Location: Hartford, Colony of Connecticut
Surname/tag: Edwards
Contents |
Conglomerate Sources
Sources listed in Hale, House, and Related Families : Mainly of the Connecticut River Valley. Citation - Donald Lines Jacobus and Edgar Francis Waterman, Hale, House and Related Families, mainly of the Connecticut River Valley, (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1978), reprint of original published Hartford, 1952, Pages 524-535.
- a. Conn. Hist. Society Collections, 14:354. See Original Distribution.
- b. Ibid., 14:168.
- c. Conn. Colonial Records, 1:309, 315, 401, 405. See CCCR
- d. Ibid., 2 :414.
- e. Conn. Hist. Society Collections, 22:136, 174, 236. See Particular Court
- f. Manwaring’s Digest, 1 :36.
- g. New York Gen. and Biog. Record, 71:220.
- h. Conn. Hist. Society Collections, 22 :85-6.
Sources listed in Great Migration Directory : Citation - Anderson, Robert Charles. Great Migration Directory (The). Immigrants to New England, 1620-1640. A Concise Compendium. (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015.) p. 104. Information : From London 1639 to Hartford.
- Lechford 184; Hale House 524-35; TAG 10:83-84, 42: 65-76; 63:33-45; NYGBR 62:116-20 71:217-21
Sources listed in Torrey's New England Marriages :
- Torrey, Clarence Almon. Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. Baltimore, 1985) See: http://ancstry.me/2vy4cPJ.
- This 1985 edition lists as sources TAG 40: 72 and 63:41
- Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700. (Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2008.) Originally published as: New England Marriages Prior to 1700. (Boston, Mass.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015.) p. 502. Information - EDWARDS, William (1618-) & Agnes (HARRIS) SPENCER, w WilIiam, 1645, by 11 Dec 1645; Hartford/Windsor, CT
- {NYGBR 71:218; Warner-Harrington 686; Moore Anc. 171; Keeler-Wood 225; Tuttle 347, 606; Hartford Prob. 1:87, 104, 109, 195; TAG 24:110; Brainerd Anc. 275; Fairfield Probate 5; Bassett-Preston 268; Beckwith Gen. 54; Talcott 37; Windsor CT 2: 194; Lathrop 50; Dwight 1035; Goodwin: Gen. Notes 48; Smith-Hale 512; R. W. Cooke Chart; Hale (1952) 527, 779.
Primary Records & Transcriptions of Primary Records
- CCCR vol 1. Trumbull, J. Hammond. (transcriber). The Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut Prior to the Union with New Haven Colony May 1665. (Hartford: Brown and Parsons, 1850.) AKA Colonial Records of Connecticut. Volume I. 1636-1665. Will. 107, 115, 190,193,309, 315, 401, 405
- p. 107 Nath : Willet pl. agt Willm Edwards deft, in an ac. of debt. The Jury find for the deft, xis. vid. Costs. June 1644
- p. 110 Sept 1644, Sued for debt and slander.
- p. 115 Willm Edwards pl. agt Peter Bassaker defS in an ac. of debt to the damage of 3l. Dec 1644.
- p. 127 William Edwards pl. agt Jonathan Rudde, vppon an attacht, 2s. 6d. June 1645
- p. 127 Willm Edwards acknowledgeth himselfe bownd in a Recognizance of 5l. to prsecute & make good his actiõ. June 1645.
- p. 171 Dec 1648 Wm bound himself for 20L insuring the good behavior of John Bennett. He was released from this March 1648/9.
- p. 176 March 1648 Bennett sued Edwards in an action of the Case, damages, 15l. Jury found for Bennett.
- p. 190, 191, June 1649 William Edwards plt contra Richard Samwis and Stephen Tayler, in an action of the case, damages, 10l. Court found for plaintiff.
- William Edwards plt contra John Bennett defendt, in an action of slander, to the dammage of 5l. Jury found for the defendant.
- William Edwards is fyned, for drawing wine contrary to order of Courte, 30s.
- The Courte graunts execution to John Bennett agt. William Edwards, according to the verdict of the Jury at the Courte houldenthe first of March, 1648-9.
- p. 193 Sept 1649 Owyn Tuder plt contra William Edwards defendt, in an action of debt, to the value of 20l.
