13 Jun 1771
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: garrigues Mitchell
Whereas William Garrigues of the City of Philadelphia in the Province of Pennsylvania House Carpenter, Son of Saumel and Mary Garrigues of the same Place and Mary Mitchell Daughter of Abraham and Sarah Mitchell of Philad'a Afores. Having Declared their Intentions of Marriage with each other Before Several Monthly Meetings of the People Called Quakers at Philad'a Afores. according to the good order used amongst them and haveing Consent of parents their said Proposals were allowed of by the said meeting. Now These are to Certify Whome it may Concern that for the full accomplishing their said Intetions this Thirteeth Day of the Sixth Month in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy One. They the said William Garrigues and Mary Mitchell Apeared in a Publick Meeting of the said People at Philad'a Afores. and the said William Garrigus taking the said Mary Mitchell by the Hand did in a Solemn Manner openly Declare that he took her the said Mary Mitchell to be his Wife, Promising through the Lord's Assistance to be unto her a Loving and Faithful Husband until Death Should Seperate them and then and there in the same assembly the said Mary Mitchell did in like manner Declare that she took him the said William Garrigues to be her Husband Promising through the Lord's assistance to be until him a Living and Faithfull Wife Until Death Should Seperate them and moreover the the said William Garrigues and Mary Mitchell (she acording to the Custom of Marriage assuming the name of her Husband as a further Confirmation thereof did then and there to these Pressent set their hands who we whose names are here under also Subscribed being present at the Solemnization of the said Marriage and Subscription have as witnesses thereuntil set our Hands the Day and Year above Written.
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: garrigues Mitchell
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- Samuel Garrigues
- Mary Garrigues
- Abr'a Mitchell
- Sarah Mitchell
- Anne Mitchell
- Deborah Mitchell
- Sarah Parrish
- Ann Garrigues P.ord'r
- Hannah Mitchell
- Mary Garrigues Jun'r
- S'l Garrigues Junior
- Edward Garrigues
- Sus'a Garrigues
- Benjamin Garrigues
- Henrey Robinson
- Isaac Parrish
- Mary Stretch
- Mary Hill
- Anne Parrish
- Jacob Garrigues
- Mary Emlen pord'r
- Sarah Morris
- Eliz'a Stevens
- Esther White
- Grace Fisher
- Anabella Elliot
- Hannah Saunders
- Mary Hooton
- Sarah Hooton
- Susannah Hooton
- Hannah Allen by ord.r
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- Sarah Eve
- Phebe Chandeler pord'r
- Sus'a Hartshorne
- Patience Marshall
- Benj'a Hooton
- Charles Marshall
- Jere'ah Warder
- Sam'l Emlen Jun'r
- Rob't Roberts
- Hugh Roberts Jun'r
- Samuel Davis
- Sarah Saunders pord'r
- Hannah Moore
- John Reynall
- Paul Kripner
- Joshua Emlen
- Samuel Sanson
- John Pemberton
- David Bacon
- Joseph Saunders
- John Hunt
- John Hollowell
- W'm Norton
- Robert Parrish
- John Drinker
- John Burden
- Benedict Dorsey
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