-86, 39:100-12, 55:120, 72:183-86]. William Clarke (abt.1586-1647) 1st wife unknown, second wife Katherine (Franklin) Prince, remarried to John Gedney.
- Clark, William: Unknown; 1639; Hartford, Haddam [CCCR 1:41; Manwaring 1:290-91; Dawes-Gates 2:206-9; TAG 17:19; CN 30:190]. William Clark (abt.1610-1681) m Katherine Bunch
- Clark, William: Unknown; 1640; Watertown, Woburn [WaVR 1:8; WaBOP 53; MPR Case #4585; GMB 382; WF 199; Farr Anc 67-68].William Clarke (1608-1682) wife Margery
Search results of 1634 on Mary & John
A search of the entries in GMD for passengers on the 1634 Mary and John (55) shows that the passengers initially settled in Ipswich (23), Salem (5) or Newbury (4). (Robert Seaver is an outlier settling in Roxbury), Most of their origins are unknown (46), but six were from Wiltshire, two from Hampshire and one from Berkshire. 18 are passenger list only.
Torrey NE Marraiges
Vol 1, p 329. CLARK, Lt. William (1609-1690) & 1/wf Sarah ____ (-1675); by 1638; Dorchester/Northampton {Warner-Harrington, Chart ,11; Bridges Anc. 29-30; Warner-Harrington Chart ,3; Reg. 9:230; Reg. 5:398, 79:99, 90:179; Dawes-Gates 1:579; Waterman (1939) 637; Holbrook Anc (1942) 45; Dorchester 116; Clark (#6) 6; Edwards (1887) 19; Paine (#3) 137; Thurston (1892) 70; Sv. 1:404; Cary Anc. 51; Cross Anc. 125; R.W. Cooke Chart}
Vol 1, p 330: CLARK, Lt. William1 (1609-1690) & 2/wf Sarah (SLYE) COOPER (-1688), w Thomas; 15 Nov 1676; Springfield/Northampton {TAG 9:154; Deerfield 124; Springfield Fam. (ms) 177, 221; Dunham-Boyd 388, 389; Cross Anc. 125; Waterman (1939) 637; Warner-Harrington 153; Hale (1952) 497}
Third Supplement only adds: Cooper, Thomas: (c1617-1675) & Sarah SLYE (bp 1615- ); m2 William CLARKE: m c1642 Springfield [GM 2:210] (Sanborn, Melinde Lutz, Third Supplement to Torrey's New England Marriages Prior to 1700, (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2003) p. 67)
- Bridges Anc. 29-30: pp 29-30 1960. Internet Archive 1st wife Sarah __; came on the Mary and John 1630
- Reg. 9:230 https://archive.org/details/newenglandhistor009wate/page/230/mode/2up?q=clarke - mentions William Clarke as taker of inventory
- Dawes-Gates https://archive.org/details/dawesgatesancest00ferr/page/565/mode/2up describes move to Northampton (no mention of immigration of wife's name)
- Waterman (1939) 637 (Jacobus) https://archive.org/details/watermanfamily01jaco/page/636/mode/2up (borrow) Sarah _______ ; in Dorchester about 1636
- Holbrook Anc (1942) 45 https://archive.org/details/holbrookalliedfa00lord/page/44/mode/2up "born in Dorsetshire, England in 1609. He embarked from Plymouth, England November 30, 1630. As he was a very young man when he landed in New England, little is known of him until he settled in Dorchester, Massachusetts Bay Colony, pre¬ vious to 1635." No mention of wives.
- Dorchester 116 (should be Dorchester Hist:) 1859 https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_sT0OAAAAIAAJ/page/115/mode/2up "Family Tradition says they came on the Mary and John, wife is Sarah ______
- Clark (#6): Clark, John, Records of the Descendants of Hugh Clarke of Watertown, Mass., 1640 to 1866 (priv. print., Boston, 1866) p 6. https://archive.org/details/recordsdescenda00clargoog/page/n17/mode/2up wife is Sarah ______; 2nd Sarah Cooper
- Edwards (1887) 19: Gifford, Elizabeth Edwards, Our Patronymics ([Auburn, N.Y.: Jewhurst & Plumb], 1886). https://archive.org/details/ourpatronymics00giff_0/page/18/mode/2up Came on the Mary & John in 1630; wife is "Sarah"
- Paine (#3): Whitmore, William Henry, Genealogy of The Families of Payne and Gore (Boston: J. Wilson & Son, 1875) [Perhaps another Paine Genealogy - not this one - doesn't go up to 137, searching for clark, and clarke-no results, reviewed William - and nothing relevant)
- Thurston, Brown, Thurston Genealogies, 2nd ed. (Portland, Me.: B. Thurston, 1892) p 70 https://archive.org/details/thurstongenealog1892thur/page/70/mode/2up came on Mary & John 1630, wife Sarah.
- Sv. 1:404: Savage, James A., A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England (Boston: Little, Brown, 1860–62) https://archive.org/details/agenealogicaldi00unkngoog/page/404/mode/1up By 1636; wife Sarah
- Cary Anc. 51: Cary, Henry Grosvenor, Cary Family in America (priv. print., Boston, 1907) https://archive.org/details/caryfamilyinamer1907cary/page/50/mode/2up 1630, Mary & John, wife Sarah _______.
- Cross Anc. 125: Cross, Roselle Theodore, My Children’s Ancestors; Data Concerning about Four Hundred New England Ancestors of the Children of Roselle Theodore Cross and His Wife Emma Asenath (Bridgman) Cross (Twinsburg, Ohio: Champlin Press, 1913) https://archive.org/details/mychildrensances00cros/page/124/mode/2up Came 1630 on Mary and John, Wife Sarah _____
- TAG 9:154 : "Corrections of Printed Authorities." The American Genealogist (The American Genealogist, Barrington, RI, 1932) Vol 9, p 154. Digitial images on FamilySearch Sheldon's History of Deefield, vol 2 - correct date for marriage of William Clark to Sarah Cooper is Nov 15, 1676 (not Nov 5).
- Deerfield 124: Sheldon, George, A History of Deerfield, Massachusetts, vol. 2, part 2 (Deerfield, Mass., 1896) https://archive.org/details/historyofdeerfie02shel/page/124/mode/1up Dorchester by 1636; first wife Sarah _____
- Dunham-Boyd 388, 389: Ancestors and Descendants of Wilford William and Cora Dunham Boyd 1620–1928, mimeographed (St. Louis, 1928) https://archive.org/details/americanancestor00boyd_0/page/n821/mode/2up 1w Sarah Strong; born in Dorsetshire; came 1630 on Mary & John [source needs space page/link to Torrey Key]
- 'The Parson Family' by Henry Parsons, 1920 (p. 58) (1912 edition:https://archive.org/details/parsonsfamilydes01pars/page/n69/mode/2up) referenced in Sarah's profile regarding a Sarah Holton. Vol 2, p1 https://archive.org/details/parsonsfamilydes02pars/page/16/mode/2up?q=%22sarah+Holton%22 Index in vol 1 refers to her as Sarah Holton but text does not?
- https://minerdescent.com/2010/07/09/lt-william-clark/ Miner Descent refers to her as Sarah Strong, but discusses the uncertainty if you scroll down.
- https://web.archive.org/web/20220707064612/https://celestialfamily.org/Genealogy/histories/JudgeLieutenantWilliamCLARK.htm
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