- March 1657/8 p. 309 The listed persons for Troopers presented to, & allowed by this Court, vnder the command of Major John Mason, are as follow : — In Hartford Will: Edwards
- p. 315 20 May 1658 William Edwards made freeman,
- pp. 401, 405 Wm. accused Daniel Clark
- CCCR2 Trumbull, J. Hammond. (transcriber) The Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut from 1665 to 1676; with the Journal of the Council of War 1675 to 1678...Vol II.1665-1678, (Hartford: F A Brown, 1852.) AKA Colonial Records of Connecticut.
- p. 414 p. 518 list of freeman Hartford Oct 1669
- p. 414 6 March 1675/6 "The Councill [to direct the war] granted Mr. Tho: Terry and Mr. Wm. Edwards liberty to transport three hundred bushells of graine for the present supply of the people of Rohd Island and Plimouth, the people of Rohd Island haueing exhausted part of their provissions for the supply of of wounded men, after the first engagement, in ye Narrogancett.
- CCCR3 not mentioned
- Original Distribution of the Lands in Hartford Among the Settlers 1639, series - Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society Volume XIV, (Hartford, Connecticut Historical Society, 1912), https://archive.org/details/collectionsofcon14conn/page/352/mode/2up, See also pp. William, abutter, 39, 70, 75, 106, 111, 144, 161, 383, 391, 408, 418, 459. 523; land bought of, 39, 111, 144, 168, 524; land deeded by, 354; land formerly belonging to, 483; land mortgaged by, 294, 415; land received of, 459; land recorded to, 353; mentioned, 293; mill rates of, 495; shop of mentioned, 354; signs as witness, 127, 157, 387, 523, 546, 563; witness to deed, 529, 557. Text of holding pp 353, 354 :
- William Edwardes land was recorded in 1646 pp. 353, 354
- Land in Harttford vpon Coneckticott Riuer belonging to to william Edwordes & to his hiers for euer.'
- viz One pfell on which his dwelling houfe Now ftandeth with yerdes or Gardings thare in being Contayñ by Eftimã two Roods be it More or less Abutting on the meetting houfe lott on the South & on the prfonhoufe yerd on the efte & on Thomas Burnams Land on the weft & on Rich Goodmans land on the North.
- one partt of which Land he Boughtt of John Morres.
- One Percell of land which he had In exchange of mr John Pantrey lying In the North meadow Containing by eftimation fower Acres (be it more or lefs) Containing eight rod wide, abutting the high way Eaft, & John Marsh his land North & John Pantrys one land Sowth & the Neck of land weft, now Confirmd By mr Tho : Wells & Deacon Stebbing. (in the margin Feb: 14: 65)
- 22 Oct 1663 Wm Edwards hath giuen graunted enfeofed & Confirmed to Agnis Edwards his wife & to her heirs & afsignes his dwelling houfe & Shopp together wth his Home lott, it now Standeth upon, as allfo a parcell of land In the North Meadowe Containing by eftimation fower Acres, as allfo all the mouables houfhold Stuff Goods & apparell what Soeuer which are in the dwelling houfe at prefent, (his one & Seruants cloaths & workeing Tooles only excepted) as allfo one Cowe & all his Swine, to be to her & her heirs for euer he the Sayd Wm Edwards haueing relinquifhed all his right to the premifes as more perticulerly will appear by a deed under his the Sayd Wm Edwards hand & Seall & witnefsed by John Tallcott & John Allyn octob: 22: 1663. Recorded Feb: 2nd 1663.
- p. 39 Nath. Barden bought of Wm Edwards One pfill of Swamp lying on the Eaft Side of the greatt Riuer Contaifi by eftima three acres - no date
- p. 111, John Pratt bought of Wm, "One pfell of Land Lying in the North medow which he bought of William Edwardes Contaifi by Eftma Tenn Acres" no date
- p. 144 Wm. Kelsey bought "One Parfill Lying on the Eaft fide of the Grette Riuer partt of which he Bought of william Edwords Contaiñ by Eftima fiue acres (Secretaries record says "Spencer" and add pt he received of the town - no date
- p. 168 31 June 1669 Richard Case bought of Wm Edwards and wife Agnis, "all their diuifion of upland & waft land on the eaft Side the great Riuer, which containes about Ninety acres be it more or lefs,"
- p. 524 John "Coale" more one parcell of land lyeing on the eaft Side of the great Riuer which he bought of W" Edwards Containing by eftimation one acre & about Three roods, deed dated April 9, 1675
- signs as witness, 127, 157, 387, 523, 546, 563; witness to deed, 529, 557. (note none of these is dated 1680 or signed by wife.)
