Location: Union Co., Kentucky, United States

Surname/tag: Givens
I William Givens of Hopkins County Kentucky do hereby make this my last Will and Testament, in manner and form following. I will and devise to my son George Givens, the one half the part of land, in Hopkins County on which I have lived for many years, the whole tract containing Four hundred Acres, more or less and his half thereof to include the house and farm—this devise is made in sales portion of the two contracts, entered into by me & my said son, and of record in Hopkins County Court Clerks Office.
I will and devise to my Daughter Sally Givens, one hundred Acres of of said tract of land to be laid off the whole length of the. line and to adjoin Cader Braces line. And I also will to my said Daughter Sally Givens a negro boy named Sampson, and a negro girl named Clarissa, and a negro Girl named Ann. Also two good feather beds & furniture, also my table and Cupboard furniture. Also one hundred dollars in cash to be paid to her so soon as it can be raised out of my estate—Also a Bureau formerly called Jacks Bureau, also a large walnut chest and a trunk.
I will and devise to my son Thomas R. Givens, my negro boy named Bob. Also one good feather Bed and furniture.
It is my will and desire that my negro man Ralph shall be free from the time of my death, also soon thereafter, as the term for which he may at that time be hired out shall expire and it is further my will that in case he shall from age an [sic] infirmity become unable to support himself, that his support shall be a charge, upon and paid by my estate.
It is my will and desire that my negro woman Harriet shall be free from the time of my death, and I will to her my Loom, and all its tacklin, my flax wheel, Big Wheel, and ten gallon Kettle, on oven, one skillet and one side saddle now at my house and I also will and to the said Harriet and to her heirs, two Acres of land upon which she lives, to be laid off so as not to interfere with the devise to George Givens and Sally Givens—but to include the house in which Harriet now resides.
It is my will and desire that the negroes Sampson, Clarissa, and Ann willed to my daughter Sally Givens shall serve my said daughter during her natural life, and at her death they shall be absolutely free, provided Sampson shall then be twenty five years old, Clarissa and Ann twenty one, and provided my said daughter shall die without legal heir of her body—but if shall have such legal Heir or Heirs, it is my will that said negroes shall belong to such heir, or heirs—But if the said Sally Givens shall die, without such heir, and Sampson shall not then be twenty five years old he is to belong to her estate, until he shall be twenty five—and in case that said Clarissa and Ann shall not have arrived at twenty one, at the time of the death of the said Sally, they, or the one under twenty one years of age shall belong to, and serve their mother Harriet till they shall respectively arrive at twenty one years of age, and then be absolutely free.
It is my will, and desire, that any child, or children the said Harriet may have before my death, and any child she may now have younger than boy Bob, shall belong to & serve my estate until twenty one, and then be free—the boy Ivory is to belong to my estate, unless I dispose of him before my death.
It is my will and desire that all the residue of my personal property not devised, be divided, among all my children by my Executors, as by the ones that shall qualify, and the money arising therefrom be equally divided among all my heirs at law. I do hereby constitute and appoint my sons Elijah L. Givens and George Givens, Executors of this my last will and Testament—Hereby revoking all former wills by me made.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 18th day of August 1846. Wm Givens
Witness Sam Casey, Thomas S. Waller
At a county court holden for Union County at the Court House in Morganfield on the 17th day of May 1847. This Last Will and Testament of William Givens Deceased was produced and proven in open court by the oaths of Samuel Casey and Thomas S. Waller, the subscribing witnesses thereto, and was by the Court ordered to be recorded which was done accordingly. Att. James R. Hughes Clerk Union County Court.
1846 William Givens Will. Kentucky, Union County, Probate Court, Wills, Vol. D, p. 49-50, 18 August 1846, digital image 29-30 of 462, FamilySearch.org ([1]: accessed 11 November 2023)
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