Location: Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan

Surname/tag: Mayes
William James Mayes Probate
Transcription of probate document copies related to William James Mayes by John Mayes. Documents not in original order.
William James Mayes Probate.jpeg
Subscribed our names as witnesses. S of William Krause Hospital Sergt H M's 81st Regiment S of R. Greenfield, Private H M's 81st Regiment Declaration of Medical Officer I declare that I was present at the Execution of this Will, and that William Mayes the Testator was at the time in a fit state of mind to Execute the same. S of G Auchinleck Surgn M. D. of the 81st Regiment of Foot /True Copy/ H N Burne Colonel Secy to the Govt of India
Sealkote, 29 the October 1873 I certify that I am prepared to pay in full all preferential charges against the Estate of my late husband Apothecary William Mayes 5th R. I. Lancers, I being fully aware that there are no debts against the Estate of more than a trifling amount. S of M. E. Mayes, Widow of the late Apothecary W Mayes /True Copy/ H N Burne Colonel Secy to the Govt of India
William James Mayes Probate(1).jpeg
belonging to the Estate of the deceased, she having agreed to pay in full all preferential charges. President: S of J M McNair Bt Major 5th Lancers Members: S of E V Montieth 5th Lancers S of A Masters 5th Lancers S of Dunham Massy Lt Col Comdg 5th Lancers
No. | Articles |
2 | Couches |
2 | Easy Chairs |
3 | [ditto] small |
4 | Teatrays |
1 | Round Table |
1 | Dining [ditto] |
1 | Card [ditto] |
1 | Square [ditto] |
1 | Writing Desk |
1 | Book Case |
No. | Sundry Ornaments |
5 | Dining Chairs |
1 | American Clock |
1 | Wall Lamp |
2 | Table [ditto] |
2 | Chiffoniers |
6 | Pictures and Frames |
6 | Small Glass Tumblers |
4 | Large [ditto] |
2 | Earthenware Jugs |
4 | Sleeping Cots |
1 | Toilet Glass |
1 | Looking Glass |
1 | Set Drawers |
2 | Camel Trunks |
4 | Wall Racks |
William James Mayes Probate(2).jpeg
No. | Articles |
2 | Couches |
1 | Candlestick |
6 | Sheets |
2 | Easy Chairs |
2 | Stools Children |
3 | Dhurries [woven carpet floor-coverings] |
6 | Cotton Drawers |
1 | Table Childs |
1 | Horse |
6 | [ditto] Banians [loose flannel undergarment] |
1 | Stove Cooking |
1 | Ghurry [Water Clock] |
11 | White Shirts |
1 | Calender |
9 | Prs Cotton Socks |
5 | Door Chicks [wire insect/animal screen] |
2 | Window [ditto] |
1 | Pair Ankle Boots |
12 | Pocket Handkerchiefs |
2 | Multrapes [mandolin] |
1 | Cap Gold lace |
2 | Blankets |
1 | Felt hat |
1 | Quilt |
1 | Suit Clothes Dress |
1 | Suit Colored [ditto] |
2 | Pillows |
12 | Pillow Cases |
1 | Woolen Cord Trousers |
2 | Clothes Horses |
2 | Washing Basins |
1 | Bath Tub |
Sundry Crockery ware | |
1 | Kettle |
1 | Coffee roaster and hooks |
1 | Pr Bellows |
1 | Pr Tongs |
1 | Frying Pan |
4 | Degchies [serving utensils] of sizes |
1 | Lantern |
1 | Tea tray |
1 | Tobacco Cutter |
William James Mayes Probate(3).jpeg
Fort William Military Department Vol 6 p 105
Copy Proceedings of Court Account Sale of Effects Account Current Account of Surplus ? Statement of Payments to Servants List of debts and Statement Particulars respecting the ? Major Henry Macdonald of the Bengal Staff Corps
This is the last will of William Mayes Hospital Steward of the 81st Regiment of Foot. After payment of my justifiable Debts and Funeral expenses, I give to my wife Mary Ellen Mayes Present with the 81st Regiment absolutely for her sole and separate use her Receipt alone being a sufficient discharge the whole of my Estate and Effects and everything that I can by law give or dispose of'. In witness whereof I the said William Mayes Steward Her Majesty's 81st Regiment have hereunto set my hand this 21st day of April AD 1858. S of W Mayes Signed and acknowledged by the said Testator as his last Will in the presence of us present at the same time who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed.