- But p. 563 William Edwards, witnessed a deed Daniel Clark to Richard Edwards, 28 March 1686.
- Hartford Town Votes Vol. 1 1635-1716, Series Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society Vol. VI, (Hartford: By the Society, 1897). https://archive.org/details/collectionsofcon06conn/page/n5/mode/2up
- 8 April 1645 "William Edwards marke is a slitt vnder both eares" p. 336
- Desembr 3d 1645 This wittneseth that I william : Edwads Acknowldge that I haue Reseved 30s of the Towne for all damages done by the way to the Millne & alsoe haue sould the Towne a highway to the milne through my home lott wth free Egrese : & Regrese in the most Convenent place Twoe Rodd wyde Wittnes my hand. "Wittnies Richard Lord./ Willyam Edwards p. 77
- 9 March 1648 The town owed William 9s.p. 88
- August last 1667. the towne did desire and impower John Cole Andrew, Benton & Wm: Edwards to Correct any Disorders that they shall discouere in the time of publique worshipp.p. 152
- Feb 166_ [66/7] William chosen as a chimney viewer. p. 154
The Wyllys Papers Correspondence and Documents Chiefly of Descendants of Gov. George Wyllys of Connecticut, 1590—1796, Series Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society Vol. XXI, (Hartford: By the Society, 1924), p. 196 9 March 1669/70 William was enumerated in Hartford. He had 3 [bushel?] of wheat, no indian corn, and 3 persons living in his household.
Records of the Particular Court of Connecticut 1639-1663, Series Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society Vol. XXII (Hartford, By the Society, 1928), pp. 26, 29, 30, 35, 56, 59, 60, 67, 69, 70, 85, 89, 90, 91, loi, 102, 113, 115, 122, 123, 136, 160, 163, 164, 167, 170, 174, 179, 180, 184, 185, 186, 187, 192, 193, 19s, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 223, 224, 226, 228, 231, 233, 234, 236, 238, 239, 271.
- Summary - William was a frequent participant in the Particular Court of Connecticut. He was sued and sued others for debts and damages and defamation. He also sometimes acted as attorney for other people. https://archive.org/details/collectionsofcon22conn/page/n5/mode/2up?q=Edwards
- Particular court re settlement of Spenser estate pp. 85, 86
- p. 136 13 Nov 1654 "Item that Will Edwards & Will Williams Cooper hath sould Casck unmarked Contrary to Law
- p. 174 5 March 1656, The names of those the Constables presented for smoaking in the street contra to law. ... Will: Edwards
- 236 14 June 1661, fined for drunkeness at Mr. Wells' funeral
Hartford Land Records. General Index of the Land Records of the Town of Hartford From the Year 1639 to 1839. Volumes 1 and 61, inclusive. Compiled by town clerks, (Hartford: Press of Wiley, Waterman & Eaton, 1873), Film # 007833613 Grantor Index "William Edwards" p. 203 FS image 107 of 682, in dist. 112, 35, 144, 383, 322, 479, 383, 518, 175, 564, Book 1:84; Grantor Index "Annis Spencer" p. 552, FS image 287 of 682 dist. 179; Grantee Index "William Edwards" p. 175, FS image 456 of 682, dist. 383 (1640, 1665); nothing for Agnes p. 482, FS image 610 of 682
Lechford, Thomas. Note-Book Kept by Thomas Lechford, Esq., Lawyer, in Boston, Massachusetts Bay (J. Wilson and Son, University Press, Cambridge, 1885) Page 184. "Willm Edwards bound in 5ł to said Mr John Stone1 of Hertford one servant within 12. moneth dat' 16.7.1639. coram Nath. Micklethwaite & Meipse. [1s.]." Footnote 1 : "John Stone ... William Edwards was freeman at Hartford in 1658, although he had been there since 1639."
Abstracted Primary Sources
Manwaring, Charles William. A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records.Volume 1. Hartford District 1635-1700. Hartford, Conn., R.S. Peck & Co., Printers, 1904.)
- William, 37, 50, 51, 77, 104, 109, 145, 194, 292.
- pp 36, 37 William Spencer acknowledges Agnes Spenser widow now wife of William Edwards. he witnessed
- p. 50 William Edwards cooper discharged a debt owed to him
- p. 77 land alloted
- p. 104, John Case h/o Sarah (Spencer ) Case called Wm his father, gave him power of attorney to collect a debt from Robert Lord. 1656
- p. 109 will of James Cole 1652. He left Wm 1/2 of his tools
- p. 145 John Pratt will 1655. " I give unto my son John that peece of Meaddow I bought of William Edwards, with the Appurtenances, "
- p. 194 (vol. III) "Edwards, William. Court Record, Page Tj — 7 May, 1668 : William Edwards, in behalf of his wife, Agnis, Plaintiff ; Contra Nath : Bearding, Dfnt., in an Action of the Case for Illegall possession of Land belonging to the sd. Edwards, lying on the east side of the Great River, for a Surrender of the sd. Land.
- p. 129 — 6 March, 1672-3 : Richard Edwards, as Atty. to his Mother Agnis Edwards, plft. ; contra Daniel Arnold, in an Action of Debt due upon balance of Accot, with Damage to the value of £6"
- p. 292 Will of Mrs Ann Cole v. 4, p.33 Cole, Ann, Mrs., Hartford. Died 20 February, 1679-80. Invt. £103-04-06. Taken by Nicholas Olmsted, John Gilbert, Caleb Standly.
- Court Record, Page 23 — ^4 March, 1679-80: Invt. Exhibited. By the Testimony of Mr. Samuel Willys, Mr. Jonathan Gilbert & Wm Edwards, Mrs. Ann Cole desired that her son William Edwards & his wife should have the use of her House and Land during life, then to Return to her grandson Richard Edwards and to his heirs forever. Adms. to Richard Edwards. Approved. https://archive.org/details/digestofearlycon00manw/page/292/mode/2up?q=Edwards
Summaries of Journal Articles
- NEHGR (1904) 58:202-203 Watkins, Walter Kendall, "English Ancestry of Rev. Jonathan Edwards." New England Historical and Genealogical Register, (NYGBS, 1904) Vol 58, p. 202, 203; digital image American ancestors; information: by family tradition William Edwardes to NE in childhood by his mother, Ann, and James Cole. This tradition supported by: (a) William Edwards m. Agnes, widow of William Spencer of Hartford 11 Dec 1647, (b) Aspinwall's Notarial Record, regarding Agnes w/o William Edwards appointing a power of Attorney to collect an inheritance from the executors of Julian, late wife of Henry Mumter of Buttals Algate London., and (c) Julian's will dated 8 Jan 1646 mentions grandson William Edwards son of Richard Edward, deceased; grandaughter Abigail Cole d/o James Cole; daughter Anne Cole and others.
- NYGBR (1931) Vol 62:2:116-120 Banks, Charles Edwards, "The Edwards Family of Connecticut, A Contribution to the Search for it English Origin." The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, (NYGBS, April 1931), 62:2:116-120; Information: "emigrant ancestor of this family was brought over here when a minor (serving as an apprentice to a cooper), by his master who had become his father-in-law (step-father)." The tradition that he was the son of a clergyman was unsupported by evidence in the printed genealogy (1903)." Talks about [[Cole-1650|James Cole's] letters in England. Locates record for "William Edwards, son of Richard Edwards, minister, and Anne his wife, baptized Sunday, November 1, 1618." This confirms the 1903 tradition. Contains information on the Cole's and Richard's families. Henry Munter will dated 8 Sept and probated 23 Oct 1638 : "I give and bequeath unto my now wives daughter Anne Cole, the wife of James Cole Cooper the some of thirtie shillings sterling.” He also gave bequests to Timothy and Abigail Cole, as well as to “William Edwards sonne of the said Anne Cole by her former husband Richard Edwards.”
- TAG 10: 83, 84 (1933) Jacobus, Donald Lines, "William Edwards of Hartford, Connecticut" The American Genealogist, kkkk(1933), pp. 83, 84, This suggests a possilble ancestry for Rev. Richard Edwards the father of William Edwards.