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Sealkote 8th Decr of 73 To The officer commanding 5th Royal Lancers Sir, I have the honour to forward as directed in Secretary to the Government of India's letter E8 (No8E 3 Nov 73) An Inventory of the Estate of the late apothecary W Mayes of the Subordinate Medical Department and also the widows Receipt for the Estate. With your regard to the account per contra and continuing a detailed Statement of the assets and preferential charges called for in above quoted letter I have the honour to report that there are no assets and that no preferential charges have been preferred against the Estate, although an advertisement appeared in the 1st, 5th and 10th November issues of the Pioneer News paper calling on creditors to file for their claims before 1st December.
December 1873 I have ? S of J M McNair Bt Major 5th R I Lancers P C of Adjust
William James Mayes Probate(5).jpeg
Statement of Particulars respecting the late 1st Class Apothy. William Mayes, of the Sub Medical Depart
Christian and Surname at full length: William Mayes Rank: 1st Class Apothecary Corps: Sub. Medl Department Date of decease: 15th October 1873 Place of decease: Sealkote Intestate or Will left: Left a Will
Names at full length of widow and children if either left Widow: Mary Allen Children: 1 William John 2 Edward James 3 Ellen 4 |Joseph Charles 5 Frederick Henry 6 Elizabeth Julia 7 Christopher Arthur 8 Arthur Robert
Particulars reinspecting the next of Kin if Known
Names in full: Mary Ellen Mayes
Designation: Widow
Address: 5th Lancers Sealkote
Particulars respecting Executor or other party if any competent to represent the deceased Name in full: Widow Competent Designation: [ditto] Address:5th Lancers Sealkote
D/at Sealkote 29 Oct /73 President: J M McNair Bt Major 5th Lancers Members: E V Montieth 5th Lancers A Masters 5th Lancers
Sealkote 1st Decr/73 Received from the President of the Committee of Adjustment the Estate of my late husband Apothecary W. Mayes as per accompanying Inventory S of M. E. Mayes True Copies H N Burne Colonel Secy to the Govt of India
William James Mayes Probate(6).jpeg
Proceedings of a committee of adjustment assembled at Sealcote on 25th October 1873, by order of Lieutenant Colonel Dunham Massy, Comdg 5th R. I. Lancers for the purpose of adjusting the Estate of the late Apothecary William Mayes, 5th Lancers. President Brevet Major J. M. McNair 5th Lancers Members Lieutt E. V. Monteith 5th, Lancers. Lieutenant A. Masters 5th, do. Th Committee having assembled pursuant to order proceed to adjust the Estate of the deceased. The committee find that the late Apothecary William Mayes, 5th Lancers, left a will in which he made his widow M. E. Mayes Residuary Legatee.The committee having examined and satisfied itself of the authenticity of the said will, do in accordance with Para: 8 of the Regimental Debts Act hand over to his widow the said M. E. Mayes the whole of the property belonging.
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Fort William Duplicate
Military Department
Copy of Will, with widows Declaration to Act, Procedure of Committee, Inventory of Effects, Correspondence, Statement Particulars respecting the ?Apothecary W Mayes of Sub Medical Department and Widow's receipt. [1]
- ↑ Findmypast Digital Image search for William Mayes accessed 19 September, 2015. Copy of documents held in the archives of John Mayes. First name(s) William Last name Mayes Rank 1st Class Apothecary Regiment Sub Medical Department Service number - Death year 1873 Death date 15 Oct 1873 Age - Birth town - Birth county - Birth country - Death town Sealkote Death county - Death country - Archive reference L-AG-34-40-46 Item number - Catalogue description Military Estate Papers - Bengal 1849-1894 Record set British India Office wills & probate Record type Records Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records Subcategory Wills & probate Collections from Great Britain.
See also:
- Indian History Sourcebook: Sir Monier Monier-Williams: Camp Life in India, 1850. From: Eva March Tappan, ed., The World's Story: A History of the World in Story, Song and Art, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1914), Vol. II: India, Persia, Mesopotamia, and Palestine, pp. 224-233. History Department of Fordham University, New York.
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