- NYGBR (1939) 70: 2: 104-110 Smith, Captain Elezur Yale, "The English Ancestry of Jonathan Edwards," The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, (NYGBS, April, 1939) Vol. 70, issue 2, pp. 104-110; Information: sets out to show the errors in the previous articles (NEHGR 58:202-203 & NYGBR Vol 62:2:116-120) (a) a correction to NEHGR 58 - Julian Munter was actually Juliana Munter (b) discussing the article by Banks he says that Banks did not look far enough. A lot of this is about Richard Edwards. Mentions the record In the parish register of St. Dunstan’s, Stepney, for the month of December, 1625, "James Cole, of the parish of White Chappel, Cooper, and Anne Edwards of Ratcliffe, widow, married by licence out of the office of the ffaculties, the 6th day." The article recaps a lot of what Banks said before. Continues on the subject of the relationship between James Cole and Nehemiah Wallington (brothers-in-law), ie. Cole m. Wallington's sister. The wives of James Cole were (1) Frances Munter, (2) Damaris Seabrook, (3) Anne Wallington. Author recaps the James Cole letters (see his profile) and the will of Anne Cole who died 20 Feb 1679/80. She owned a house and lot adjoining the “meeting house yard” now called State House Square, #8 on the map). Acknowledged that William was not a child when he arrived ""Knowing that when William arrived in New England in 1639 he had just reached his majority"
- NYGBR LXX pp. 269, 331 (1939) (refered to in the next article.) Issue. 3, p. 269, Randolph, Howard S. F., "A Reply to "The English Ancestry of Jonathan Edwards," refutes the Elizur Yale Smith article and believes Banks to be correct. and Issue 4 p. 331 Smith, Elizur Yale, "Erratum on "the English Ancestry of Jonathan Edwards." This is of little consequence.
- NYGBR (1940) 71: 3: 217-21. Smith, Elizur Yale. The Descendants of William Edwards Colonist to Connecticut Colony, 1639, (NYGBS, July 1940), pp. 217-221; Infomation: EY Smith, the author wrote 15 volumes on this family. This is a digested version. "WILLIAM1 EDWARDS, son of the Rev. Richard Edwards, bap. Parish of St. Botolph, Aldgate, London, Middlesex, England, Nov. I, 1618; died Hartford, Connecticut Colony, c. 1680; married Hartford, Dec. I I, 1645, Agnes (Tucker?) [widow of William Spencer], born in England, probably Devonshire, date unknown; died Hartford, c. 1672.2" (cites NYGBR 104, 269, 331) Child: Richard Edwards b. 1 May 1647. Freeman 1658.(cites p. 315 Col. Recs. of Conn.) 11 Mar 1658 on the list of John Mason's troopers. (cites p. 315 Col. Recs. of Conn.) Most of what is mentioned in this article concerning the life of Edwards is easily found and accessible in the court and town records
- TAG 40: 72 (1964) An ahnentafel : William Edwards, bpt etc. cites NYGBR 71:218, 221, Hale House etc. 527-529 and Agnes Tucker, widow of Wm Spencer . Evidence for her ancestry printed in 1939 in the Hartford Times reply to Query 4750 compiled by Roderick Bissel Jones of Winsted, Conn.
- TAG 42: 65-76 (1966) - McCracken, George E., "Tucker_Wyatt_Allyn_Pratt The Wife of William Spencer and William Edwards" The American Genealogist, (1966) pp 65-76; https://www.americanancestors.org/DB283/i/11871/65/23578074 Looks 1st at Wm Spencer's will, which mention Matthew Allyn and John Pratt. McCraken is unable to cind conclusive evidence of their relationshiop to Spencer. 2nd is tradition that Mrs. Agnes Edwards had two brothers in England one Mayor of Exeter, the other Mayor of Barnstable. Possibly James Tucker (Exeter) & Walter Tucker (Barnstable). After extensive looking at documents, James and Walter were not brothers.
- TAG 63:41 (1988) starts p. 33 Richardson, Douglas, "The English Origin of Agnes Harris, of Hartford, Conn., Wife of William1 Spencer and William1 Edwards. Lists marriage date 11 Dec. 1645 and last known to be alive 1680. Cites Jacobus & Waterman, Hale, House and Related Families (1952) pp. 527-29. Shows the evidence that Agnes was d/o Bartholomew and Elizabeth (Collamore) Harris
- CM 27:32 (1994) Spencer, Jack T. and Edith W. Spencer, "William Spencer, an Early Leader in New England and his wife Agnes Harris ancestress of the Edwards Family of Connecticut, The Connecticut Nutmeggar, 1994, pp. 32- Starts with a review of William Spencer and his brothers. Discusses the arrival of Agnes Harris, without conclusion. Mentions the notable descendants of William and Agnes Edwards. Discusses the James Cole family, their lack of "American" records before Hartford. This article mentions the sale of land by William Edwards in 1684.
Love, William De Loss, The Colonial History of Hartford, (Hartford, Conn.: The author, 1914) pp. 142 footnote, 184, 248, 287. Index: Edwards, William, 142 footnote, 184, 248 rhetorical ?, 287.
- p. 142 footnote: "In 1684 William Edwards, who had married widow Agnes Spencer, conveyed this tract to Thomas Lord (Land Rec, 1: 84).
- p. 184 "Matthew Allyn decided in1639 to build a new mill. He was planning a bridge to get there and the town "voted to "make afence Leading To ye mill through mrs spencers grownd & giue hir satisfacone for ye ground," evidently for a roadway. She was the widow of William Spencer and lived just across the riveret west of the mill, where the Sigourney mansion is. This plan was carried out. In 1645 [3 December], her second husband, William Edwards, acknowledged the receipt of "damages done by the way to the Millne" through his home-lot." See HTV 40, 77
- p. 287 In 1679, Henry Green of Farmington, a murderer, died at the jail, and William Edwards was paid two shillings for his burial.
Family Histories
- Edwards, William H. Timothy and Rhoda Ogden Edwards of Stockbridge, Mass., and Their Descendants: A Genealogy (Cincinnati: The R. Clarke company, 1903)
- Huntington, Elijah B., A Genealogical Memoir of the Lo-Lathrop Family (E.H. Lathrop, 1884) Page 50, BENJAMIN (#44). Benjamin Lothrop bpt. 1660 m. Abigail, d/o Richard and Elizabeth (Tuthill) Edwards of Hartford. Richard was only child of William Edwards, pioneer of Hartford and his wife Agnes Spenser.
Searching for marriage date record.
Not in Hartford vitals, the Barbour Collection, Bailey's early church marriages, CT church records index doesn't have hartford. 1st church records images at Family search don't start until 1684, 2nd church records start 1669
- Anderson, Robert Charles, Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to N.E. 1620-1633, Vols. I-III, p. 1724, "William Spencer"; https://www.americanancestors.org/DB393/i/12107/1724/1415520447 ""Agnes Harris ... She married (2) Hartford 11 December 1645 William Edwards. Cites TAG 63:33-45
- TAG 63: 33-45 says to see Hale House etc pp 527-529
- Hale House etc. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=wu.89066151523;view=1up;seq=548 p. 527 lists marriage date does not specify a source. his sources don't mention the date.
- TAG 63: 33-45 says to see Hale House etc pp 527-529
- From: Torrey NE Marriages: https://www.americanancestors.org/DB1568/i/21174/502/426884713 p. 502.
- EDWARDS, William (1618-) & Agnes (HARRIS) SPENCER, w WilIiam, 1645, by 11 Dec 1645; Hartford/Windsor, CT
- All of the following listed by Torrey were searched for the marriage date.
- NYGBR 71:218;
- Warner-Harrington borrow 686 incorrect information, pub. 1949, re: marriage of Agnes Wyatt; ***Moore Anc. 171 borrow, pub 1938 (2nd husband Agnes Spenser m. 11 Dec 1647;
- Keeler-Wood 225, pub. 1939 no date listed no maiden name;
- Tuttle [347 Richard s/o, 606 brief bio;
- Hartford Prob. 1:87, 104, 109, 195;
- [https://archive.org/details/sim_american-genealogist_1948-04_24_2/page/110/mode/2up TAG 24:110; "Genealogical Items from the Medical Journal of John Winthrop" : "SPENCER. p. 118. _______ Spencer, son of William Edwards wife, 19 years old. July, 1658."
- Brainerd Anc. 275 re: Spencer ;
- [https://archive.org/details/abstractofprobat00slsn/page/n15/mode/2up?q=Edwards Fairfield Probate 5, wrong Edwards;
- Bassett-Preston 268 m. c. 1645, Agnes d. after 1688; Cole (1887) 16;
- Beckwith Gen. 54. info not there;
- Talcott 37 Richard s/o William;
- Windsor CT 2: 194 m. c. 1646, d. bef. 1672;
- Lathrop 50 no dates, no maiden name;
- Dwight 1035 m. c. 1645:
- Goodwin: Gen. Notes 48 no marriage date, Wm. d. bef 1672;
- [https://www.familysearch.org/library/books/viewer/259908/ Smith-Hale 512 image 445, no marriage date, no death;
- R. W. Cooke Chart (prob. not online),
- Hale (1952) 527, 779.
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